17 Weeks Bump
I just thought I'd put a post on with the bump for a change. Last time I was pregnant I did whole posts, but this time it seems to have been stuck on the end or just a photo shoved on...and that's if I mention it at all!! So here you go, this weeks photos. One with the bump out (complete with stretch marks from Kory), especially for Coral as I know she likes those kind the best!!
Yesterday was a rough day, I have a cold and Kory is teething. We were both grumpy all day and as a result, didn't even manage to get dressed, let alone get outside. Not that we missed much, it was miserable weather and rained almost all day.
Today has been better, I got a nice long lie, well as good as it gets these days, till about 10am! In the afternoon, we went to Dobbies garden centre, which I love at Christmas time. Kory loved all the moving animals and teddies too. This photo is of him wearing his tracksuit for the first time - with the trousers rolled up 3 times!!
We then nipped into Sainsbury's (yes a nice change from Asda!!) and got dinner. I know this is silly, but James made Taco's for himself and the wee man, and Kory's looked so nice and colourful that I took a photo! He was even eating Jalepenos and not really batting an eyelid!!
Yesterday was a rough day, I have a cold and Kory is teething. We were both grumpy all day and as a result, didn't even manage to get dressed, let alone get outside. Not that we missed much, it was miserable weather and rained almost all day.

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