Kory Update!
Well seeing as my Mummy and Daddy clearly aren't going to tell you all about me, I thought I had better steal the laptop and put on a post. I can't believe they haven't told you that I have 2 teeth and can bite...hard!
I can move around the floor on my bottom (I can get to the TV and DVD player, which is just the best toy), I can get from sitting up on to my tummy, but then I don't know what to do next! I can pretend to be a red indian when Daddy puts his hand over my mouth, and I wave hello and bye bye. I say Daddy and juice, but only Mummy knows when it's juice!
Daddy went back to work (boo!) on Wednesday last week, so it was just me and Mummy again. We went to the cinema to see the penguins film for something to do and then had lunch. Then Mummy took me to see the man who looks at tooths. First he looked at hers, then at mine and he said they were nice. And he said I was a very clever boy brushing them every night. Then we went to Auntie Laura's flat because she wasn't very well.
On Thursday Mummy and I went to Baby Group in the afternoon with James and his mummy. We think all the other babies have silly mummies becuase they all forgot to come back! But it was ok, it meant me and James got all the toys for ourselves!
So this is me in the car, I love this. I was driving around the room, only I had to reverse, the grears were broken and I couldn't get it to move forwards!!! I thought at first I just didn't know how to fix cars, but James couldn't either and his daddy is a car fixer.After playing, me and James sat like good boys so our mummies could talk for a while. We were swapping our "Tinker Tips" - things we do to our mummies and daddies to get attention and make them mad. But I can't tell you on here as my Mummy and Daddy will see it!!
On Friday I was bored stiff. Mummy never took me outside all day because it was very windy and rainy all day. So we sang some songs and read some books, did some housework and had some sleeps!! Then Daddy came in and the fun began for the weekend, going on his shoulders and racing around the house is just the best!
We went out with Auntie Laura on Saturday to look at furniture - boring! Then she stayed with me while Mummy and Daddy went out for Mexican food. I think it was for Mummy's birthday, but that isn't until Thursday so I'm confused. But I was a good boy.
Isn't this picture just embarassing?? This is my "silky" that I play with, but Mummy always wanted a wee baby girl and she tied it round my head, how rude!! Look at my wee fat legs too, I really need to get walking to tone them up!
On Sunday we took down our tree to make space for my new toys. The room looks empty now, just as well it's my birthday soon!! Mummy then went out to some shops - she bought me this new hat to go with my brown jacket. I look silly, but it was nice and cosy.
Today we went round to Holly's house for a while and had our lunch there. Every toy I picked up, Holly wanted to steal from me. But after a while I had enough and stole them back! Maybe she didn't notice I am not a baby any more! I'm a big boy now and Daddy says I have to fight back. In the afternoon we went to one of our groups then got Daddy from work and came home.
That's all from me for now.
Hello Kory!
Thank you for the latest entry. You certainly are the best Blogger in your family - and a 2 toothed, bum shuffler already as well! Soon you'll be charging around everywhere. When you do, try some of the tricks that you're Dad used to get up to. Wait until his and Mum's back are turned - even better if they leave you alone for a few seconds - and see just how far you can get before they realise. It's a lot of fun!
You can also get one back on your Dad for me. When he's not looking trying poking in the cones of his stereo speakers but you have to make sure that he never sees you doing it - OK?
It was lovely to see you - so grown up since the summer - at Christmas. You let us play with your new toys,too! Please thank your Mum and Dad for looking after us. We had a really nice "family" Xmas. Now we're looking forward to coming to your birthday party in March.
All our love.
Grandad & Nanna B
PS I loved the brown outfit, you look like a little lumberjack and very warm. Not sure about the blue ribbon though :O)
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