Shopping and New Shoes
On Tuesday morning Kory and I got up and took James to work as we needed to go food shopping, argh! We came home and spent the morning pottering about, housework and stuff like that. Then Kory went to bed and slept forever! So by the time we got out to go food shopping it was already 3pm. So in a rush we went to Lidl to get all the fruit juice and then on to Asda.
Typically when you're in a rush, everything goes slowly. I'm sure every old dear in Asda wanted to talk to Kory, and if I heard "oh he's blonde isn't he?" once, I heard it thirty times. What on earth do you say to that anyway? "I hadn't noticed, is he?" So that slowed me down. Kory was bored, and kept pulling things out of the trolley and throwing them away, also wanted to know what everything was, pointing to every shelf. It was hard work; note to self, don't shop with Kory again when in a rush.To complete my lateness to pick James up I was cornered by a journalist outside Asda asking my opinions on the WPR (Western Peripheral Route - new controversial road round Aberdeen) and wanting to take my photo. For those who saw it, I might add I was stressed and had no make up on! Maybe I'll get James to scan it in for you all to laugh at!
Yesterday, we went into town at 9am to meet Laura to shop and have lunch. Poor wee guy was in his buggy for ages and was just delighted to get out to walk in the shopping centre. We had lunch then dropped Laura off and headed over to Tesco for a nosey about. We got some cool clothes, including a nother mac in a sac for Kory for next year - I love his one for this year.
Today James had the day off work, instead of the Monday holiday. In the afternoon we took Kory shopping for his first shoes. We got him StartRite ones and he was so well behaved in the shop getting them, walking up and down. The lady thought he was so small to be walking! We went round to Laura's afterwards to show off his shoes! Here he is in his chair tonight looking puzzled as to why we're taking pictures and not feeding him!
Well, very smart shoes there Kory. Start-rite were always better for us than Clarks (too many bad blister experiences with Clarks!).
One question though...
Maybe I've been in Norway too long but what on earth is a Mac in a Sac?
Ahh I love your new shoes Kory, now we both have shoes! But, I bet your feet aren't as big and wide as mine!! HAHA
Love ya, Emily x x x
Good taste in shoes Kory. YOu have the exact same pair as me!!!!!!
Coinneach xxx
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