Meal Out
This afternoon we went to pick up Daddy from his work and then went down the beach to Fandango's for dinner. It was the first time we have been out in the evening to eat since Krystal came. It was fun. I got lots of different foods from the buffet, but Krystal was a bit of a whingebag in her buggy so Mummy and Daddy had to hold her. But next time we eat out Daddy says Krystal can have some food and sit in a highchair just like me.
After I had eaten my food, I got some ice cream and some jelly - my favourite! But this is where it got embarassing...Mummy and Daddy weren't happy with the food, so asked for the manager. He came over to our table and chatted for ages. I was mortified that they did this. It worked though as we only had to pay half the money that we should have, so it means more for my bank.The man who worked the till got me 2 balloons while we waited and waited. Daddy's bank card was declined though he's not sure why. I could feel my face going all red by now...I just wanted to get out of the place! The man helped me tie my 2 balloons to my jeans in the hope I'd float upwards when I got outside. He also put one on Krystal's buggy to help her escape our embarassing parents too!
Maybe next meal out will be more successful...
Yeah Kory your Daddy did that to me last time we went shopping. Love grandpa xxx
In my defense that's only the 2nd time that's happened :-). I'd forgotten about that one time though, oops!!! I've just updated this article with the reason why my card was declined:
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