Thursday, March 31, 2005

Baby Update - Day 5


I'm back in the land of the living, having lived in a bubble for the past week!!

This morning my community midwife, Shona, who I have been seeing all through the pregnancy came round to see us. I got all my "clips" out of my wound, even though I was only meant to get half out, apparently it's healed up so well, she just whipped them all out. Scared I pop open now!

Today we went on our first outing, nothing exciting, just to Mothercare and to James' work, but shhhhh, don't tell the midwife, she'd shout at me!

Kory is a great wee guy, so sweet, and most of the time is just a happy contented little thing. Last night we got 6 hours of sleep, and today he's slept most of the day and even sat awake in his chair for about an hour while we had dinner!

Will be interesting to see what tonight brings! But anyway, here's a couple more pics for the fans of our car outing today and of him in his chair being a good boy!



Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Hello World!

Hi Everyone

I've just managed to prize the laptop away from my mummy and daddy for a wee minute, just long enough to say hi to you all and thanks to everyone for their lovely comments on my daddy's posts over the last few days.

Today was a good day, I went on my first journey into the outside world and came to what mummy and daddy say is my home. It's pretty cool here, I even have my own room! Although they are making me share with them for a while until they don't panic every time they can't hear me!

Mummy is finding having me at home a bit strange, she was quite happy in her little bubble at the hospital. She's been crying loads since we came home - WOMEN! Is this what I'm going to have to deal with!??! I better be careful what I say, I have to rely on her for food just now!

I've put on a few photos of me being cute over the past day or so for all of you to have a look at...just say if you're bored looking at me!

Bye for now


Baby Update - Day 3

Morning Everyone.

I thought I'd add a bit extra to my entry today. So here's a little video I took of Kory snuggling up with his mummy (and hand) yesterday afternoon. You need Quicktime to run it so if you can't see anything above you can download it at Apple's website.

Well Julie and the baby are still in hospital :(. She was due to have her test yesterday morning but ten minutes before the scan the midwives asked her to extract 24 hours of milk. That amount in 10 minutes is nuts as it is but the reason they wanted her to do it was because the scan can let off a bit of radiation.

That's fine but when you can't take that much out the only solution is the baby goes on to formula. He's taken to breastfeeding so well we don't want to ruin it so she's refused the scan.

Instead she's getting an ultrasound on her leg which should hopefully be today (Wednesday).

Again, if everything is a-ok then we'll have them home tonight :)

Better go, I've got to be at the hospital in 30 minutes.



Monday, March 28, 2005

Baby Update - Day 2

Another busy day at the hospital today.

The morning started with me getting my first baby bath lessons with the midwifes. I have to say I was quite impressed with myself considering I couldn't even pick up a baby two days ago.

Our first family member visiting session kicked off at two o'clock. Kory met his Grandad Jim and Trisha for the first time followed at three o'clock by Gran Sheila, Auntie Laura and Tom. The hospital only allows three visitors per patient at a time so it was a bit of a juggling act.

Everyone fell in love with him straight away. I would say it was because of those 'give me a hug' eyes but they were bearly out for two minutes the whole time. Far too much sleeping to be had :)

We got some cracking pictures today and finally one of Julie, Kory and me together.

Overall the baby is doing great. He seems very happy with everything and only really cries when we change his nappies or he wants fed. Fingers crossed that carries on as he let Julie get five hours sleep last night.

Julie on the other hand has been getting a bit of discomfort in her chest. She's going to get some scans tomorrow to make sure there isn't anything like blood clots. If that comes back negative then she'll be allowed out tomorrow night, otherwise it's back to the bedroom for her. On a postive note her blood pressure is fine and the swelling is starting to really go down now.

Really starting to miss not having her at home now though so here's hoping that tomorrow brings us some more good news.

That's all for now.



Sunday, March 27, 2005

Baby Update - Day 1

Well here's a quick update on how today went.

The baby has spent the vast majority of the day sleeping, probably catching up on the lack of sleep he had last night and shaking off the drugs from the morning before.

Julie got about three hours of sleep. Less than she really needed but something she's unfortunately got to get used to (and me as of Tuesday (gulp!!!)).

Hannah and Jenni came to visit us in the afternoon. They just loved him. Kory also got introduced to his first girlfriend, Holly (Hannah's little 3 month daughter). You can see how they got on at Hannah, Ian and Holly's blog.

Kory slept the whole time they were there and typically, decided to wake up the moment Jenni left. The rest of the afternoon was spent with lots of crying, feeding and nappy changes :)

Our neighbour Jane popped in at night with a wee pressie for Kory and to say hello. She's also got a little 18 month daughter who we'll need to introduce to Kory at some point.

And that's been our day.

Tomorrow is family day. Kory meets his new Gran, Grandad and Auntie Laura.

Thanks everyone for all your comments, phone calls and text messages. They've all been nice to receive and read. Sorry I've not had time to reply to you all but hopefully once we both get a bit of free time (hehe) we'll send you all a reply.

In the meantime I'll try and put as much on the blog as possible :)



Saturday, March 26, 2005

Easter "Bunny" Arrives Early

Well here he is :)

Three days earlier than he should have been but at 06:50 this morning Julie gave birth to "Bunny".

Julie started getting a bit worried on Thursday that the baby wasn't kicking much. A quick scan on Friday showed that he was having a lot of irregular heart patterns. Julie was induced at 16:00 on Friday and the "fun" began.

Things didn't exactly go quite as we would have liked it to go though as both Julie and the baby started having problems around 05:00 this morning. This meant they had to perform an emergency c-section to get him out.

Everything went well though and both Mum and baby are doing fine.

We've named him Kory James. Kory after a small town on the island of Arran (nice balance of Scottish with the English surname) and James after his daddy :). He's weighing in at healthly 7lbs 9oz.

Who do you think he looks most like Julie or me?? :)

Julie is being kept in hospital for now but should hopefully be out by Tuesday. I'm just looking forward to getting them both home safely and starting to settle into a routine.

In the meantime I've got a whole night sleep to catch up on so I guess it's time to hit the sack.



Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A sad family loss

When we first setup the Buckingham Blog back in November the main reason was really to let everyone know our latest news.

With the news of the baby dominating the articles everything has, thankfully, been pretty positive. It's great that we can come online and tell you all our happy news. Unforunately, such in life, the happy has to come with the sad, so here is our first (and hopefully for a while our last) one.

Tonight our family dog Sandy passed away :(.

He'd started having fits on Monday morning and over the past 24 hours had very quickly deteriorated. It was apparently a brain tumour but thankfully everything was sudden and hopefully as painless as possible for him.

He was a energtic, loving, bouncy character who wouldn't hurt a fly and I believe he had a fantastic life. How many dogs can say that they went for a walk up Ben Nevis for the day and still want more? :) The big age of 14 is not bad going either.

This may be rather poetic of me to say but it's times like this that bring back what's important in life. Sandy passing away so close to the baby arriving really opens your eyes to this. I'm sure when Bunny does arrive he'll shine a great big light on the sadness we're all feeling just now.

Rest in peace Sandy-boy, we'll all deeply miss you. Enjoy those doggie heaven walks :)



Clock Block Screensaver

One of the guys at work has this really cool screensaver setup on his machine just now.

It's basically a clock but the way it's been made is really clever.

I've installed it at home now but I thought "what the hell" I'll stick a link to it on the blog so everyone can have a nosey :)

So here you go - Clock Block



Monday, March 21, 2005

Bump Update - Week 39

How low can the Bunny go!! He feels so low down he's gonna pop out. I know that is the general idea, but feels like he coming out the wrong bit!! I have to carry my tummy in my arms it's so heavy!!

Anyway, not a lot to tell, had midwife here on Saturday and she took blood from me to test for pre-eclampsia as I have all the signs on and off, although they don't all appear at the same time. My midwife has just left today and the blood came back clear, so no pre-eclampsia...yet! My blood pressure is up again though so she's coming back on wednesday and will take more blood then to see if things are changing. They're not worried and hopeful of labour naturally before they need to step in, as baby is "as low as he'll get before he falls out"

I feel very tired, slept on couch last night thanks to Mr Grumpy Dinosaur in the middle of the night. I gave up and got out of bed!! Goodness knows how James will cope with being wakened in the night by crying baby if he gets that stroppy with me wriggling! Time will tell!

Other than that, I guess nothing I wouldn't expect at 39 weeks pregnant, feel sick, sore, uncomfy, my back is agony, feet still swollen and seem to have permanent popping ears and pins and needles in all my limbs. Get out NOW baby!!

I've been trying all the old wives tales I can think of, only the driving on bumpy roads to try now, but I think he is just too comfy in there to be bothered to come out. Even though everything is ready, even his mobile in his cot (sooooo cute, plays how much is that doggy in the window!!) Just need this little munchkin out.



Saturday, March 19, 2005

Game of the Month - Globz

Not a game as such but a website full of them.

I've been visiting Globz for a couple of years now and think it's a great little site to pass 5 minutes during your lunch break.

A couple of favourites are -

The Dancer
Viral Pursuit
and if you can find someone else to play with give Trackwars a go :)



Saturday, March 12, 2005

Bump Update - Week 38

Not a lot to report this week I don't think. Two photos this week, as I realised I look crap in most of them, so took a normal pic first to have at least one of me pregnant but not side on!

We completed our "list of things to get for baby" today, with a visit to Babies r Us and got blankets and sheets for the cot. So will get them washed.

We also went to get a door frame bouncer (thanks to Kelly!) for the baby. It's really cool, it's Tigger!! For all who know me, you'll know I've been really restricted on the Pooh stuff so far, but couldn't resist this

It's still snowing on and off here, which is doing my head in. Hard enough to walk now, let alone in snow and with no laces in my shoes!!

My blood pressure is apparently lower than it was, but with some stupid student taking it and not even puffing it up properly, I'll reserve judgement on that! Just waiting for him to put in an appearance now! Hurry up baby, I'm bored and you are fully cooked now!



Julie's Poor Foot

Just thought I'd post you a photo we took of my foot earlier in the week. How swollen??? Poor foot, it can't even get in shoes now and the swelling goes up to my knee. Quite disgusting actually!

James says it looks like cabbage patch dolls feet, where there is stitched on toes!



Congratulations Charlotte

Julie and I would just like to pass on our congratulations to my cousin, Charlotte, on tying the knot to Stuart in sunny Oz today.

All the best in your new life together as Mr & Mrs Masson.

Update: Check out their wedding photo's here

James & Julie


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It's my birthday

It's my 27th birthday today :). Not one of the milestones in life but I still feel a lot older today. It must be the call of Fatherhood on the horizon which is doing it.

Julie bought me the Chronicles of Riddick and Pitch Black on DVD, I got money from my Mum & Dad, Sheila (my mother-in-law) & my nan. I also got some vouchers from Laura (my little sister-in-law).

The guys at work got me a card and this great cake. I'm not usually a big fan of chocolate cake but this one is really nice. I just need to make sure I get a couple of slices before Julie finishes it off :).

Thanks everyone for the pressies.

Julie bought us some yummy Domino's pizza for dinner and now I'm just going to chill out for the rest of the night in front of the box.



Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Cool gadget of the month - DVD "screensavers"

I just got these cool new DVD's through the post yesterday. They're basically screensavers for your DVD player but with a cool twist.

There are three different themes out just now but all you do is stick the DVD in your player and then sit back and watch as your television turns into your very own little fireplace, aquarium or bird cage.

I've bought us the fireplace and aquarium versions but see if you turn the lights down, put a bit of music on and turn the fire on it strangely feels like you've got one in your living room AND no mess to clean up afterward :) Bonus!!!!

Julie found them a little while back after a couple of her friends recommended them for babies. Apparently they're just hypnotised by the movement of these things and keeps them amused for hours. It must beat the traditional "putting them in-front of the washing machine" trick for the parents as well.

If you're interested I bought them over at Play for £6.99 each. Not a bad price really considering how much it costs to get a real fireplace/aquarium setup.



Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bump Update - Week 37

Into week 37, and a fully cooked baby!! Yippee!! Come out now Bunny!! I feel gigantic now, sitting hurts, standing hurts more and lying is so uncomfy I want to sit or stand!!

Had to call out a midwife to the house on Saturday, because on Friday my left foot totally ballooned to about 5 times it's size. I was worried. She came and took blood pressure which was up loads since the Wednesday when it was last checked. So apart from that all seems ok, so she is coming back tomorrow (monday) to check me again just to make sure it doesn't go above 90.

The midwife said as long as we get me past 37 weeks, if my blood pressure keeps on the up, they'd just induce me. So I'm not worried about anything! Might even have him early.

I have done nothing all weekend long, I'm not allowed!! James has been brilliant, doing all the housework and making me sit watching telly. Although, me being me, I find it so hard to do, and not interfere or just go and do things myself. Oh and I get bored too! Goodness knows what I am going to do all week home alone and not able to potter about.

Have dentist tomorrow (yes, again!) as my filling came out on Friday, so need that topped up again to last a week till I get the damn tooth out. Although at this rate I won't make it to that appointment anyway. How complicated!!



Friday, March 04, 2005

Finished work & Midwife Update!

Yippee!! I have finished work! Not sure what I am going to do with myself until bunny arrives right enough!! They decided to embarass me by giving me presents on Wednesday, a "bunny" teddy that is all touchy feely, and vouchers for Next, so might have to treat myself to something after baby is here and I might get into normal clothes!

The maternity issue was sorted out on Wednesday morning, or so I thought until today. They agreed to pay it in a lump sum which is fine, then I get a letter today telling me how much and it's bloomin' wrong!! How can one company screw up so much!

Anyway, midwife on wednesday went ok. Blood pressure is up again, and at the time I felt great and swelling was down. Now swelling is back and something is definately happening. I have had painful "contractions" for the past couple of days on and off. Started at 5pm yesterday and carried on at around 15 mins all through night, and now nothing, zippo, nada! GRR!!

Midwife did her usual prodding around and found this naughty baby is back-to-back, which means unless he turns, I'm in for an even more painful labour than a normal painful one!!
