Gran, Teddy, Babies & Voice
My mummy has been hogging the computer this week so i've been unable to post, how rude!! On Monday my Gran and Tom came up to stay at my house for a few days. Gran gives me lots of cuddles. Me and Mummy had been at a Mummy Milk Support Group in the afternoon and came home and they were already here. We went into the house then Mummy ran off out to get Daddy from work!!
Well on Tuesday I had the most boring day, we went shopping. Mummy says shopping is just a fact of life and I should get used to it. She says it'll get worse when I get a girlfriend, so I might as well accept it. But it's BORING. To help ease this, my Gran bought me a brilliant Teddy that talks when you press his nose, tummy, hands and feet. It's brilliant!!
Here is me playing peek-a-boo from behind him the other day, everytime I peeked, everyone laughed, so I kept on doing it! I think this was on Wednesday. My silly Mummy had to go to the dentist as half her tooth fell out, so we did that had a wee visit to Makro. I got bored in there too, they seem to think I like shops and I don't. I get bored and make a fuss and embarrass them!
While she was here, Gran fed me lots of food. I was such a good boy, I didn't spit it out, or blow raspberries or any of my normal tricks, and I ate it ALL. She says I am a Gannet, but I don't know what that means...does anyone else?
Yesterday was a good day, I went to my baby group as usual in the afternoon, and as it was so quiet, we went to William's house. He had LOADS of toys to play with too. This photo is from left, Andrew, me, Erin, Eve, James and William. We had great fun stealing toys off each other. The Mummies kept saying "play nicely" and "share", but we ignored them!
This is me and Erin sitting playing once the other babies went off to do different things. I like Erin, she's a pushover and I could take any toys she had!! But I wasn't all evil baby, when I wanted what she had, I would trick her by giving her a different toy, distracting her, and then make my move for what I wanted and she didn't even notice. Girls....they're so thick!
I'm not sure if this is what Mummy meant by "sharing" but she has had a cough and cold all week and could hardly talk in the beginning. Now I keep sneezing and I have almost lost the ability to screech properly. It's not fair, how can I be annoying if I can't do that!? Because of this, I couldn't go swimming today or to art class. So me and Mummy just stayed in the house all day, not even a walk!! We're apparently "practising for winter" even though the sun was out today. I don't get it!!
After I ate my lunch today, Mummy had something called Super Noodles which looked way more interesting than the boring rice cake I had, so I threw that away and shouted at Mummy to give me some food. She wouldn't, so I shouted some more. Eventually she gave in and put some yummy worms in my mouth. They were curry flavour and I loved them!!
And lastly, I'm getting a new playmate, Holly's mummy has a baby growing inside her and that is going to be Holly's brother or sister. What great fun we can all have playing together. Mummy told me not to get any ideas, as I won't be getting one of those. Maybe when I get bigger I'll buy one with my pocket money!
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