Monday, February 28, 2005

Bump Update - Week 36

What can I tell you this week? Physically I feel great - well ok, maybe that is an exageration, but better than I have in a while. I had the cold from hell last week and obviously couldn't take anything for it (anyone notice someone just keeps dumping on me from a great height??!!) but I have managed to fob it off and onto James now, so I feel better!! I have some pregnancy aches and pains, but nothing I wouldn't expect at this stage. Waddling like a duck and can't go far, but apart from that, seem ok. Even my feet look more normal!

The only real thing getting to me now is my work. In the year I have been there, I haven't got stressed about anything really, and they go and choose an 8 month pregnant moment to p*** me around. I can't be doing with it and I won't stand back and let them. James and I saw citizens advice people today and now know exactly where I stand, so they had better not try and screw me over! If anything you'd think they'd be being especially careful with a pregnancy situation as it can so easily go wrong, but nope! So that is getting to me now, very anxious about the whole thing and really could do without it.

This weekend Jenni came up for the day on Saturday and went to Pizza Hut for lunch. It was lovely to see her (again at our house, we really must go to hers!) and she brought a lovely box of goodies with her, a bib, socks, vests, bunny photo frame, along with lots of essentials like wipes, cotton wool, disposable knickers, breast pads and baby rash cream and nasal drops for when he gets a cold! Oooh and the cutest little baby nail clippers!! It was a really fab and thoughtful present.

She had also gone into Ikea on her way up and picked up a chair I had my eyes on for the baby room. James built it up and it looks great and is well comfy for those nightime feeds. Jenni - if you read this, thanks a million for both things! Think I've waffled enough now, until next week.....



Friday, February 25, 2005

The Pram Arrived!!


We have a pram and carseat and pushchair for Bunny. Thanks Mum!!

After 8 weeks waiting and eventually a chat with the managing director of the company I ordered from (Two Left Feet) who had seen posts online of me moaning about bad customer service they had given me, the pram has arrived! The wait was kind of worth it, because I love it!

For those of you not in "the know" it's a Jane Matrix Powertrack 360 in Titanium! It's basically like a transformer, a carseat that turns into a pram!

The top picture is of the carseat, lying flat with hood and cover clipped on making it a pram. The picture on the right is the carseat on the wheels lying flat. It can be used in the car like this, meaning baby isn't all scrunched up for long periods of time.

The pic on the left is of the carseat sitting upright for when he is bigger and the below is just the same but with the cover on. We forgot to take a photo of the pushchair before we pulled it apart!

They say that Dysons are hoovers for men, well this is definatly the Dyson of the pram world! James has spent the evening playing with the suspension, front/rear braking system!! Reading through the manual, you'd think it was a car!

Not quite sure where it's going to live yet, but it's a nice "feature" in the living room for now.

On another note, midwife appointment went ok this week, blood pressure is up again, my feet grow by the day but on the whole it's all ok. Nothing too unexpected for 4 weeks to go, ARGH! I still have this stinky awful cold, can't smell or taste anything and it's driving me nuts!



Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Mango & Chicken

Here's a strangely-yummy recipe which one of the guys at work managed to get from the restaurant we went to for our Xmas party. It makes loads of sauce, probably enough for 3 or 4 chicken breasts, so do the top part for EACH chicken breast but only do one lot of sauce, or you'll be eating mango sauce forever! I've put below what the recipe says, but I only used 1 leek and it was more than enough, but I'll let you decide!


1 chicken breast
1 streaky bacon rasher
2 slices fresh mango
4 x leaves fresh basil

- Stuff chicken with bacon , mango and basil

- Butter a piece of tinfoil season the chicken with pepper and roll in the tinfoil.

- Cook in 180 degree oven for 15 minutes (or until chicken cooked)

Sauce - 250 ml. good chicken stock
250 ml double cream
2 leeks chopped finely
1 fresh mango sliced
cook the leeks and the mango in stock and cream for 15 minutes (do not boil) then blitz in a processor.

It's a really strange combination of ingredients which actually works quite well. God knows who thought of this one though.

If you give it a shot let us know what you think.



Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Bump Update - Week 35

If it weren't for all the non pregnancy things wrong with me, I think for the first time I feel ok! However, I have thrush (from the antibiotics I had for last weeks toothache!) which is driving me nuts, I have a bloomin' cold now, my filling is verging on coming out now, the heartburn is still kind of lingering and my work are stressing me out about maternity pay - if you don't know already, it's too long a story for here! Oh and the pram company are messing me about too, so I have cancelled my order with them and found another company.

Pregnancy-wise, I'm knackered, my blood pressure is high and being checked again tomorrow, have protein in my urine, and am swollen up. In fact I can't get most of my shoes on now, my feet are so huge! Sleeping is a nightmare, I have one leg that twitches, ARGH!

Other than all this, I feel great - know that sounds odd, but I actually do. I think I'm just getting used to all this stuff at once. Thankfully only 3 days left at work, yippee! I just can't wait till bunny is out and I no longer solve one illness to cause another 2. And then I won't be pregnant any more, woohoo! Had an ante-natal class today on breastfeeding....was quite interesting.

That's all my moans for this week folks, tune in next week for another installment!! I'll maybe put an update on after midwife this week.



Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Bump Update - Week 34

It's not been a good fact it's been the week from hell! I had a filling come out last Wednesday after dinner, which hurt, so I went to dentist to get him to top it up on Thursday. On Friday is was very sensitive and a bit wobbly but I thought I could cope with it till Bunny arrives. I spent half the weekend crying and the other half popping paracetamol, and on Sunday night I was in the most pain I have ever been in.

Went back to dentist yesterday and he gave me injections, much to his dislike and drilled in and cleaned out the inside and put in a temp filling to last 3 weeks. Unfortunately, it was rather more temporary than that and it came out last night! So I was back today and now have a yummy (not!) clove filling in it. Hopefully it'll stay put and not cause me pain till I have this baby. If it hurts now, I've to get the tooth out.....

So anyway, not done a whole lot else, just work and dentist, oh and I squeezed in an Anne Summers party on Saturday night!



Sunday, February 13, 2005

Buckingham Blog Version 1.1

I've added some new features to our Blog this weekend. Here's a quick run down on what's what:

Fun & Games - I've added an extra section under the "Previous Posts" called Fun & Games. We've mentioned a few online games on here in the past but to make them a bit easier to find in the future I've put them all together in one complete list. That way you don't need to trawl the archives to find them ;)

Your Thoughts - One of the major problems of the blog just now is that you can't pop on to say "Hello" and tell us how you're doing. I've added a section called "Your Thoughts" under Fun & Games.

You can tell us any news instead of it being all about us or tell us what you'd like us to post. To use it simply put in your name and a little message and it will be added to site. You can still comment on each post as before.

Email article to a friend - You'll now find at the bottom of each article a little white icon. This allows you to send that particular article to an email address. Don't know how useful this is but I thought I'd add it anyway :)



Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Bump Update - Week 33

Here we have Sunday's picture. We have been having internet problems and I've been very tired so not got round to doing this until now.

Not a lot to report, we had our visit to the labour ward last Tueday night, thankfully no noises to be heard, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Still not planning on hanging around any longer than is medically necessary! Saw my midwife on Wednesday, who decided I was showing signs of pre-eclampsia due to protein showing up and me going up like a balloon. However I saw her again today and all seems to have settled down again, which is great news.

I have changed my maternity leave dates, I now finish work one week earlier than I was planning to, but due to work politics, I've had to move the date my actual maternity leave starts on by 2 weeks. I now finish on 2nd March, only 8.5 working days, yippee!! I'm even doing a handover tomorrow just in case I vanish early!

Had my 3rd ante-natal class today, which was girls only, and apart from getting to know them a bit, it was a waste of time, all just common sense really!



Sunday, February 06, 2005

Another addictive game

Games seems to be quite popular on here so we've found another one to get your teeth into.

It's called Gold Strike and can be found at: We've both been playing it for a couple of weeks now and it's VERY addictive (would you expect anything else from us :) ).

Julie's managed to get to Level 9 and I've got to Level 7 once or twice. We've not been watching the scores but let us know how you get on and we'll see if we can beat it ;)



Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Midwife Update!

Just thought I'd post here as I know everyone reads this instead of emailing loads of different times!

As you know I have been off work this week with "tummy problems" Well I am going back on Monday, which is the good news (??), but doc still wants to keep an eye on me in 2 weeks time as it's really running me down.

Had a routine midwife appointment today...and I am showing signs of pre-eclampsia and have to see her on Tuesday and again the following Wednesday just to keep an eye on things!

But on the plus side, we have a clever Bunny, he's managed to ask for directions (very un-male like!) and got himself round the right way. Now so long as he stays put, we'll be fine!!

Baby's heartbeat is good as well, 156bpm.

That's all folks ;o)


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Baby Update - Week 32

Here's this weeks pic. Sorry it's late for those who noticed! Not been well, still am not. I've been signed off work for this week to try and get myself some rest so that I (in docs words) "don't end up like a wrung out shammy" by the end. Not eating and not sleeping obviously isn't good at the best of times but not good for baby. This all stems from stomach problems that I have. Have to see doc again today and see what he says.

Tonight we have antenatal class number 2 which is at the hospital for a look round the labour ward and to find out about pain relief. If it's anything like last weeks class it'll be a real eye opener!

Had James' mum up for the weekend just passed - she brought loads of clothes for baby, mostly from Monsoon, yummy! We didn't do very much, went a wonder round the Winter Gardens and a drive out Deeside then to Stonehaven. She headed back home on Sunday afternoon, then we went to Mothercare and that was our weekend!
