Sunday, February 06, 2005

Another addictive game

Games seems to be quite popular on here so we've found another one to get your teeth into.

It's called Gold Strike and can be found at: We've both been playing it for a couple of weeks now and it's VERY addictive (would you expect anything else from us :) ).

Julie's managed to get to Level 9 and I've got to Level 7 once or twice. We've not been watching the scores but let us know how you get on and we'll see if we can beat it ;)



Anonymous said...

Cant get past level 7 yet with 44913 points, I had a constructive Monday morning at work!! NEIL_O

James said...

Ok so it took me three hours of constant play but finally Level 9 and a score of 57618 ;)

Anonymous said...

Level 6 but went for points, 67716.

James said...

Sorry guys you're going to have to try harder:

Level 7 - 179175