It's been a few days since either of us posted, so here's the weekly baby bump picture first of all. I'm now 27 weeks, so hopefully on the downhill slope!
James and I had a nice white Christmas here in Aberdeen, it started snowing on Christmas Eve and snowed most of Christmas Day then thankfully (don't fancy falling again!) just melted on boxing day. We had a pretty quiet Christmas day - just the 2 of us in the house, but it was nice all the same, who knows when (if??) we'll ever be able to do that again!
On Boxing Day, my mum and her boyfriend came up to visit. We got more pressies, and lots of baby things! We went into town shopping yesterday, which is getting more and more exhausting for me, and annoying for others when I can't go much faster than a snail! (Those of you coming to visit over the next month, please note, shopping is NOT on the agenda!!)
Last night mum took us out for a meal. We went to our favourite restaurant so that I could get my corriander "fix". It's an Indian in Aberdeen called Shahbaaz. Afterwards we went to get ice-cream from Baskin Robbins, yummy!
Not done a lot today, got up and took mum to visit Hannah and Holly who is now 6 days old! She's soooo cute. Now mum and Tom have just headed off down the road. Next........
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