Bump Update - Week 24
Thought I better put this on before all you people get annoyed!! I was asked a few times today why there was no bump pic on a Sunday!! How impatient!! It's not a great pic, it was taken after one of my many crying fits, so ignore the face!!
That's me 24 weeks tomorrow, only 16 to go....or so folk keep telling me. 16 weeks seems like an eternity. Can't wait till he comes out coz then I won't be pregnant any more and I can return to being Julie and not this evil cow!! I think being pregnant suits some folk, but I certainly am not one of them!
As you can see, we have a new location for bump pics - in the baby's room! Seems appropriate!
He is now kicking like mad 24 hours a day and driving me nuts, I couldn't get close to my desk at work today because every time I did, he'd bash into it and hurt me!!
That's all folks!
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