Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Hairdo

I want a new hairdo - I've looked like this since I was about 17 with the colour varying slightly with the sun. Please give any suggestions by leaving a comment! All suggestions considered :o)

My 2 requirements are that it must still fit in a ponytail of some description as I hate not being able to get it off my face and it can't take too long to do each day as I don't have time, so straightening is probably out!



Just a little warning

Thought I'd write a blog for a change (shock horror I know!) after getting a few strange phone calls today and thought I'd warn everyone just in case.

This afternoon Julie got an answer machine message on her mobile saying:

"This is a message for Mr James Buckingham from your Bank. Could you please give us a call on (0845) 8501167 urgently please. This is not a sales or marketing call"

Well firstly why are you phoning my wife's mobile number? I don't remember ever giving that number instead of mine for anything and secondly "Your bank???" come on how stupid do you think I am!!!

They then phoned my house and left the same message.

This number doesn't appear on any of my bank's websites but I thought I'd follow it up with a phone call to the Bank of Scotland. Shock horror they've not heard of it and have said that they wouldn't leave a message on an answer phone because anybody could pick it up let alone say this is "Your bank".

Worrying though how whoever this is has got Julie's mobile number and our house number for somewhere.

Hopefully the search engines will pick this up as well but just a message to "Mr George Agdgdgwngo" out there...go and phone some other mug


*UPDATE 05/09*: Thought I'd add that I found this online as well: Looks like they're trying a variety of techniques.

*UPDATE 13/09*:Well after the incident at the restaurant yesterday I decided to go down the bank today and find out what's going on. Well it looks like someone did try to use my card after all. They were trying to pay for a subscription to iTunes in America. So that number above is the Bank of Scotland or at least a company that works on behalf of the BOS.

It's awful that they phone up and actually say "The bank" and after confirming the details they did have my wifes number. God knows from where! They actually phoned again tonight as well which I'm assuming is because of me trying to use the card in the restaurant.

I'm getting a new card and card number sent to me in the next 7 days but in the meantime I thought I'd let you know that the number above (although not advertised anyway) is the BOS Retail Fraud department and not fake after all!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Little Tiny Princess

I've been meaning to mention this for a week or two as it's so cute. When Krystal wakes up from a sleep, Kory loves going to her room first. I was downstairs one day and heard him on the monitor go in and say "Hi beautiful - my little tiny princess" I was just about in tears, it was so lovely.

Considering how much she cries, how much attention she gets and how much Kory misses out on because of it, he's really good with her, and loves her to bits. He kisses her lots, and likes to make her smile. When she does he comments on it and laughs. When she cries he sometimes goes to get her a toy to play with and other times gets a dummy (should I spoil this by telling you he rams it in her mouth and says "shut-up Krystal!) for her.

He's taken to having a sister brilliantly. I don't know how I'd have coped if he played up too.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Just a quick post today with a photo of me and Baby Krystal. Mummy had to bribe me to sit here like this, but it was worth it!

We've had a lazy 2 days, yesterday we went to visit Katy and Baby Matthew in the morning and chilled in the afternoon. Then today I went to school in the morning and Sarah, Coinneach & Baby Eonan came to visit in the afternoon. Nearly all my friends have baby brothers and sisters just like me!



Sunday, August 26, 2007

Party Time!

Today has been a busy day! In the morning we went to Brewsters for Ellie's first birthday. I forgot to take photos which is a shame as Krystal looked very pretty in her dress, but Kory had fun and as usual was the last one to leave the table of food!

We came home and both kids slept for a while, then we headed out again to a BBQ at Alison's house. All the usual gang were there, the food and drink was free flowing, and as you can see Alison looked just wonderful as the BBQ Queen!

It was all too much for Krystal though and she crashed out on James who was then stuck until she woke up again! Don't ask about the socks pulled right up to her knees, James did it, she didn't go out looking like that!



Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Day with Thomas

Today was the best day since the Tweenies!! We got up early and had breakfast and then went a drive to a place called Brechin about 45 minutes away from our house. When we got there we went into a station and guess what??!! The Fat Controller was there!

Once we paid him some money, we went right into the station and there was Percy and Thomas and Diesel and Oliver and Cranky Crane and Henrietta and all the Troublesome Trucks!! It was so good. I didn't know where to look first.

I got to go inside Percy and make his whistle make the Choo Choo noise. I was a bit scared of that though, it was very loud! After we had seen all the other trains, we went to the little tiny shop that was FULL of Thomas things. Mummy said she's never seen so many Thomas toys before!

After I bought a Thomas cutlery set and 2 new books, we actually went inside Thomas. I was very excited. We sat at a little table. And then....Thomas said Choo Choo and we started to move. We went backwards for ages and I saw lots of cows and farms out the window.

When we stopped, Mummy and me got out for a little walk at the station and then got back on Thomas and this time we went forwards. We went back to Brechin Station. I really enjoyed seeing Thomas and his friends, and it was a really hot sweaty day which made it lots better.

Daddy & Krystal

Us on Percy

Oliver the Steamroller




For My Grandparents!

Hi Gran, Grandpa, Nanna & Grandad

As you know I really like books and you all buy me some. Well there is a set of books I really like and there are LOTS and LOTS to collect. So I wondered if maybe you could get me them WHEN you get me books now? Mummy and Daddy helped me today put together a list so you know what ones I don't have yet, but lots of shops sell them.

I hops you don't think that is cheeky, I'm not asking you to buy me books, just when you do, I'd like these ones (Daddy will put the link on the right side too for me)

Love you all


Me and my Brother

Here is a wee video of me and Kory playing a few days ago. For those of you not in the know, Mickey-John is in the kids TV show "Me Too!" - Mummy and Daddy are so silly, they didn't even know he wore a tie when Kory said he was wearing a tie like Mickey-John.



Friday, August 24, 2007

Big Blog

I always say "oh it's a big blog" so decided it's about time I named it that! So back to Monday - it was the day from hell. The kids cried lots (both of them) and I had no clue why (either of them). By 2pm I had to get out so headed to the park round the corner.

By the time we got back, calm had returned and they actually played nicely on the rug while I sorted out some dinner which was a novelty. I've not managed much on that front since Krystal arrived as she's such a handful at that time of day!

On Tuesday morning, school went back, yippee!! I took Kory there then headed to the clinic to get Krystal weighed. She only put on 2oz in 2 weeks AGAIN, so they are keeping an eye on it. Not sure what they suggest, force feed her?? She's just not interested in eating.

I went back down to get Kory and came home and had a whole 2 HOURS of peace when they both slept - bliss! In the afternoon, my friend Laura came round with her daughters Lydia who goes to school with Kory and Esther who is 6 weeks old. We had a chat while the kids played. They get on really well together, are on the same wavelength and like same things, like jigsaws.

On Wednesday morning I took Kory to school again and I just sat and had a cuppa! In the afternoon, we had some visitors. Jill, Heather and Hamish (along with Alan) moved to Norway 2 years ago so we'd not seen them. But they came over to visit and brought Krystal this lovely Gap outfit and Kory a jigsaw game. It was lovely to see them all again, but I forgot to take photos!

At some point this week, it looks like Kory had the camera, as we just found this photo on it!!

Today has been a scorcher. I had a horiffic night last night, so Kory and I snuggled in bed when Krystal slept this morning. Then in the afternoon, we went to visit friends in Stonehaven who we've not seen for ages.

In fact we met baby Hannah for the first time...oops! We sat in the garden for a while, but it was so hot the babies (well Krystal) were getting so hot and bothered that we went inside to cool off a bit. Kory and EmilieWe then collected James from work and the fun and games began!


P.S. More photos....

Krystal with Teddy


Smiley Girl

With Daddy


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Alphabet Boy

I'll try and get a better video of Kory saying the alphabet, he's not into performing if the camera is near and wants to see it and messes about. But he can say the whole alphabet only getting a little lost at "LMNOP"



Today Only!

It was a busy day today with breastfeeding group in the morning (it's going really well) and then playgroup in the afternoon. It was a really hot day, and I finally managed to get one of my favourite outfits on Krystal! I got several good photos today, so will just pop them on...

A rare Kory & Krystal photo

In the car this afternoon

In her lovely dress

Krystal sitting up

Mrs Screamy Pants!


P.S. We moved house a year ago today!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Video of Nothing!

A wee video from the other day of the kids playing...not very exciting, but for those who don't see them, it's better than photos!



Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Anniversary

I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to James and I for tomorrow. We've been married 4 years now, which have flown past! We have 2 beautiful children, who have put us through a few challenges (especially Krystal!) but we always come out smiling.

I love my husband...he even bought me a HUGE box of Hotel Chocolat fruity chocolates as a present. Husbands just don't get better than that!



Sunday, August 19, 2007

New Furniture

Ok, so it's almost exactly a year we've lived in this new house and we're done hardly anything to it - to be fair we've been rather busy! - but this past wee while we've almost finished the living room. James has wall mounted the TV (impressed? I am!) and put all the cables down the back of the wall. We've got a new entertainment unit with the new stereo on it.

We also got a new coffee table which will eventually go in the middle of the room, but for now while the kids are little it's against the wall. You can kind of see it here with Krystal sitting on it! I love it, it's got Basalt panels in it which make it look realy nice. The kids also have new toy boxes which look nice in the living room when all the toys are away at night!

So all that's left to do is the biggest thing of them all - a new couch. Somehow I think it might be at least this time next year before I'm posting about that! Oh and I would like rid of the wooden flooring and a carpet put in, but thats another story!



Saturday, August 18, 2007

4 Months Old

Happy Birthday to me! I'm 4 months old today. I don't cry as much, I like to play with toys now and grab things, especially Mummy's hair. I love to watch Kory running around and I enjoy spending time cuddling my Daddy. I don't roll yet, but I'm trying to do that sitting up thing so that I can watch TV better. I've also learnt to shriek really loudly. It's great, it gets Mummy and Daddy's attention as they think I'm going to cry!



Friday, August 17, 2007

Oh What a Week!

Well this week has been yuck. Monday was a horrible stressy day - won't go into details, but having feeding issues with Krystal - and Monday night was worse. Kory is teething (we think) and ended up in bed with me as I was fed up getting up and down between him and Krystal. On Tuesday morning after James went to work, I wasn't well and he ended up coming home. I spent the day in bed.

By Wednesday I felt a bit better, but James had whatever it was so didn't go into work again. I'm glad I felt human again as Kory and I had tickets for the Tweenies which he was excited about and have had since January! We went with Maria and Daniel. Kory absolutely loved it, he sat in amazement for about 20 minutes looking before he joined in clapping, singing and dancing.

Thursday was a much more relaxed day, we had breatfeeding group in the morning, then went to the park in the afternoon. Just after we arrived, the rain came on full pelt and Kory chose that moment to go down the big slide. His jeans were was soaked. So we had to leave again to get him changed. Instead we went to Brewsters to play.

This morning I had to wait in for our new furniture to arrive. While I was waiting our new neighbour Mavish came in with her baby boy Ayaan for a wee chat. In the afternoon after the furniture arrived, Leanne brought the girls round to play for an hour before we had to head off to get James from work.

I'm not even going to try and go back to last week with what I missed, I'm sure it wasn't that interesting! Have some photos instead...

Don't mess with me or I'll punch your lights out!

Kory with his big gangster gold rings on (ignore the stupid face!)

Grooving on her new noisy toy (thanks Hannah for lending her it!)

The kids outside today

Kids in the kitchen

Kory & I before going to Tweenies

Chillin' in the garden last weekend

Having a wee rest



Thursday, August 09, 2007

Chocolate Dipping

Last weekend at Mums house, mum got out a present my Aunt Doreen had given her. It was a chocolate dipping kit (Hotel Chocolat, yum!) So we heated the chocolate, chopped some strawberries and set to work. Here is mum with Kory enjoying it.

Hmmm, chocolate


Laura Chocolate Lips

And lastly...Laura had one too many Amaretto Cherries!



Peas and Picnic

This week has been quiet. On Tuesday, Mummy and I went to Asda food shopping. We bought some pea pods, but I didn't know what they were...until yesterday. Mummy gave me some and showed me how to open them and get the little treasures inside...I love peas!

Here is me, Daddy and Krystal having a picnic lunch in the garden yesterday. Though Krystal didn't actually have anything to eat. It's not really a surprise that she was only 12lbs when she was weighed on Tuesday!

Krystal wore a dress again, Mummy was all excited, but I just don't see the point in it, she spends more time with it round her tummy than looking pretty!
