Friday, October 12, 2007


You should be redirected to our new blog in the next few seconds.

If it doesn't then you can now find us at

Hope to see you there!

The Buckingham Family
(James, Julie, Kory and Krystal)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Secret's Out!

472 posts later, we're leaving Blogger to head to a new home. I'm a bit sad to leave here, but I've hated it for the most part. Hopefully our new blog that James has built will reduce some swearing of an evening!!

See you soon on the New Buckingham Blog




Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Top Secret Project

Can you keep a secret?

I can :-)



Next Directory Anyone?

Right, so this is a bit cheeky, but if you don't ask you don't get! I've got the Next directory and recently got a thing in it to recommend a friend, so I recommended mum. I discovered when she spends £50, I get £20 credit on my account an she gets £15, which is fab. So tonight I was discussing with my friend Ann and she wanted one, so I said I'd recommend her too. I realised my second friend also gets £15 credit to her account when she spends £50, but that I get £30 to mine, so a total of £50!! That's great, thanks Mum and Ann!!

However, on closer inspection, I notice there is a 3rd (and final) form for a 3rd friend. When this 3rd friend spends £50, they too get £15, but I would get £50 further credited to my account. That's a lot of clothes for my little munchkins - so if any of my friends or family who read this don't have a directory, and would like one, AND would be likely to buy Xmas presents from there anyway as the £50 has to be spent before the end December to qualify, let me know and I'll recommend you.

Please? Anyone?



Down and Out

I've got flu, have had since Sunday and feel rubbish. That's why there has been no blogs - James had to take Monday off work to look after the kids and he worked from home yesterday to ease breakfast, lunch and dinner times for me. Normal blogging activity will resume when I (or the kids!!) have something to say.



Saturday, September 29, 2007

I Hear Thunder



Night Out, Night In

I got out last night!! Well it was more of a night in really - Trish from the Thursday Group had a girlie night at her house. There was lots of food and drink. I decided to drive though as both kids were choked with the cold and Krystal is teething, so it might all have gone wrong! As it happens, James didn't hear a squeak from either of them all night!

This photo was taken of me before I went out and it's confirmed for me that I don't like my hair straight. I have given it a try for 3 weeks now, and it annoys me so much I end up putting it up all the time. I end up putting my hands through it all the time, tucking it behind my ears and when I go outside it just goes fluffy in the wind and the rain.

Yesterday during the day we went to Brewsters to meet up with Ann and Emilie to play for a couple of hours. And today has been a bit of a day of nothingness! James put up a cabinet in the bathroom which has sat in the living room for weeks. We went to the new B&Q and Asda too, very exciting life eh?!

Krystal is really coming on now, the sitting is perfected and the eating...well to watch her you would not know she ever did anything other than eat 3 meals a day, with puddings. And I don't just mean little tasters, she's eating a lot of food!! Just like Kory.


Thursday, September 27, 2007


This has made me laugh when I saw it on TV, so thought I'd pop it on here too.



Rubbish Week

Had a really crap/hard week, think Krystal is getting her first tooth and both of them are getting a cold. I'm knackered from Krystal being up at night and this "feeding 2 kids and myself" thing isn't all it's cracked up to be! We've just been doing all our usual stuff, groups, attempting shopping and failing miserably! So here are a couple of Krystal pics, none of Kory as he's being a right grump!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Eating & Alphabet

Krystal munching a breadstick and Mr Show off!


P.S. Sorry for the edit halfway through, didn't think anyone needed to feel sick while I swooshed the camera over to Kory!


Monday, September 24, 2007

New Menu!

I'm just loving my new menu. Before it was milk for breakfast, lunch, dinner and every snack in between, now I am having all sorts of yummy things! Yesterday was carrots then banana for lunch. The carrots were VERY messy, but great fun.

For dinner I had potato and brocolli which was really nice, Daddy kept saying I was going to "impale myself on the spoon" whatever that means. I got some really delicious peaches after that. I feel very lucky.

For lunch today I had some sweet potato and cauliflower, then some pears again. But it was at dinner time everyone else looked shocked at how much I ate - even Kory which is saying something as he eats LOADS. I had peas and carrots, then half a banana and I still wanted more, so Mummy made me some porridge with pear flavour. Then I was full up.

I was listening at the clinic last week, the health lady says if I don't put on weight I need to go to the big hospital place where I went before for my hips. I don't want to go there again, so need to make sure I eat lots.



My New Bedroom

Today was great fun...Mummy and Daddy helped me to do up my room into a big boy bedroom. I've had a big bed for a while now, but still used my sleeping bag. But now it's nearly winter again I need something called a quilt.

The cover for it has a cheeky monkey on it and I got a light the same. I also got new curtains, they have stars on them and they make my bedroom nice and dark. There is a bedcover that matches the curtains too that will go on when my monkey one is in the washing machine getting all nice and clean.

I wanted Krystal to come under my new covers for a snuggle with me, I think she liked my new covers too. I couldn't wait to go to bed tonight, I even gave up my computer time with Daddy to go to my new bed!

Oh and we also put up my Tweenies posters on my wall. I got them at the Tweenies show a few weeks ago. I feel really grown up with posters. Do you like them?



Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pear Day 2

It doesn't seem like 2 years since I last did a post called Pear Day, but it is, almost exactly in fact. Against my better judgement (I wanted to wait till 6 months), today we gave Krystal her first food which was mashed up pear. It had to be really as that's what Kory got first!

But before we could do this, we had some seat juggling to do. Instead of buying a new seat for Krystal we decided it was cheaper to buy one without a tray for Kory and then she could have his old one. As he was so pleased with his new one, Kory was happy to give Krystal his other one.

Last night she sat in it for the first time with a spoon and some toys to practise for today! As she's now sitting herself it's easier, but she does sometimes flop a bit and the seat is slippy so I propped her up with a rolled up towel!

So back to today, James and Kory spent the morning in the garden tidying up the toys and weeds for winter before it gets too cold to do anything. Krystal and I chilled in the house, we had a nap together, cleaned the big bathroom, did washing, and I made some more food for her. I'm a bit unprepared as I thought I had 3 more weeks to get sorted!

After the kids got up from their naps, it was pear time! Kory was delighted at the idea of Krystal getting food - though now it's going to be harder to stop him giving her stuff. Up till now it's been easy to say she only gets milk. Krystal was fascinated by her bib as she's never had one on before.

She screwed her face up as we expected when it went in, but then couldn't get my hand back with more fast enough! She ate rather a lot actually, more than I expected her to!

Nice Face!!

Even Kory got in on the act. We noticed that he does something that we used to take the mickey out of each other for when we were feeding him as a baby. Next time you feed a baby, notice how you open your mouth when you want them to open theirs!! Honestly, everyone does it without knowing, even Kory!

I had wanted to do what's known as Baby Led Weaning with Krystal - where you let the baby set the pace and give them foods they can feed themselves with, if they can get it in and eat it, they are ready for it basically.

But as I need to get food into Krystal a bit faster than that, I've plumped for a half and half approach. Some mashed foods and also let her experiment with it. Here she is playing with some pear. She had great fun chasing it about the tray and taking bites of it then spitting them out!

This evening, James took Krystal for a nap while Kory and I made dinner (Krystal had some potato) and some chocolate crispie cakes. YUMMY! Then as we were getting the kids ready for bed, I noticed the sun was setting making the coulds really pink and lovely. Goodnight!



Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Daddy sneezing is SO funny!!




Today we had school in the morning (I say we, Kory did while Krystal and I went for a coffee/play) then in the afternoon went to Leanne's house to play. Leanne had done her back in so we've not seen her in ages, so it was nice to catch up. As you can see, Krystal loves her new found skill and thinks it's really funny!

Krystal had a great time on the swing, laughing and giggling away.

Kory has been a right poser today in his new shirt his Grandpa & Tricia got him from their holiday. He woke up asking to wear his shirt so he did!

Butter wouldn't melt huh?!

This is Krystal in the Groove Station thingy which she's really liking now and starting to interact with herself...

...When she isn't being head butted by Kory!

Quite how they can tell me this wee podger is underweight is amazing!!

Here is a video of Krystal sitting today too.



Tuesday, September 18, 2007

5 Months & Sitting

Krystal is 5 months old today and strangely woke up this morning able to sit. She didn't really show this off till the afternoon as we were busy. However there are 3 things that make her fall over:

1. The TV is wall mounted, so if she looks up at it, she crashes over!
2. The camera flash by a proud mummy makes her crash!
3. Her very proud big brother diving at her to cuddle her for being clever means a crash too!

I had her weighed this morning again - and she's still not gaining weight, in fact she's dropping lower and lower on the charts they use. So we've discussed it and decided to give her some food this weekend. It's earlier than we want to, but have to think of her health first and clearly she hates me feeding her and always has.




Here are some photos from the last few days that have no story to go with them! Apart from the first one - Jenni, it's specially for you to see how the jumper looks on!



Sunday, September 16, 2007

Singing Children

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Don't think this one has a name!!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Week in photos

This week has been pretty boring in the daytime, we've not done much. On Monday we had Laura & Maria round with their kids Lydia & Esther, Daniel & Josh, so with my pair there were 6 kids. Chaos! On Tuesday Kory had school in the morning and in the afternoon I took both kids to Berryden to go to Mothercare, return a jacket to Next and go to the "big toy shop" to let Kory look round. Then we collected James from work.

On Wednesday, again Kory had school and then we colected James and ate out. Today was busy as usual for a Thursday, breastfeeding group in the morning and baby group in the afternoon with a sleep squished in the middle! So as that's all we've done I'll just pop on the miscellaneous photos below:

Pretty Girl

Stripey Boy (only a fiver this jumper - bargain!!)

My sweet baby

Tickle Tickle

Krystal looking like a victorian boy!

Awww Cutie

"Sit up Krystal!"

So proud of his farm he built

Kory with Lydia

A self-taken photo!



Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Washing Fairy

This video was taken today. Kory had been playing with one of the tubs I keep in the kitchen for putting washing in once it's washed to take to garden or tumble drier. I had told him to stop kicking it, because it was to put the wet washing in...then the phone rang and I went to answer it. While speaking to James I peeked into the kitchen to see what he was up to and found him unloading the clean washing from the machine into the tub for me. He had to almost climb into the machine to get the underwear out. I didn't manage to start filming until I was off the phone, but he refused to come for lunch until he'd finished his job. He then spent the whole of lunch telling me he was a good helper and he did a good job!! Nothing like self appreciation!



Meal Out

This afternoon we went to pick up Daddy from his work and then went down the beach to Fandango's for dinner. It was the first time we have been out in the evening to eat since Krystal came. It was fun. I got lots of different foods from the buffet, but Krystal was a bit of a whingebag in her buggy so Mummy and Daddy had to hold her. But next time we eat out Daddy says Krystal can have some food and sit in a highchair just like me.

After I had eaten my food, I got some ice cream and some jelly - my favourite! But this is where it got embarassing...Mummy and Daddy weren't happy with the food, so asked for the manager. He came over to our table and chatted for ages. I was mortified that they did this. It worked though as we only had to pay half the money that we should have, so it means more for my bank.

The man who worked the till got me 2 balloons while we waited and waited. Daddy's bank card was declined though he's not sure why. I could feel my face going all red by now...I just wanted to get out of the place! The man helped me tie my 2 balloons to my jeans in the hope I'd float upwards when I got outside. He also put one on Krystal's buggy to help her escape our embarassing parents too!

Maybe next meal out will be more successful...



Hey Baby!

Yesterday I got my first doll. She has a hat, a dummy that sticks in her mouth, a juice cup that she can hold and a toy giraffe she can hold too. I really like her, she's almost the same size as me!

She has eyes that open and shut too - I don't understand what makes it happen though so keep trying to poke them open again when they are closed.

Kory likes my dolly too, he changes her nappy, gives her juice and gives her dummy to her. But what Mummy found funniest was when he said she was hungry and needed some milk. He lifted up his macho Thomas pyjamas to reveal his boobies and gave her some milk!

Then he got one of my sick towels, put it on his shoulder and patted baby's back to see if there was any burps. There was. Then he wiped her mouth of sick and said she was all done now! Kory is very very funny!
