Anybody out there?
Just wondering if anyone is out there reading this or am I randomly chattering away to myself? Jill, I know you are there...ever faithful! And Laura I saw pop up this week too. Dad? Chad? Anyone?
In a moment you'll be forwarded to our new blog. From there you can find all the articles from this blog plus lots more. Hope to see you there!!! James, Julie, Kory and Krystal.
Just wondering if anyone is out there reading this or am I randomly chattering away to myself? Jill, I know you are there...ever faithful! And Laura I saw pop up this week too. Dad? Chad? Anyone?
Posted by
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Do I count :)
My little-big brother Google Stats shows we get about 30 to 40 people a day so they are out there....somewhere!
Dad sent me an email this morning so since I'm writing this anyway here's what he said :)
"We are still keeping up with the Blog daily. Thank Julie very much for that. 3 months seems to have gone so quick - but I don't imagine Julie would agree :-)"
Save you doing a cut and paste job Dad ;)
Izzy and I check to see what you've been up to each day!
You get more comments then we do on our blog, irritating though isn't it when you spend soooooooooooooooooooooooooo long uploading photos onto stoooopid blogger which takes an age!
Anyway we love seeing what you've been up to, so don't start slacking now ;)
Us! *waves hands frantically*
We still check up on you lot :)
Hey there Buckinghams, Its me Wendy from Australia.... let me tell you that I check up on you guys each and every time I turn on my PC. (which is every single day) I have to get my Kory and Krystal update every day...I feel like I know you guys. Just because I never leave many comments doesnt mean we arent here reading about your lovely adventures everyday. Cheers and keep up the great work Julie and James. Wendy xxx
Wendy :)
Hi there of course we read it!!!!
Dont stop it keeps it up to date as you are so far away
Who's that?
I need to tick you off my list :D
I still read it when i caaan!!!!
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