Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Halloween Fun

Remember a photo like this taken when Kory was less than a week old? We thought we'd take another to compare, so click here to go back! On Monday morning, Kory had his hearing test with the health visitor and some hearing lady! I wasn't sure he'd pass actually as he's so interested in what is being waggled in front of him! But he passed no trouble at all, first attempt on all sounds. Probably just so nosey!

After that, we went out for lunch with Trish and Aaron. Both the boys were really well behaved. They came back afterwards for a coffee (and before James comments, neither of us drink coffee, it's just not the same saying "came for a juice") They just played for a while and we even managed to have a chat, things are getting better!!

Once Trish and Aaron left, Kory managed to crash out on our bed. He never ever does this, so I had to take a photo!! It was probably a good thing, as we were going out at night so he really needed a sleep before that. I ended up having to wake him up to make sure he had dinner before we had to go out again!

So once we had Kory sorted, we headed to a Halloween party, with him dressed in his Pumpkin outfit again. It was one of the neighbours holding the party so all the kids round about were in. There were devils and witches galore! Here is Kory wearing James' Elvis glasses!

And here is the man himself as Elvis!

This is a neighbour Tracey and her wee girl Sophie, who has to be the most "Poker Faced" baby I ever met, she's so serious!! But a lovely wee thing, very petite.

Ok, so we're starting him young...getting him used to proper drink!! I was drinking this Bacardi Breezer and he kept grabbing it, so I was letting him suck the bottle, think it might have been nice and hard and cold on his gums. He just looks so proud in this photo to have some booze!!

And another Boozy Pumpkin!

We eventually took Kory home for bed about 7:30pm as he was shattered. And since then he's been a total grump all week! Yesterday morning I didn't really do a lot (I don't think!!) and in the afternoon, I went to a new baby group thing in the afternoon. After that, I walked up to the new library in Cove and got Kory his first library card!!

I had to rush home from the library, as I remembered I had a window man coming to finalise the plans for our new double glazing. I am so excited about getting it, how sad am I?! They are doing it on the 14th and 15th December, but the windows are rotton, so better then than after Xmas and into Feb!!

Last night I even had a bit of freedom, well kind of, I was Christmas shopping!! I went with Hannah and Angela to a Boots special evening. I managed to only get one thing for Kory too, how good am I!? Then we headed out for a pizza. It was lovely to get out without a buggy in the shops, could go on escalator and everything!! See what my life has become!! The photo is Kory in his new snowsuit, my baby Bunny is back!

Today we took James to work as I needed the car, then I went swimming with Kory and Hannah and Holly, then back to theirs house for lunch. I managed to slip when on my knees in the pool and drop Kory under the water. He was pretty unfazed by the whole event, but I was shaking like a leaf! Poor baby! Silly Mummy! In the afternoon we went to view a flat for Laura, which was lovely. This photo was Kory eating his absolute favourite dinner tonight, Spaghetti Bolognaise, I'm sure he'd eat it till he exploded! But what a mess!

Anyway, enough of me waffling, goodnight!


Anonymous said...

So James you finally got black hair!!!!!!!

James said...