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Well it's taken a couple of weeks to get these together but here's a couple of pictures of Julie (top-left), Kory (top-right) and me (bottom) as little babies :)
For a bit of fun cast your vote here on who you think little Kory looks like, his mummy or daddy.
Posted by James at Wednesday, April 06, 2005
i think he looks very like his daddy as a baby...but he has definatly got a bit of his mummy about him.
Sorry Julie, but I think Kory looks like his dad! :)
Sorry your all wrong. He is just like himself Kory
Well, Kory actually has a resemblance to a certain William George Phelan. He was born on 30th March 1877 at Ferozepore on the north west frontier in India (his daddy was a soldier in the 34th Regiment of Foot up the Kyber Pass at the time). That would be one of his Great-Great-Great Grandpappys I guess. You'll have to take my word for it as the only pictures I have of Bill are when he was in his 90s - one of them taken of him in a pub! Just jokin' about the resemblance of course (well - could be true I suppose but anyway the rest certainly is!) but may Kory still be swinging his pint at that age.
!!!Definatly James!!!
James :o)
He looks like both of you as you both made him.
I can't believe your hair was so dark when u were born Julie cause all tbe pictures of u as a little girl ur hair is almost white so I reckon Kory has your fair hair. He does look more like his dad but he will keep changing.
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