Lots of Playing
On Sunday we didn't leave the house and we were all a bit frazzled by the end of the day (as usual when we get cabin fever) - I was feeling dreadful, I have the cold James and Kory had last week and so does Krystal. She was up ALL night on Sunday night - and I do actually mean all night. I dozed on and off with her on my tummy sitting up in bed.
I woke up on Monday dreading the day with no plans, but Maria and Leanne saved the day. We went to Maria's in the morning and Leanne's in the afternoon to play. You'd never know Maria is due a baby tomorrow, running about in the garden like she's just normal!
Today Kory had school in the morning, he was much happier to go in, we'd had a big chat about how I would give him a kiss and cuddle and then go and how he could play and sing and dance then I would come back. He had a small cry, but waved me off ok and they said he stopped almost right away this time. So we'll see what tomorrow brings!He was delighted to see I'd kept to my part of the deal and gone back for him and told me all about what he'd done. The new health visitor came round to see me today. She's nice enough, and promises to try to live up to the other one, but somehow I doubt she will. Krystal didn't get weighed so we have to go to clinic tomorrow with her for that.
Later Leanne, Jessica and Sophie came round for an hour to play. Krystal slept in her seat in the garden, so once they'd gone Kory and I had another hour to just play. We did things we've not done before, that most probably take for granted. We were kicking a ball about and I was pretending to chase him. Admittedly it hurt a bit, but since he's been old enough to do things like chases, I've been pregnant and throwing up or waddling like a beached whale. He was so delighted Mummy was playing outside!!
Bath and bedtime is coming together now, the first few weeks have been chaos with screaming and mess upstairs. But I think we're almost into some sort of routine for the time being until they share a bath. We've had both of them in bed before 7:30pm most nights. Krystal is still very spotty, but the health visitor assure me it's hormonal and will clear soon.
Here are a few videos since krystal arrived that I keep forgetting to put on.
At the hospital
Kory messing about
Kory & Krystal Playing
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