Friday, July 15, 2005

Busy Bees

Not a lot to report today, but wanted to post this photo from last night after bath time as Kory looked very cute! He was being very cuddly!

Just a wee update, as I know our fans like to know what we're up do, especially the grandparents! Yesterday we had a morning in the house then James came home for lunch. Kory and I then went to our baby group in the afternoon and the place was locked so we sat in the sun, must have looked a right sight for sore eyes 8 of us sitting outside with babies!!

Last night Kory slept through the night again till 7:30am this morning. Not getting too excited as I know it could all go pear shaped, but that's twice in a week he's done it. Fingers crossed, and he's been so good today as well having had decent sleeps!!

Today we went swimming with Trish and Aaron to Kincorth pool. It didn't have a baby pool, but we were the only ones in the pool and the kids loved it. So did the female lifeguards for that matter, they were all coming over and cooing about how they were tiny babies and they never get babies in. Kory was screeching and kicking his legs all over the place. I was even dunking him under, to get him used to it, and he was totally unfazed!

This afternoon we went into town to meet Jackie from my work for lunch. She's currently cooking a wee playmate for Kory, due in December.

Tonight at bath time he was again splashing his arms and legs and kept getting the water in his face and sneezing! Silly baby!



Jilly Baby said...

Kincorth pool, blimey now there's a blast from the past. I used to go there when I was expecting Heather! Never went with her though for some reason. We used to take her to Aberdeen Beach which had a really good baby pool although not easy to get to if you don't have the car.