Party & Deliveries
Oh no, Mummy has been slacking so I have a whole week to try to remember and write about it. On Saturday morning we spent ages and ages tidying up the house because I had invited all my friends round for a halloween party. When I got up from my sleep I put on my bat suit again till my friends came. They were all dresed up too, witches and pumpkins and other things too.
The party was good fun, it was very busy and we had lots of yummy food. This photo is of the twins Kirsty & Morven and their Mummy Laura. Once all my friends took their parents home, I had some dinner and I got to stay up late because of something to do with the time being different. But I was so sleepy after all my fun that I didn't manage a whole hour later for bed.
On Sunday it was another boys day in while Mummy went to work. We had some fun in the house and went out for a while. On Monday, Mummy took me to Rambo's again. We were first there for a change and I had the whole place to myself to run around. We picked Daddy up after that and came home for food. On Tuesday I was meant to have my swimming lesson, but when I woke up in the morning my nose was all runny and I wasn't feeling well. Neither was Mummy so we decided not to go. We were expecting men to turn up anyway with the new bed for the spare room and our new TV. We had a day in the house all cosy in my pyjamas until Mummy had to get ready for work. Once she was gone, us boys got the HUGE tv out, I like it. This photo is of Mummy's tummy now.
On Wednesday morning I went to playgroup. I was at the top of the chute and I wobbled and fell all the way to the floor. My Mummy ran to get me and I was ok, I managed not to let go of my toast. But as I went to take another bite, the toast turned red. Suddenly I was scooped up and taken to a seat. But I was fine, just wanted my toast!
When I got home, I went for a wee sleep. When I got up I didn't get lunch like normal, but got put in the car and taken out for lunch. We went to Brewsters and met Ann and Emilie for lunch. I had yummy sausages and peas and potatoes and yorkshire pudding. And then I got some fruit. I ate nearly all of it and then we went to play in the play area. Normally I get called a "chicken" and I don't like it, so I decided to be brave and go up the top bit this time. I had great fun until I realised I had to get down, I was stuck!The chute looked like the best option, but every time I went near it, I got a static shock from it and my hair stood up straight. Eventually Mummy had to come and rescue me - I don't think she was impressed. Mummy went to work again that night and me and Daddy turned the TV up load and put on music channels and danced for ages and ages. Don't tell Mummy which channel we watched though, it sometimes plays music with videos of ladies not wearing many clothes as this picture shows!
Thursday was a normal day, nothing in the morning then our group in the afternoon. After that Mummy took me to the big toy shop and bought some things I think might be for me!! Today we went into town in the afternoon to get me some new trainers as I have some tracksuits to wear and nothing to put on my feet. I got a cool pair of Adidas ones in a size 5.
Didn't I do well remembering all my week!?
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