Holiday Week
Oops, I didn't realise I hadn't updated this for a week. With James being off last week we were pretty busy. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were just normal days, as Kory had school and then the car was in the garage (AGAIN!) to get the brakes fixed. They had better be done this time, as that's over £700 now.Kory fell off his Winnie the Pooh car on Thursday mornign and crashed into a wall and got a big bruise on his face!
On Friday, James took Kory and Krystal to Rambo's in the morning and I did some housework - it was actually quite nice in a strange way to be by myself regardless of what I was doing! In the evening Coral and Chad (James' parents) arrived from London for the weekend. Both kids were in bed, so I got to open all the pressies for them (thanks C & C!)
On Saturday morning Kory was delighted to find his Nana and Grandad in the spare room, and even moreso when they produced several new books for him! The whole weekend we've heard "Nana do it" and "Grandad do it" The weather was lovely, so we decided to go to Storybook Glen for the day.
It's a childrens place set in lovely gardens, with lots of (very bad) models of characters around the place. The don't look much like what they are meant to be, but the kids don't seem to care. I think I've been spoilt having been to Disney twice too!
We spent a couple of hours wondering around then headed for some lunch. Once we were done, we decided to head to Stonehaven as there was a European market on. It was smaller than we thought, but we did get some yummy pancakes before we came home again.
After both kids were in bed, James and I went to the pub for a couple of drinks. Neither Kory or Krystal made a squeak the whole time we were out, yet tonight Krystal just won't stay asleep.
Today the weather was rubbish all day. Everyone went to B&Q this morning and then James made a roast for lunch. After lunch Coral and Chad had to head off to the airport, so we headed into town for a while.
Enjoy the rest of the photos and I'll pop the videos on this post another day as I am off to bed now as I've had 3 rough nights and feel awful!
Choo Choo!
Kory loves diggers so this was great!
We hunted everywhere for this one, he was so keen to meet Humpty Dumpty!
Sitting inside the 3rd Piggy's House!
At Old McDonalds Farm
Driving Noddy's Car
This Seesaw was brilliant!
Fireman Sam (I think!)
And a sleep after a hard day out!
Storybook glen looks like an interesting place, always wondered what it was like!!! Looks like you had fun though. Kory is looking very grown up, especially in the photo in the little pig's house
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