Big Boy Antics
Oops, silly blog, I've been trying to write to you all week, but it wouldn't let me put on my pictures. I know you all want to see how cute I am being so there was no point going ahead without photos!! Do you think I look like a big boy now in these 2 photos?
So all the way back to last Friday, Mummy took me swimming in the morning and then we went into town. I was very lucky, she let me walk and I didn't even need to see my buggy! We went to meet Jackie and Craig for lunch, he's getting to be a big boy now, it won't be long until he can help me get up to mischief! I forgot to take the camera with me though, so *still* no photo's of Craig!
Mummy called me a monkey lots as I kept running into shops - does anyone know what a monkey is? It must be one of the animals I haven't learnt yet. (I know lots of animals and what noises they make!)On Saturday morning Mummy took me to the park to meet some of my friends that I haven't seen for ages. We parked my buggy in the middle of a big field and we all got to run about, it was brilliant and it was a very sunny day. Here's some photos from then.
Me walking
Me and Aaron trying to talk, but the grown up's kept listening
Aaron and his mummy Trish
With Mummy
When we got home, Daddy had fitted a funny white material thing to the wall at the top of the stairs. Sometimes it's there, and sometimes it's not, but it means they don't shout at me when I go near the stairs now so I can't fall down. I was really impressed that he didn't put any nails in pipes or drill through anything!!
In the afternoon we went to Asda and Daddy hung some flowers up outside and cleaned our car out which is good, now I'm not embarassed to have my friends in it! On Sunday we had a bit of a lazy morning and in the afternoon we went to look at some new houses because my toys are taking up too much space in our house and Mummy moans about it lots.Monday was a nice day again and Daddy came home for his lunch which he hasn't done for ages. Then Mummy and I went to our group. I didn't want to be there though, I wanted to be outside playing, so I let them know I was unhappy and cried the whole time we were there. Eventually we left to get Daddy and play, yay! This photo is me on a toy I got from Grans work when I was born.
On Tuesday morning our car was going into the garage, so we couldn't go to toddlers. Instead Sophie came over to play with my toys. We were too busy playing to take photos! I had on my nice new shorts dungarees that my Grandpa and Tricia sent me from their holidays.
Later Mummy put my tent and tunnel set that Auntie Laura got me up in the garden. It was very hot so I had this yucky stuff rubbed on me that suppossedly made me look like Casper the Ghost. I'm not sure what a ghost is, but know it makes a scary noise like ooooooo!
We also had some good news which we'll share with you tomorrow, then we went to pick up our car. This is where the good news turns to's going to cost a lot of money (I think the man said £800) to fix it. Mummy said some naughty words, but I heard her!
Cute or silly? Nana and Grandad got me this hat for my birthday, it's annoying as I can't pull it off!
Me eating grapes again, they're my favourite
On Wednesday morning Katy came over and she brought cakes - I got a pancake which I gobbled up very fast. When I woke up from my sleep, Joe was here playing with my toys! I was pretending to be all shy, but gave a little smile when he gave me a cuddle.
The afternoon was very hot again, James came over with his mummy Suzanne to play in my garden. I was too hot, so we had to go inside. Mummy looks all brown today! Once Daddy came home he left his drawer open and I walked into it. I have a big bruise on my head!
Today I got up and decided it was a grumpy day. I have been upset all afternoon, I went to baby group and there was a soft play area set up, but I didn't want to play, I just wanted to cuddle Mummy. When we came home I was so disappointed when Daddy didn't come home to give me my dinner, so I cried some more until he came home, then I ate it.
I was so tired after dinner and I fell over and banged my head on the door, so now I have a matching bruise on the other side of my head. Poor me!
Love Kory.xx
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