Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Final Visitor

Well as the title says we had our final visitor today. Neil, one of my oldest mates and our best man, came down from Inverness to see the little man for the first time.

Neil and Kory got on like a house on fire. I wasn't expecting Neil to be a very "baby" person, in fact both Julie and me were expecting him to refuse to even hold him. Instead they got on so well that I felt that we could have easily left them to it for the rest of the afternoon and gone out. He was even interested in watching how you changed a nappy!!!

You definatly caught us a bit off guard Neil :)

In the afternoon we went for a bit of lunch at one of our local pubs. Kory slept the whole time we were out but decided the moment we got home that it was time to play. So after an hours mess around on the play mat and a quick blast on the Xbox (Neil and me, not Kory. We're working on that one still!!) Neil headed home.

Kory looked like he was going to chill out at that point, have a bit of a cuddle with Daddy and then get ready for bed. How wrong we were!!!

The moment we started getting him ready Kory screamed the place down :(. In fact it took us till 20:30 tonight to calm him down and get him to sleep.

Saying that it wasn't as bad as the last couple of nights. Kory's thrush has almost gone now so the little happy-chappy is starting to make a come back.

The plan for tomorrow is to do our big monthly food shop. Should be interesting as it's likely to be the longest time that Julie has been out since the birth and we need to try and time it between Kory's feeds. Should be fun :)



Friday, April 29, 2005

Munchkin Man!

I just love this picture of my wee Munchkin Man. Yes I do call him that, as he was so small in hospital and now it's just stuck. Better than calling him Bunny and that sticking!!

Sorry there was no post yesterday, but we had a bit of a nightmare evening. My poor little baby screamed for 4 hours, real tears and eveything! James and I just didn't know what else to try. We thought he was just over tired as he'd been awake since 4pm.

However, we had Caroline (Health Visitor) in today and it turns out what I thought was nappy rash is actually thrush. He's got it from me being on antibiotics for my wound. So last night when he was crying and we were leaving him for short spells to let him fall asleep, he was actually in pain. I feel kind bad, but how were we to know. He has cream now, and already he seems a bit more contented and went down at 7pm.

Today we went on an adventure...well not really but it was our first real outing alone without James. We went to my work to say hello to folk there and then spent an hour in town just visiting a few shops, and getting the wee guy some t-shirts, and a pair of shorts & hat for his holiday! I am knackered from doing that, but it was fun anyway!

Yesterday we went to our baby group which Kory completely missed as he slept right through it, and I felt like a spare part with no baby! Tomorrow we have Neil (who was our best man) coming to meet Kory and the rest of the weekend to just spend time together as we've not had much of that yet.



Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Today we had a brilliant day. Kory slept when he was meant to, ate when he was meant to and as a result we had no screaming matches and tantrums in between!

We even had 2 lots of playtime, on his mat as this wee movie shows, and had time for nice cuddles when he was awake instead of cuddles to make him go to sleep!

James came home at lunchtime to see us which broke up the day seeing as the weather was too rubbish to go out.

Enjoy the movie!


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Kory Smiled on his 1 Month Birthday!!

It's Kory's one month birthday today!! Hope you've enjoyed your first month of life wee man!!

For the past 2-3 days I have been sure Kory has been smiling non-windy smiles, but had to get him to do it in response to something to be sure it wasn't a coinscidence!

Well this morning he was in a good mood (short lived I might add!) and I was chattering away to him and he was smiling loads. So I ran to get the camera and took heaps of pictures. None got the full smiles, but this one is close!



Monday, April 25, 2005

A Day of Firsts!


Just a short post tonight, I'm very sleepy as I was naughty this morning and wouldn't sleep at all. I just screamed for 4 hours and mummy got very frustrated with me! I think I just got past the tired stage and nothing else amused me!

This morning I had my first sleep in my big new cot. I wasn't really meant to, but mummy put me there and put on my mobile when I was upset and I cried myself to sleep. By the time she got the camera to take my photo and put it away, I was awake again. So a grand total of 5 minutes sleep!

This afternoon, we went round to visit Hannah and Holly. I fell asleep in my pram on the way there, then mummy left me to sleep in the garden. It was lovely to get some fresh air after 4 weeks inside! By the time we came home at 5pm, Daddy came home and I was in a really good mood by then and wanted to play!

So we got out my play mat for the first time and I had a lovely kick about on it and watched the animals swinging about. I was so happy and chilled out for my bath as well. They can't stay mad at me for long....I can tell. I'm too cute!



Sunday, April 24, 2005

Cute Kory Day!

I got a nice long lie this morning as James got up and took Kory downstairs until 9:30am. Oh how things change calling 9:30 a long lie!

Gran and Grandapa came back this morning briefly before they headed home. This afternoon, we went into town as I *had* to go to Marks & Spencers! I lasted about an hour and was totally knackered so we came home again.

The photos were taken when we got home and Kory was being very cute having a cuddle on the bed with me. When James got the camera out, he looked like he was trying to hide from it behind my arm which was so sweet! He changes so much every day, it's hard to keep up with him.

It's funny in town listening to people comment on how small and cute he is as we walk past them!

Not a lot else to report I'm afraid...just had a quiet Sunday! We're off round to see Hannah and Holly tomorrow (they live just round the corner), so I'll see how I get on walking with the pram. It's the simple things that seem the most daunting to do alone now. But it's time to stop living in a bubble as long as I don't hurt myself!



Saturday, April 23, 2005

Great Grandparents

Today my great grandparents (mummy's gran and grandpa) came to visit me with my Grandpa and Tricia. On the right is me with mummy, grandpa and great gran & grandpa. I got more cool clothes as presents, some fab shorts and t-shirts for my holiday in August!

I was asleep when they all arrived, but with all the camera's - that is daddy's phone, normal camera and camcorder, Grandpa's camcorder and digital one and Great Grandpa's camcorder and normal camera!! - it was like having the paparazzi in my living room!

It is my Grandpa's birthday today, but he asked me not to mention how old he is, it's between me and him and I promised not to tell anyone he's 53 today....oops....I must perfect this keeping secrets thing!

I was pretty well behaved most of the day. We went to Asda in the morning and to a place Daddy calls the hairdressers. He even promised to take me there when I get older.

Everywhere I go, people come over and stare at me and tell mummy I'm cute and "have such a nice colour" - don't they realise that colour caused me to have to see that horrible doctor and get bruises!

I'm getting really good now at holding my head up, I'm too nosey to lie down all the time! Anyway, I better go, daddy's getting huffy as I've been on his laptop too long!



Friday, April 22, 2005

DJ Kory!!

This photo was taken this morning, he had on his cool baggy trousers and hooded top for the first time and he just looked (well apart from the rabbits on it!) like a DJ, I just had to take a picture.

Caroline, our health visitor came today to weigh the wee guy - he's now 8lbs wee pudding!! I knew I carried these big storage tanks around for a reason!! They must be full of good stuff!!

The second picture was taken today when I was chattering away to Kory and said to him "hey good lookin'...." He's so funny sometimes, had me laughing when I saw the face he pulled!

James woke up in the night last night not well, so went off to the doctors today and was told he has tonsilitis and an ear infection. Wonderful!! At least I know now the recent snoring is short term!

This photo was Kory on his third outfit of the day being cute this afternoon before it came into grumpy time! He's only got a few outfits that are newborn size, but they all still need rolled up as they are huge!

Tomorrow Kory is going to meet his great grandparents, my dad and Tricia are coming up from Glasgow with them for the weekend so that they can meet him! Hope he behaves!! Will post pics tomorrow.



Thursday, April 21, 2005

Results & New Friends for Kory

First things first, seeing as I am sure there are a few of you checking here for Kory's hospital results. I spoke to the nice doctor tonight and the results have come back showing that yes Kory has jaundice, but it is not the kind where the liver is affected which is good news. They think it's breastfeeding related and as such have decided not to do anything else for the time being and just keep an eye on him.

I'm seeing our health visitor tomorrow so will discuss how often she'll see him etc. At the moment it's twice a week so I think that'll be enough.

Today we went on our first proper outing on our own. We went to the ante-natal class reunion. It was very strange seeing all the girls I last saw with big bumps, all with our babies! We all had a chat and a coffee, and we're going to meet up again next week. Hopefully the group will start to split down a bit and see some of them in smaller groups, it's really hard to chat when there are 9 of us with babies!!

So that was our day, I didnt take many photos today as we were busy. Just this one this morning during Kory's morning (only!) nap. He looked so relaxed and cute!



Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My Hospital Trips

Today has been traumatic, and I've been feeling very sorry for myself. I got up at 8am and was in a really good mood. I had some breakfast and got all dressed to go to the hospital. Daddy drove me and Mummy there and dropped us off. We saw a nice doctor called Ewan,who was the same one who checked me over when I was first born and he was nice and gentle with me. He asked me for a urine sample, and was very impressed when I pee'd on demand into his bag! He then checked my hands and took blood from my right hand and put on a wee plaster!!

Daddy then came back for us and took us home. I was very tired, but every time mummy put me in my basket to sleep, I woke up and just couldn't get myself back off.

At lunchtime the hospital called and asked mummy to take me back in to get more blood taken. Daddy couldn't get out of work again (he'd only just got in for the day!) so Holly's mum, Hannah, very kindly offered to take us there. This time it wasn't so straightforward. The first doctor didn't seem to know what he was doing, he left my foot bleeding, and went to get his senior guy who came and was poking and prodding me trying to find where to get blood out. He eventually got it out of my arm, so now I have lots of bruises. Poor me.

When we got home again, I just wanted to have hugs with my mummy, and to feed as I was so upset from being held down and blood taken. When daddy came in I was really pleased to see him, we played for a while, then I had my bath and put on my dressing gown again. But I just couldn't keep my eyes open, I'd been awake since 8am with the exception of 2 short naps in the car to hopsital, which is far too long for a wee guy like me!



Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Kory Took a Bottle!

Today was pretty dull, Kory was good, and slept loads, but then he was probably knackered from being up half the night last night wanting to play!

We had the health visitor, Caroline, here to assess Kory's jaundice. As I expected, we've to go up to the Children's Hospital tomorrow morning at 10am for blood tests. Will post about how we get on, but sure it's breastfeeding jaundice and they are just being careful.

Tonight we decided to give Kory a bottle of expressed milk so that he is able to take bottles. Like everything else we throw at him, he is completely unfazed and just took it from James as if he's always been doing it. I then fed him afterwards and he wasn't bothered at all! That's my boy!

Here's a photo of him getting his bottle and one of the look of satisfaction afterwards!



Monday, April 18, 2005

Star Wars & Girls!!

I've had a good day today, I got up about 8am and there was a parcel for me from Nana & Grandad. My very own exciting! Daddy opened it for me, as I can't quite co-ordinate my hands yet, and it was a wee knitted jacket and a brilliant fleecey blue dressing gown. It has ears on and a face on the hood, which satisfies mummy's obsession with making me look like an animal!

Mummy put it on me and Daddy started laughing saying I look like a Jawa from Star Wars. So have a look at the pics!!

We had a visit from our old midwife today to help mummy feel better, and once she was gone Hannah, Ian and Holly came round, as I hadn't met Ian before. As this photo shows, I'm really not very taken with the whole concept of girls - the first twice I met her, she kept hitting me, as her arms just flap about, and now, she has her arm round me, YUCK!!

She even tried to bite my head at one point, which you can see here on Holly's website.



Bump Update - After 3 Weeks

Where has it gone?? This will be the last "non-bump" photo I think, as it seems to have vanished. Weight is still falling off, although not as fast now all the water is gone! I'm not sure if this makes me look slim or my boobs look huge, probably a bit of both, they set each other off!

Kory is being good still, sleeping for ages at a time at night and is awake loads in the daytime, although still trying to suss out how long he last before he's tired, as he keeps getting past tired and really grumpy!

He's now holding his head up too, and looks so impressed with himself when he does it! He lasts about 30 seconds then flops over, which is funny, but he's getting stronger every day!



Sunday, April 17, 2005

Another Chillin' day at home

Bit of another quiet day today. To avoid the very large pile of ironing gathering in the corner, we decided to go out for a walk round the neighbourhood.

We think the last time we tried to take a bit of walk was the point that Julie's cut opened up. It was either getting some fresh air or going mad looking at the same four walls again so we decided to just take the risk :).

So off we went with little Kory in his new pram for only the second time since we bought it. Typically he slept the whole trip so probably wasn't even aware that we'd left the house. Guess that means it's doing a good job though because he's been a bit of nightmare to get to sleep recently.

He's now started to fight his tiredness and is getting really wound up about it as well. Thankfully it seems to be a day thing so it's a bit easier to cope with but it still means about an hours rocking and screaming before he finally goes off. The joys!!!! :)



Saturday, April 16, 2005

Just Chillin'

Today I have just been chilling out. Auntie Kelly, Uncle Pete and Jasmine were still here. Here's me with Uncle Pete...I managed not to be sick on him like I was with Auntie Kelly and I didn't even poo on him like I did 3 times when Jasmine held me, I'm so rude!

I had my bath at 6pm and then I was parked in my basket in mummy and daddy's room. I was gutted, I could hear them all downstairs having pizza....AND it was Dominoes ones!! Oh well, I guess I get to taste it tomorrow when it filters through!

I've been a good boy over the past few days, going to bed by 7pm and sleeping till 11pm when mummy rudely wakens me. I sleep until about 4am, do the same again and then that's me until the morning!

This last photo is me looking like a frog, not sure what I was doing, but thought I'd post one like this instead of it always being cute ones!



Friday, April 15, 2005

Kory Meets Jasmine!

Today the little monster woke up at 7am, and was a happy playful little chappy for over 3 hours when he decided to sleep for 2 hours till 12:30pm. He then would not sleep, at all...he was so tired and grumpy, but too bloomin' nosey to sleep! Obviously as soon as James came in at lunchtime and after work, he was silent. I'm sure he thinks I make all this up!

We had our health visitor Caroline round today..Kory was weighed and put on a whopping 10.5oz...what a piggy!! She had a look at my wound and it's healing nicely and she's coming back on Tuesday to check the jaundice Kory has. If it's still as yellow as he was today we're off up to the childrens hospital to get his blood checked as it's not changed at all since he was born. Nothing to worry about though, just being cautious as he's past 3 weeks and normally it's decreasing by 2 weeks.

Tonight James' sister, her Hubby Pete and daughter Jasmine arrived to visit for the weekend, so Kory met his cousin for the first time (that's them in the photo!) Jasmine was chuffed to bits to hold Kory, but it has to be said he didn't seem bothered!

We all had a nice meal, and they have headed back to their hotel for the night. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow (like we have a million options with me not able to go far or do much!) maybe just a lazy day and a take away or something at night. We'll see what the day brings.



Thursday, April 14, 2005

A Thoughtful Day

Today has been a quiet day as the picture shows, plenty time for reflection!! Me and mummy had a nice cuddle in bed this morning, I don't usually get allowed in there! In the afternoon, Sarah and Coinneach came round for lunch. It was very nice to see some outsiders...2 days in a row, I'm being spoilt!

I was a grump this afternoon, and as mummy only had 3 hours sleep last night, I think I was annoying her. So when Daddy came home from work I started to behave!! Mummy just said "Typical" whatever that means.

Tonight they gave me a foot massage, which I liked. Not sure about what they used to do it though, they covered my feet in blue stuff they called paint, and then pushed my wee feet onto a book with a page that read "My Footprints"

Tomorrow my cousin Jasmine is coming all the way from England by car to meet me, how exciting! Not sure what mischief we'll get up to over the weekend, but I'll let you know!



Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Baby Update - Days 17 & 18

Wow, I don't do a post for a day and get people complaining! So just for all our fans, here are a few photos of Kory over the past 2 days.

I like this one of him in a catalogue model pose, looking past the camera, being too cool to look at it!!

The carseat one was taken today, when we ventured on an expidition to Asda for a few bits and pieces and some fresh air as we hadn't been out since Friday.

I was shattered, it's amazing how tired you get doing nothing for 3 weeks! On the plus side, my wound is now healing up quite nicely, well what I can see of it. My movement is still pretty restricted, but each day gets easier.

Kory is being a wee star, only gets up once through the night and seems to have decided his grumpy time of day is around mid morning which is ok to deal with, rather than the middle of the night! This afternoon we had Hannah and Holly round to visit, and I forgot to take any pictures! But it was nice to have some contact with the outside world after so long.
The last picture was of Kory being cute and cuddly at bathtime all wrapped up in his towel. He really likes bathtimes, thankfully, so we give him one every night to try and work it into a routine, so far so good. I bet now I wrote that I'm up all bloomin' night!



Monday, April 11, 2005

Our First Day Alone!

Today James went back to work for the first time and Kory an I did just fine on our own! Not sure what I had expected, but it was ok. We had the health visitor round in the afternoon, and as usual Kory slept most of the day. He'd been a bit grizzly in the morning and was awake from 6:30am till almost 10am. Then slept almost all day till 4pm when he was in a great mood and stayed awake and played with his Daddy when he came home.

The above pics were taken during his morning snooze and when James was playing with him tonight. I had him in his chair in the kitchen earlier and walked in to find him doing the fingers up thing again! So it wasn't just a one off, naughty Kory! Not a lot else to report, almost feeding time for hungry horrace again, so I'm off to sort myself out to prepare!



Bump Update - After 2 Weeks

Just a quick update on the non bump...seeing as you have all watched it grow up, I will post it going down for just a few weeks. I'm now only just over a stone over my pre-pregnancy weight, which considering I put on 3.5-4 stone is good going 16 days after having him! I hope it keeps falling off as fast as it is so far!


Sunday, April 10, 2005

Baby Update - Day 15

Here's a wee photo that was taken today - I look like i have seen a ghost and look about 10 years old. Not sure why!

As Kory mentioned, we had James' mum and dad here this weekend to visit, although we didn't do much. In fact we all sat around doing nothing, waiting for Kory to wake, then when he did, wishing he'd be quiet!

I'm still feeling a bit fragile, with my wound having opened up again it's set me back about a week. It's actually sorer now than it was 3 days after the operation. I can barely do anything for myself excpet look after Kory. I'm still very emotional, although it gets better as the days go on. I'm just really glad we got a good baby who sleeps at night (well sleeps a lot more than some!) as I think if I had to deal with sleep deprivation too I'd go nuts!

Anyway, off for some sleep before the munchkin wakens wanting fed.


Baby Update - Day 14

Hi Folks

I've had a busy weekend, I met my Nana & Grandad for the first time. They came all the way from London to see me...I feel special! We didn' really do very much, as mummy still can't move much, so they just gave me lots of cuddles.

Nana was singing lots of songs to me, which I like, at least she can sing...unlike mummy! And grandad was like me, he kept wanting to fall asleep!

Mummy is trying to get some sort of routine thing sorted and she keeps me awake when I want to sleep and makes me sleep when I don't want to, how rude!



Saturday, April 09, 2005

When babies go bad

Just to prove that Kory isn't as sweet as people seem to think here's some proof I managed to snap today.

This was Kory's answer when Mummy and Nana Buckingham said it was time for his bath.

Naughty Kory!!!! :)



Friday, April 08, 2005

Baby Update - Day 12 & 13

Been a busy couple of days, even managed to forget to put on a pic yesterday! This will be the last we do a "daily update", as that is Kory now 2 weeks old! We'll still regularly put on pictures, but not every day!

Anyway, the top picture is of Kory in his chair yesterday, and managed to find his thumb and put himself to sleep - very cute! The other one, speaks for itself really, was taken tonight at bathtime with daddy. Kory really likes bathtime, it chills him out! I can't really do baths, as the unit is too high and the floor is too low. Just one of many things I feel that having had a c-section is making me miss out on. I'm just glad I can feed him myself easily or I'd really feel like I was missing out.

Speaking of c-section, I was at the doctors today as my wound started leaking last night, yuck. I called my midwife this morning and now that I have been discharged from her care, I had to see my GP. He took one look and decided it was infected and had opened up and has put me on antibiotics for a week. It's just one thing after another with me. I should be used to it by now, I had a whole pregnancy to practise!

Kory experienced his first snow today, although he was none the wiser, he slept through it! But we have had blizzards on and off all day. What weird weather for April - and everyone laughed at me buying a snowsuit for baby when I was due in Spring!!



Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Guess the baby - Cast your vote!!!

Well it's taken a couple of weeks to get these together but here's a couple of pictures of Julie (top-left), Kory (top-right) and me (bottom) as little babies :)

For a bit of fun cast your vote here on who you think little Kory looks like, his mummy or daddy.



Baby Update - Day 11

Well this morning I was just chilling out on mummy and daddy's bed, minding my own business, when along came this big panda and gave me a HUGE backwards hug!! Mummy says the he is called Peking and he's a very friendly panda!!

Once I had got over the shock, we decided to get all wrapped up and go out for our first walk in my pram. We didn't go far as mummy still hurts lots from the operation, but we went around the area where we live for about 20 minutes. Daddy insisted on "driving" my pram like it was a rally car...did he think I'd be impressed??!!

This afternoon I've been a bit of a grouch, I just can't get comfy in my moses basket, and really just want some cuddles!! I think they might be trying to keep me awake so that I sleep more tonight...they wish!!
