Flu Flu Flu
What a week this has been! On Monday morning Kory woke up with a really bad cough, so I decided we probably shouldn't mix with others and pass it on. By the afternoon he really wasn't himself and his temperature was soaring as it went on. He spent most of the day on the couch in a little bed I made up for him. Sitting still this long and not eating much there had to be something wrong!!
He even asked up for a cuddle and fell asleep. For those of you who know Kory, he has never just nodded off where he is, it's just not something he does so this was weird. He woke up after about half an hour and was sick all over him and me, nice!! When James came in, he was all dozy and fell asleep on him again. We decided just to get him up to bed.
He woke up at this point, so we gave him medicine (including bribery with a jelly baby!) He then totally came alive, so brought him back downstairs for some food which he didn't want but he was dancing and playing fine. He eventually went to bed about 9pm and I thought he'd be shattered and just sleep. WRONG!!
He woke every 20 minutes coughing and crying as it obviously hurt him. By 11pm, I took him into bed with me. He woke all night, asking to hold my hand or for a cuddle. By 6am I'd not slept so James took over before work. Kory slept on and off all day, but seemed ok in between, just didn't eat much. We went to get James from work, who had developed a cough and temperature.
James didn't make it to work on Wednesday (or since) and I'd started to cough by then too. On Wednesday afternoon I had to go out to do a few bits and pieces. And then I went to work at night. James managed to get Kory into bed and himself too! Thursday was a rough day, Kory seemed to have gone downhill again, James was bad and I felt dreadful, half pregnancy related, half flu. We were a right bunch!!
Today has been marginally better, it seems mine hasn't progressed in the same way and I've still only got a cough which is easing off. James was a bit better, at least able to move today and although Kory has developed a cold as well, he at least slept last night and so wasn't quite as whingy as he has been all week! We haven't been out all week, Kory has been in pyjamas (apart from to go get James) so nothing else to report. Here is a photo I took today of Kory and James wearing the aprons that Kory got his Daddy for Christmas. He loves cooking with James, so got matching aprons with their names on and "Big Cook" and "Little Cook" (a programme they like watching together)
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