Summer's Coming!
The start of this week was really boring, but it got good as it went on. Last Sunday I watched Mummy paint the shed, then my Auntie Laura came over to see me, she stayed for her dinner and we all had a yummy salad. This photo was taken of me on Monday, do you like my trainers my gran got me for Easter? They are Reebok ones, I think I am so cool!
On Tuesday Mummy forgot to take me to toddlers group, I was trying to tell her all morning but she wouldn't listen! In the afternoon Reja and Erin came over to see us. On Wednesday, we got all ready to go for a walk and then Mummy couldn't find house keys, so we couldn't go out! I had to get out of my buggy and take my jacket off again and I was so upset. But Murray came over to play instead, so I felt a bit better.On Thursday, as usual we went to our group. There was only me and Liam and Erin there. Erin was chasing me lots and she even was trying to kiss me and pull down my trousers. That made me cry, I don't want the girls to see me naked already! That night Mummy went to the hospital to see Holly's new baby sister, Natalie (this is the photo she took to show me) so Daddy put me to bed and tried to trick me with some pretend milk, from a cow. Why would I want milk from a cow, yuck!
On Friday Mummy wasn't feeling very well, but she still took me swimming and then went to Brewsters to meet up with Sarah and Coinneach. We had our lunch then got to run about in the play area for ages and ages. I bumped my head on a chair though and got a huge bruise, ouch.
I am now very good at walking, much better than what you all thought was shuffling in the video of me - that's only because my trousers are too long and if I don't shuffle I trip over them! This weekend, we moved to our new house - I think it's called B&Q or something like that. We have been there all weekend, but keep going back to our house to put stones in the front garden!! It's now all white stones and the fences have been painted too.
Today we played in the garden in the morning and then Holly came to play in the afternoon, yay! Someone who is interested in making mischief like me, and because she's taller than me, she could help me reach things Mummy thinks are out of the way. We had good fun in my ball pool and in the house pulling ALL my toys out.
This is us playing in my ball pool in the garden.
Once we could do no more damage in my house, Mummy and Daddy took us to the park, here we are on the slide together. When Holly went home, I was too tired after my weekend outside to get up to any more mischief, so I am off to bed to sleep till morning...honest!
Wow Kory it looks like you had lots of fun with Holly yesterday, thank you to you all for having her over to play, she had a great time.
Love Hannah XX
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