This is my final photo with a lack of bump, I forgot to get it taken last week. I am now lighter than before I was pregnant with Krystal, although bigger round the tummy, so I must have lost it elsewhere, maybe my bum, right??!! WRONG!! It's as big as ever! I'm probably carrying a pint of milk as well, so I've no idea where it's been lost from. But who cares, I wore "normal" jeans for the first time todya, yippee!!
These 4 weeks have flown past. With Kory, every day was like a week, every week like a month. But this time it's the weekend again before I know it. Krystal is doing ok, gaining weight well and sleep isn't too hard to come by either with her.
Kory had school this morning cried again. After lunch I decided his hair was getting too long, and it would be at least another 2 weeks before I could get him to a barber, so I took the clippers to it. What an improvement! I might be no Nicky Clarke, but it's miles better than it was.
James was off work again not well today, but at about 4:30pm he needed a bit of fresh air, so we put Krystal in the sling and headed for the park round the corner. She slept, and Kory had great fun as usual.
This evening Krystal decided she just didn't want to go to sleep, so for the first time in 4 weeks (ok so I shouldn't complain, we've been lucky getting this far!) we have been taking turns to pace the living room with her in between feeds. On that note I better go...
P.S. I'm not a buggy addict, incase you see them all in garage, I have the nice expensive single, the cheapy travel single and then the double, just because they all dumped in there it looks a lot!
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