Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Day with Thomas

Today was the best day since the Tweenies!! We got up early and had breakfast and then went a drive to a place called Brechin about 45 minutes away from our house. When we got there we went into a station and guess what??!! The Fat Controller was there!

Once we paid him some money, we went right into the station and there was Percy and Thomas and Diesel and Oliver and Cranky Crane and Henrietta and all the Troublesome Trucks!! It was so good. I didn't know where to look first.

I got to go inside Percy and make his whistle make the Choo Choo noise. I was a bit scared of that though, it was very loud! After we had seen all the other trains, we went to the little tiny shop that was FULL of Thomas things. Mummy said she's never seen so many Thomas toys before!

After I bought a Thomas cutlery set and 2 new books, we actually went inside Thomas. I was very excited. We sat at a little table. And then....Thomas said Choo Choo and we started to move. We went backwards for ages and I saw lots of cows and farms out the window.

When we stopped, Mummy and me got out for a little walk at the station and then got back on Thomas and this time we went forwards. We went back to Brechin Station. I really enjoyed seeing Thomas and his friends, and it was a really hot sweaty day which made it lots better.

Daddy & Krystal

Us on Percy

Oliver the Steamroller




jenni said...

Thomas never had that many friends when I was wee! When did it all get so complicated?!!