Weekend Antics
This weekend has been bittersweet. Bitter was yesterday...both kids were a nightmare ALL day. Kory was in a foul mood and whinged on and on, keeping Krystal awake (and me for that matter) and throwing wobblers left right and centre. As a result, Krystal barely slept all day and was so overtired (I so don't understand the concept of too tired to sleep!) By dinner time, James and I were totally stressed out and desperate to get them both into bed!
Today has been a lovely day, after a good night last night with Krystal only up once at 3am, I felt slightly better. We had a bit of a lazy morning in the house then in the afternoon we headed into town to the International Market on Union Street. I always like having a nosey at all the different countries foods and jewellery.
We got some yummy biscuits and went and sat in the park and ate them while I fed Krystal. I can't imagine having sat in a public park feeding Kory at 2 weeks old, it's amazing the confidence that comes with experience! It didn't even occur to me today to find it odd till I was already doing it!
Speaking of feeding, I went to H&M and got 4 lovely new tops which are designed to feed discretely. I never had any with Kory as I didn't know they existed till he was barely feeding in daytime, but I remember in summer ending up wearing layers and being too hot, all so my tummy wasn't on display. Anyway, I'm so pleased with them, which is why they deserve a mention on here.James "wore" Krystal today for the first time. He felt a bit silly at first as if everyone was looking at him, but think he quite liked it by the end. Kory decided today he likes "driving" the car. He sat on James' knee and steered, beeped the horn, put on the indicators and flashed the lights. Only he threw a wobbler when it was time up because James told him he couldn't "drive to Asda" !!
I've been trying to get photos of Kory as this used to all be his photos, but for some reason this week he just won't stand still or look at the camera, hence them mostly being Krystal! This is her today in a wee outfit she was given by my gran and grandpa. It's only one of 2 she has which are not babygro's in her size. I like little tiny babies in just sleepsuits though, it's easier! But it will be nice to get her in her 0-3 ones, she got SO many lovely clothes as gifts.
I'm sore tonight, but then I have walked further today than I have in about 3-4 months! I'm still taking painkillers but am now trying to cut back a bit as I've been on a ridiculous amount since her birth. I need to be off most of them before I even contemplate driving in a couple of weeks too. I'm also starting to be able to do small household jobs, like washing and small meals, so I'm on the road to feeling like Julie again, it's been a while since I felt like her!
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