Bounce, Bounce, Bounce
As promised here's a wee video I took of Kory in his bouncer yesterday. Enjoy!!!! :)
In a moment you'll be forwarded to our new blog. From there you can find all the articles from this blog plus lots more. Hope to see you there!!! James, Julie, Kory and Krystal.
As promised here's a wee video I took of Kory in his bouncer yesterday. Enjoy!!!! :)
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Well winter is officially here BBOOOOO!!!!
I hate this time of year. It's ok once you've got used to it but before that you've got the depressing sight of seeing it getting dark at 16:30 at night, when it wasn't like that only a week ago. Oh well at least Xmas is coming up next month, hooray!!! This year is going to be very interesting :).
Well the bonus of the clocks going back this weekend was getting that extra, all important, hour in bed this morning. Always something to take advantage of!
We also took advantage of the lack of wintry weather this weekend and got out and about to get some fresh air.
On Saturday we went out for a bit of a leisurely drive over to the other side of the city. About 30 minutes into the drive we decided to pop into a Brewsters and get some yummy pub grub for lunch. It's quite a nice little place up there with a real fireplace you can sit next to while you eat.
Kory was in a really good mood and let Julie and me both eat our lunches without giving us any bother. It's probably something to do with the chips we were blackmailing him with though :D
Today was a bit of a non-event really. The weather's not been to great so going out for a walk was pretty much ruled out straight away. I manage to get a few DIY jobs out the way though which I've been meaning to do for weeks now.
I'm back to work properly as of tomorrow. Fresh from getting rid of this lurgy I've had a week now (horrible bug!!) so on that note I'm going to hit the sack.
By popular request, I've recorded a bit more video of Kory in his Tigger bouncer showing off his new moves. I'll put it on tomorrow night though when I'm not falling asleep at the keyboard.
Night night
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Yesterday, Kory had his first "Music and Movement" lesson. It was really good actually, all about rhythm, music, singing and generally making noise!! The lady running it was very good, and we had time with instruments, time singing with the babies and time dancing with them. Kory was totally fascinated with the whole thing, so we'll definately be going back next week. He loves music.
Laura was still here - in fact while we were making music, she was having an interview for a job in Aberdeen, which she was offered later in the afternoon!! So it looks like Laura is moving to Aberdeen!! How exciting!! James was still off work, so Laura and I took Kory out in the afternoon, just wondering around Asda and getting some bits and bobs, nothing exciting!! This photo is here purely because I know Laura hated it, aren't I a nice big sister?!!
Today Kory had his first proper party of any kind. Obviously its his first Halloween party too, and as you can see he went dressed up as a pumpkin. He looked very cute in it and had a ball!! There was lots of food, although I think it was more for the mummies!! I even had some Bucks Fizz at 10:30am, bad mummy!! It was good fun, the older kids played games and the younger ones all just played with the toys and looked longingly at the food.
When we got home, Kory had his lunch then I managed to get some housework done (a rare treat for the house!!) He had a wee nap in his cot and when he got up, he was delighted to see that Suzanne had brought James round to play!! The boys sat on the floor playing and fighting over toys for ages, then Kory played in his Tigger Bouncer for about an hour. He's really got the hang of it now, but tries to bounce when not in it too, silly boy!
Here are some more photos from today. Enjoy!!
There is Kory & Liam, looking at each other as if to say "What the hell are you wearing?"!!! Holly as a pumpkin in an outift from Canada, which was very cool, Matthew as a pirate, Kory and Liam Pumpkins again and Kory Liam and Aaron as a devil & Kory being cute looking up!
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Friday, October 28, 2005
Can you believe it, I've been around now for 7 whole months, and life just seems to get better and better. To celebrate, I was doing real proper giggles tonight! I've not been up to an awful lot this week, Daddy has been off work ill - he's got the bug that I had a couple of weeks ago, I think he gave me and Mummy too many kisses and caught it!!
On Monday I didn't do much, me and Mummy just messed about in the house while Daddy felt sorry for himself in the morning, then we went out to give him some peace to sleep to our group. On Tuesday, again we did nothing in the morning and in the afternoon, my Auntie Laura came to stay for a few days, how exciting!! Me and Mummy went to pick her up from the bus station and then she gave me my dinner, but I wasn't in a very good mood!
Not long before, I had fallen over and banged my head. It didn't hurt too much, but I got a really big scare and just wanted to snuggle up with my Mummy. Recently I've bee a big coward, and loud noises give me a fright too. I put out my bottom lip and whimper!! When Mummy makes racing car noises I get awfully upset too.
So today, Daddy went back to work, but then got sent home, because no-one else wanted to catch his cough!! This meant Mummy had the car, so me and Mummy and Auntie Laura could go out. We went into town to go shopping. I like being in my buggy for a while, but then I get bored and want out! Besides, shopping is rubbish. This photo is me with Auntie Laura's hairband on, Mummy called me "Kung Fu Kory" whatever that means!
Tonight I got to wear big boy pyjamas for the first time, I feel so grown up and not like a baby, my feet even stick out the bottom!! I had better go and get some sleep, I have to be nice and refreshed for my first music lesson in the morning, what great fun!!
Love Kory.xx
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Gadget boy is back in town. He is obesessed with mobile phones and remote controls. He can make the TV do interactive things now and we've given him James' old phone as you can see in this photo. He's so entertained when he's got it!! This weekend has been pretty boring really, not a lot to report on. James has flu, although you'd think he was dying. So to give him time out, I took Kory to Asda shopping yesterday...bad move, he was a nightmare! Wanted to hold everything, then when I gave him things, threw them away then cried he had nothing to hold, ARGH! Not doing that again in a hurry.
Today I have cooked nearly all day. I've made a Pasta, tomato, veg & cheese Bake, Chilli con carne and rice, Veg curry & rice, Spaghetti bolognaise, Chicken Supreme and Macaroni cheese, along with some pears and peaches. My freezer is jam packed!! We haven't even left the house today actually.Friday was a better day, Kory and I went to his art class and made this pumpkin. Although it was more me than him (you'd never have guessed though would you??!!) We came home and pottered about the house. Then Trish and Aaron came over for a wee while for a coffee.
Once they left, Kory and I went swimming with Suzanne and James. The boys are getting funnier and funnier each week in the pool, splashing each other now and really trying to swim! Here is a photo of them Suzanne took with her phone in asda trolley.
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Gosh I didn't realise how long it'd been since I posted! I would say I've been too busy, but that'd be a lie!
So what we been doing? Monday we met Sarah and Coinneach in town for the morning and had lunch, and then Kory and I went to a baby group in the afternoon. On Tuesday, I got Kory weighed and then we went to Suzanne and James' house in the afternoon. Kory loves other kids and their toys even more! On Wednesday, we had a day out in town with Hannah and Holly...and all we bought were jingle bells for Kory as he LOVES everyone else's!! And today we had baby group in the afternoon, but Kory hasn't been very well. Been sick all day and not eating, my poor baby.
However, he has a new trick today. He dances when music is on. He is so funny. He also does it when I say to him "are you dancing?" and he bobs up and down!! We'll try and get it on video over the next few days. He's also started doing real belly laughs when you tickle him or say boo to him! Not taken many photos this week which isn't like me, but I haven't really been in the house and when I have he's been grumpy or the camera wasn't charged!
These outfits have both been on for the first time, the top one is french, sent from one of my mums friends (or one of my friends mums too!) and the bottom one, I bought the trousers, but Holly got the top for Kory when he was born. It's still a bit big, had the sleeves rolled up 3 times, but then everything is big on him!
We're off to art class and swimming tomorrow as long as Kory isn't ill through the night.
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Just a quick post tonight. I got Kory weighed today, which is the first time since he started eating solids 3.5 weeks ago. He has put on a huge 2lb 2oz!! Little piglet loves his grub, eats everything he's given, even had chilli con carne and rice for his dinner tonight!!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
My mummy has been hogging the computer this week so i've been unable to post, how rude!! On Monday my Gran and Tom came up to stay at my house for a few days. Gran gives me lots of cuddles. Me and Mummy had been at a Mummy Milk Support Group in the afternoon and came home and they were already here. We went into the house then Mummy ran off out to get Daddy from work!!
Well on Tuesday I had the most boring day, we went shopping. Mummy says shopping is just a fact of life and I should get used to it. She says it'll get worse when I get a girlfriend, so I might as well accept it. But it's BORING. To help ease this, my Gran bought me a brilliant Teddy that talks when you press his nose, tummy, hands and feet. It's brilliant!!
Here is me playing peek-a-boo from behind him the other day, everytime I peeked, everyone laughed, so I kept on doing it! I think this was on Wednesday. My silly Mummy had to go to the dentist as half her tooth fell out, so we did that had a wee visit to Makro. I got bored in there too, they seem to think I like shops and I don't. I get bored and make a fuss and embarrass them!
While she was here, Gran fed me lots of food. I was such a good boy, I didn't spit it out, or blow raspberries or any of my normal tricks, and I ate it ALL. She says I am a Gannet, but I don't know what that means...does anyone else?
Yesterday was a good day, I went to my baby group as usual in the afternoon, and as it was so quiet, we went to William's house. He had LOADS of toys to play with too. This photo is from left, Andrew, me, Erin, Eve, James and William. We had great fun stealing toys off each other. The Mummies kept saying "play nicely" and "share", but we ignored them!
This is me and Erin sitting playing once the other babies went off to do different things. I like Erin, she's a pushover and I could take any toys she had!! But I wasn't all evil baby, when I wanted what she had, I would trick her by giving her a different toy, distracting her, and then make my move for what I wanted and she didn't even notice. Girls....they're so thick!
I'm not sure if this is what Mummy meant by "sharing" but she has had a cough and cold all week and could hardly talk in the beginning. Now I keep sneezing and I have almost lost the ability to screech properly. It's not fair, how can I be annoying if I can't do that!? Because of this, I couldn't go swimming today or to art class. So me and Mummy just stayed in the house all day, not even a walk!! We're apparently "practising for winter" even though the sun was out today. I don't get it!!
After I ate my lunch today, Mummy had something called Super Noodles which looked way more interesting than the boring rice cake I had, so I threw that away and shouted at Mummy to give me some food. She wouldn't, so I shouted some more. Eventually she gave in and put some yummy worms in my mouth. They were curry flavour and I loved them!!
And lastly, I'm getting a new playmate, Holly's mummy has a baby growing inside her and that is going to be Holly's brother or sister. What great fun we can all have playing together. Mummy told me not to get any ideas, as I won't be getting one of those. Maybe when I get bigger I'll buy one with my pocket money!
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Friday, October 14, 2005
Yesterday we got up early after a full nights sleep (!!) and headed to Brodie Country Fayre which is near where James grew up in Forres. I love going there, especially at Christmas time, so having seen the advert on TV, we decided to make a day out of it! This pic was taken in the car park when James was showing Kory how to drive!!
I got some lovely Christmas decorations and we picked up some nice sauces and mustards, as they have all home made things, yum! We then headed to a pub called "The Mosset" which is where James used to hang out as a drunken teenager. We had lunch there which was really nice and he didn't see a single person he knew! Think he was disappointed!
The pub is on a river, so we went to show Kory the ducks once we had eaten lunch. He was looking at them rather oddly, the only animals he's seen before are cats, dogs and birds. Mind you I guess ducks are jumped up birds! Anyway, he liked them!!
As it was still early, we decided to head to a forest that James used to go shooting in, to go for a walk. It was called Culbin Forest and again is near Forres. Once again I'm glad we have an offroad kind of buggy!! Kory is fascinated by trees, so was in heaven here! We walked for about 45 mins then headed back to the car and came home.
And lastly, will you get a look at our own little Buddha?! How fat does Kory look in this photo! We had borrowed the seat from Holly, thinking it might be good (even though Holly never uses it as she doesn't like it and Hannah says it was a waste of money!)Well it has a bar between the legs, obviously to stop baby sliding down, but Kory almost had a home castration!! So we won't be using that again!
Today we've done very little, I'm ill (again) and can barely talk, my voice sounds like Macy Gray on helium. We did go to Argos, where I tried to have an argument with the bloke at the counter about shelves, but I sounded so pathetic that I failed miserably! James is now not feeling great either, and I assume Kory isn't well as he has whinged constantly all day. Even as soon as fed or awake, just whinging. Drives me mad!
We have my mum and Tom coming tomorrow to stay for a couple of days, so there probably won't be any updates till later in the week.
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Sunday, October 09, 2005
Ooops, I haven't done a post for a while, I think I forgot this week. Been pretty busy actually. Saying that, on Tuesday I did precisely nothing. Well not exactly nothing, we went a walk and bumped into Suzanne with James and Allison with William. We all went back to Allisons house for a cuppa and the boys played. Amazing how other kids' toys are way more interesting than your own! The photo below is one of Kory in a zippy up top that is almost identical to one James has and I think they look like peas in a pod.
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Friday, October 07, 2005
...I'm meant to eat the mince?? Not wear it?? I thought it looked rather nice all down my front, all over Mummy and I even thought it looked quite cute on the floor! I just thought I'd show Mummy (after hearing her tell her friend I don't make a mess when eating) that I am not always clean and can make a mess too! I did eat it eventually, but it was more fun to play with it!! This was my dinner tonight, I had it with potatoes and brocolli, and had apples for pudding.
As you can see I was so disappointed when it was finished, that I thought I'd make an attempt to eat the tub they were in. I also learnt how to use a spoon to bang the tub and make loads and loads of noise. Mummy said I was driving her nuts, whatever that means. She was busy cooking her dinner and some macaroni cheese for me too.
She even let me have a big chunk of cheese "to keep me quiet" while she was making it. I managed to bite bits off with my gums, and suck them to make a lovely orange mush. I loved it! I hope I get cheese again soon. But I think that is enough about what I ate today, I better tell you about the rest of my day!
We got up this morning and I played in my Tigger bouncer while Mummy got all showered and dressed, and then I went to play with Holly at her house. Here we are sitting on the floor playing together. Holly can crawl now, so when I want something I can't reach, she gets it for me! Mummy says I have a "Beer Belly" and "Man Boobs" in this photo, how rude!! After we'd both had our lunch, we went a big huge walk then came home.
Here is a photo of me that Mummy forgot to post. My Nana knitted me this hat and cardigan.
I am a very sleepy boy tonight, I only had 2 little short naps today and all this food is wearing me out. Goodnight.
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Monday, October 03, 2005
As usual, we've had a busy little weekend when James is off. For a change we've actually done lots and also managed to have the house in a reasonable state without being stuck inside all weekend! But first, back to Friday. After Kory saying he would remind me to take the camera to Art Class, I forgot, ooops!
We got up in the morning and both wolfed down our porridge and managed to get out of the house by 8:50am! An amazing feat these days! We walked up the roard and met Ann and Liam who were also going to the class. We arrived, and sat around gossiping for a while, then went to the big hall and played with toys for a bit while the "leaders" got out the paints and paper.
Some of the older kids were lying down and getting someone to draw round them, and making big pictures of themselves with wool, but the babies did a big "footpath" with paint on their feet. Kory also did 2 footprints to bring home for Daddy! In all he had a good time! In the afternoon, we went to Julie's house (the one whose wedding we went to a few weeks ago) to look at her wedding photos.
Yesterday I went into town shopping, all by myself, which was GREAT! No offence to Kory, but being able to leave him was nice. Now that James can feed him, I get some freedom! I was only gone 3 hours, but managed to do lots. I finished "Santa" shopping for Christmas, bought my Christmas cards and wrapping paper, changed a bodywarmer that Coral bought Kory for this one in picture, and got some bargains in Mothercare's closing down sale, ALL clothes were £3!!
I came home to find my two boys had been having a ball without me! And the house was even cleaner than when I left...who says men can't do housework, mine does! We went a big long walk later in the day, round Cove and beyond! It was blowing a gale and poor Kory was all rosey cheeked and windswept when we got home!
Today I got up early with Kory to let James have a long lie. By 8:30am I'd fed Kory, given him his porridge, and cooked mince and lentils for him and got them in the freezer. Oh how times have changed...Sunday morning and I'm even up is impressive, but cooking too!? After his porridge he got his first piece of toast. As you can see he wasn't overly impressed at first, but soon discovered he could suck it and there was no stopping him.
Once James got up we went a drive to a place called Ellon and went for some lunch. Kory ate like a little pig (again) and our food was nice too! We then went to Balmedie Beach park, and boy am I glad we have an "offroad" buggy! It was great in sand dunes! When we got home, after a detour to Asda, Kory had an evening meal for the first time. It consisted of chicken (another first) potatoes and brocolli, which he gobbled down. I honestly don't know where he puts it all, little piglet!
That's it for now, another update soon!
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Sunday, October 02, 2005
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