Sunday, April 17, 2005

Another Chillin' day at home

Bit of another quiet day today. To avoid the very large pile of ironing gathering in the corner, we decided to go out for a walk round the neighbourhood.

We think the last time we tried to take a bit of walk was the point that Julie's cut opened up. It was either getting some fresh air or going mad looking at the same four walls again so we decided to just take the risk :).

So off we went with little Kory in his new pram for only the second time since we bought it. Typically he slept the whole trip so probably wasn't even aware that we'd left the house. Guess that means it's doing a good job though because he's been a bit of nightmare to get to sleep recently.

He's now started to fight his tiredness and is getting really wound up about it as well. Thankfully it seems to be a day thing so it's a bit easier to cope with but it still means about an hours rocking and screaming before he finally goes off. The joys!!!! :)
