I've not been here for a while, as the wee monkey told you! Last week was good, on Tuesday we went to visit Jackie that I used to work with and her baby boy Craig. I did take the camera with me, but forgot to take any photos! Craig is just lovely, so diddy. It's amazing how fast Kory has grown up. I don't even remember him being that small and it was only 9 months ago!! This is him in his carseat waiting for James after work.
On Wednesday we didn't do much at all - the weather was rubbish and James went to work with the buggy in the car so we just stayed in all day. I don't have the inclination to go out walks as much now, Kory's sleeping in the daytime is better and less often, and generally he's easier to manage now. These photo's were us messing about - he looks like he's so fed up having his photo taken, it's giving him a headache!
Thursday was my birthday, I'm now 27, gosh that sounds old! I had a nice day, but it was no different from any other day. In fact it was just me and Kory all day, everyone else was busy. When James came home we put Kory to bed and got Indian takeaway, yum!! Thanks to those who read this that got me pressies, much appreciated.
On Friday morning Kory and I went to Art Group, which was fun. Kory was walking around with a walker and he did some hand prints with paint, which was incredibly messy! Kory wasn't particularly interested either, just wanted down to play! After art, we went to Hannah's house for lunch with Angela and Matthew too. Kory was desperate to move after Holly and Matthew, but just isn't quite there yet!!
He now moves round the furniture in record speed, and yesterday learnt to pull himself up from sitting to standing. Before now he was getting to his knees, losing confidence and falling down again! Don't think it'll be long before he either crawls or walks. In fact the other night he was standing by himself for a while, until he noticed no-one was holding him, panicked and fell over.
Yesterday, we took Kory to the swing park for the first time. It's something we've been meaning to do for ages, but at weekends we had something else on, or it was raining or snowing or blowing a gale! Anyway, Kory totally loved the swing, he was giggling and laughing.

I think we were the only parents in the play area who actually looked like we wanted to be there, the rest looked bored stiff...I'm sure we'll be them in a few years too, laughing at the "newbies" enjoying it!!!

We went for a nice walk around Hazlehead Park after that, but it wasn't great - walking through a prize rose garden when roses are out of season just isn't the same!!
When we got back to the car, Kory was, as usual, amazed with the boot of the car being open, which is a bit odd, he giggles at it!! So I plonked him in there and he was so excited. This is him looking at James to make sure he's watching him having fun!!

Today has been a housework day. I was defrosting my freezer at 8am! Then I went food shopping, on my own as it's cheaper and easier! The rest of the day was spent sorting out odd jobs, like James fixing the gate before it falls off!
That's all for another exciting Buckingham week!
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