Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bump Week 25

Please excuse the outfit, it's my work top! Totally unflattering at the best of times, but having to wear a bigger size when pregnant isn't great! This week Teddy has been growing loads, I feel much bigger. However, with this is coming heartburn, and incredible sciatic pain down my right side. Not had any appointments or scans to report on.

I walked possibly a little too far yesterday, which really wasn't far at all (for those who know Aberdeen - Chicago Rock to Debenhams and back again!!) but as I'm the size of a tank already, it's clearly too far. As a result, I've spent the day in bed...I got up for lunch, and dinner kindly supplied by my lovely husband! Other than that, I lay reading all day.

Oh and did I mention I have a wisdom tooth that has decided now would be a good time to make an appearance? Just when I can't take painkillers or anything, I'm in agony with that too.

I know all I seem to do is moan, but what's to be cheery about when pregnant!? The bottom line is, it's crap, but worth it somewhere in the future!!



Jilly Baby said...

Too many pregnant women! My friend here is also pregnant (due April) with her THIRD baby. She's pretty big now and is never ill but she enjoys being pregnant and I think that makes all the difference.

I, like you, hated it! But hey, it's merely a means to an end and a very happy one at that.