Bump Update - Week 34
It's not been a good week...in fact it's been the week from hell! I had a filling come out last Wednesday after dinner, which hurt, so I went to dentist to get him to top it up on Thursday. On Friday is was very sensitive and a bit wobbly but I thought I could cope with it till Bunny arrives. I spent half the weekend crying and the other half popping paracetamol, and on Sunday night I was in the most pain I have ever been in.
Went back to dentist yesterday and he gave me injections, much to his dislike and drilled in and cleaned out the inside and put in a temp filling to last 3 weeks. Unfortunately, it was rather more temporary than that and it came out last night! So I was back today and now have a yummy (not!) clove filling in it. Hopefully it'll stay put and not cause me pain till I have this baby. If it hurts now, I've to get the tooth out.....
So anyway, not done a whole lot else, just work and dentist, oh and I squeezed in an Anne Summers party on Saturday night!
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