Gosh I didn't realise how long it'd been since I posted! I would say I've been too busy, but that'd be a lie!
So what we been doing? Monday we met Sarah and Coinneach in town for the morning and had lunch, and then Kory and I went to a baby group in the afternoon. On Tuesday, I got Kory weighed and then we went to Suzanne and James' house in the afternoon. Kory loves other kids and their toys even more! On Wednesday, we had a day out in town with Hannah and Holly...and all we bought were jingle bells for Kory as he LOVES everyone else's!! And today we had baby group in the afternoon, but Kory hasn't been very well. Been sick all day and not eating, my poor baby.
However, he has a new trick today. He dances when music is on. He is so funny. He also does it when I say to him "are you dancing?" and he bobs up and down!! We'll try and get it on video over the next few days. He's also started doing real belly laughs when you tickle him or say boo to him! Not taken many photos this week which isn't like me, but I haven't really been in the house and when I have he's been grumpy or the camera wasn't charged!
These outfits have both been on for the first time, the top one is french, sent from one of my mums friends (or one of my friends mums too!) and the bottom one, I bought the trousers, but Holly got the top for Kory when he was born. It's still a bit big, had the sleeves rolled up 3 times, but then everything is big on him!
We're off to art class and swimming tomorrow as long as Kory isn't ill through the night.
Awww love the t shirt!!! Joe has white ones that say I love Mummy and one that says I love Daddy. Steve wouldnt let me buy just the Mummy one!!!
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