Gran's Visit
I've not done a post for ages, so thought I would tell you about my week. First on Wednesday, I had a good day. When i woke up there was this weird white stuff on the ground outside. Daddy showed me it and said it is snow. Once he went off to work, Mummy got me all fed with warm Ready Brek and we went to Holly's house. It was very cold outside and that snow stuff was falling on me and I was opening my mouth to try to catch it!
I had lunch at Holly's house,
but Mummy had forgot to take my pudding so I got one of Holly's yoghurts. It gave me a sore tummy and I was sick all afternoon. Poor me - now I'm not allowed them any more as this is the 4th time this has happened with yoghurts. Me and Holly played on the floor for a while to let the Mummy's eat, arent' we good babies now??!! Not sure what Holly's Daddy will think of my hand being on Holly's leg, but she didn't seem to mind.In the afternoon, Mummy took me to the clinic to get me weighed. I was 19lbs 8.5oz which is a pound more than I was a month ago. I'm getting big, I can tell as I get to wear new clothes every day so I must be in my 6-9 month stuff now! I went to Mummy's friend David's house for a while in the afternoon too. I was having my dinner when my Gran and Tom appeared through the door, how exciting!! They stayed for a while to play and then went to see my Auntie Laura's flat.
On Thursday, I got up nice and early and went to my music lesson which was good fun as usual. There was more snow on the ground, and I got a very cold nose, even although I had my snowsuit on! In the afternoon I went to baby group and played on the floor with everyone else's toys. Why would I play with my own, I can do that any time!
After Baby Group, I went with Mummy to feed Holly's doggy as they were away for the day. Rosie is a big huge doggy and she is very funny! Then I came home and Gran and Tom were here again to play with me. Gran gave me my dinner and then we all played and I had a bath. I went to bed and I heard them all get a chinese meal but I had to stay in my room becuase I'm too little for chinese food...meanies!!
Today I had to get up early again to go to my art class. I had great fun, we made a snow globe with sparkly bits in it. I wanted to eat the sparkles, so Mummy made the rest for me! Daddy was very impressed when he saw it! In the afternoon my Gran and Tom came round to see me again. Tom has a moustache which I love to play with, it's funny and it tickles.
When they went home, I was so exhausted, mainly from wanting to walk around all the time, that I went in my cot and slept, and slept and slept, for a whole 2 hours! I never sleep that long!! So this week has been good for me, I've been so busy! I even learnt to make Mummy and Daddy laugh, I say eeee-aye eeee-aye eeee-aye lots (that's from the song about farm animals that they sing to me) and I say dad dad dad dad dad lots too.
Love Kory.xx
I removed my first comment coz when I re-read, it made no sense! Trust me!
I meant to say something along the lines of HOW GORGEOUS KORY IS!!! He's such a cutie. Emily thinks so too! ;o)
Hi Kory,
This talking business is great isn't it, especially when we say Dad Dad, my Mummy got upset that I never said Mum Mum. I do sometimes now, but I prefer saying Dad Dad hehe
I like your Jumper, you look like such a grown up boy.
Julie, when did you swap your wee baby for a proper little boy?? Haa haaa!!
Has it really been that long since i have been up to see you! He looks soo grown up now! Will have to come up soon, he will chasing after Joe before we know it!!
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