Nana's Visit
Last night James' mum (Kory's Nana) came up from London to visit us for the weekend. So as he's missing out, I promised to do blogs specially for his Grandad, so Chad, this is just for you!!
Above is a photo of Kory yesterday morning in his pyjamas. We had to get up early to take James to work, and typically Kory slept past 8am so we had to wake him and shove a jacket on to go!
This morning we got up late (lazy bones Kory!) and got sorted to go out for lunch and into town. Kory and Coral were mesing about in the mirror which Kory did find funny but was in such a stinky mood he kept crying! Silly Baby!Here's the evidence, poor baby! But it makes a nice change from always having smiley baby on here!! We went into town and went for lunch, but as usual, as soon as the food arrived, Kory started whinging. So we played "Pass the Kory" as we all rammed our food down our throats.
After we went to John Lewis to buy a high chair type thing for him. When we come back from holiday he's likely going to be ready for food, so I thought we'd get organised in advance. We don't really have space to keep a proper high chair, so opted for one that goes on a chair. As you can see he looks quite the part sitting there!
And lastly, here is Kory in his new Superman Pyjamas that his Nana bought for his today. He looked cute and James is always calling him Super Kory and zooming him about, so now he looks the part too! Although I'm sure in 10 years he'll hate this photo!
Ahhh, thank you so much for thinking of me! The pictures are great (Kory even looks cute in the crying one - well, to a distant Granddad anyway!). I am really looking forward to seeing you all again in just a couple of weeks time. Thanks again GD. XXX
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