Birthday Party!
Here are the birthday boy's photos! He had a lovely time at his party on Saturday, at Loirston Annexe, although don't think he had a clue what was going on. He sat and ate loads of yummy food and played.
Sunday was Mothers Day as well as Kory's birthday so we all went out for lunch to Brewsters. Kory had a nice time stuffing his face again and playing in the ball pool. I won't waffle on as there are loads of photos, quite possibly the longest post to date! Birthday Boy looking dazed and confused!
Kory wiping Dairylea through James' hair at lunch on Sunday, he was allowed as he was the Birthday Boy!
Kory and I having fun in the ball pool at Brewsters. Not sure who enjoyed it more
Here's the wee man with his Gran (my mum) and Tom
Kory with his Nanna (James' mum)
Kory with his Grandpa (my dad)
Kory with his Grandad (James' dad)
This is him with Jenni - she was my flatmate through uni and a good friend now
With Jasmine, his cousin
Here he's wearing an "I am 1" top he was given as a present
Blowing out his candle - with a little help from mummy and daddy
Hmmmm, ice cream
Wearing his 1st Birthday Bib
The Birthday Boy
"Can I fit this baguette in all at once?"
In the ball pool
This is my work of art, all the yummy food before everyone arrived!
This is us all out for lunch on Sunday
"Look what I got!"
Kory loved wripping the paper of his presents...well for about 2 minutes then got bored!
With his Daddy again
Reading Jasmine's book
With Alice at his party
All the children who came to Kory's party
Kory and Jasmine with my dad and Tricia
After all the fun was over, Kory was starving, so Jasmine gave him his dinner!
Phew, what a lot of photos! But I couldn't choose so had to put them all on!
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