Sunday Bump!
Well as some of you are used to getting pics by email every Sunday, I decided to just put them here!
Today has been a bit of a funny day. I woke up with a headache, and then had a "funny turn" in the shower. I somehow managed to pull a muscle in my back when washing my hair. It made me feel funny and I went dizzy and almost fainted. I managed to shout james by which time I was on my knees thinking I was going to be sick. He got me to bed and I was fine after about 10 minutes, but was pretty freaked out by the whole thing. My back is now killing me!
After lunch and I was ok, we went to Toys R Us to have a look at the bedding "in the flesh" only to find our store don't stock it. I was so excited - was even going to buy the border and go choose paint to match. Now I need to order online and hope I like it when it gets here!!
We then went to mothercare to confirm we do like the cot we'd seen online which we do! And then off to B&Q to get some colour cards anyway! I just want to get sorted NOW!!!
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