Saturday, July 30, 2005

Nana's Visit

Last night James' mum (Kory's Nana) came up from London to visit us for the weekend. So as he's missing out, I promised to do blogs specially for his Grandad, so Chad, this is just for you!!

Above is a photo of Kory yesterday morning in his pyjamas. We had to get up early to take James to work, and typically Kory slept past 8am so we had to wake him and shove a jacket on to go!

This morning we got up late (lazy bones Kory!) and got sorted to go out for lunch and into town. Kory and Coral were mesing about in the mirror which Kory did find funny but was in such a stinky mood he kept crying! Silly Baby!

Here's the evidence, poor baby! But it makes a nice change from always having smiley baby on here!! We went into town and went for lunch, but as usual, as soon as the food arrived, Kory started whinging. So we played "Pass the Kory" as we all rammed our food down our throats.

After we went to John Lewis to buy a high chair type thing for him. When we come back from holiday he's likely going to be ready for food, so I thought we'd get organised in advance. We don't really have space to keep a proper high chair, so opted for one that goes on a chair. As you can see he looks quite the part sitting there!

And lastly, here is Kory in his new Superman Pyjamas that his Nana bought for his today. He looked cute and James is always calling him Super Kory and zooming him about, so now he looks the part too! Although I'm sure in 10 years he'll hate this photo!



Friday, July 29, 2005

Happy Birthday Mum!!!!

Just a quick blog to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM". She's coming up this weekend to see us all but I thought I'd better give her a mention on here ;).

Many happy returns and on hitting the grand age of 21 ;)

Lots of Love
James, Julie & Kory


A few cool site

A few cool sites which popped up in my inbox this week.

The first one was the trailer site for the film "Crash the Wedding". Pop over to here and have a go of the "Crash the Trailer" feature. It had me in tears :)

The second one is Google's latest online toy, Google Earth. A bit Big Brother-ish but if you thought Multimap was clever when it first came out you've not seen nothing yet :)



Thursday, July 28, 2005

Baby Group!

Here is Kory today with all the babies in our baby group, how cool!

Here's also a pic of him with Kirsty who is one of the twins, they had been holding hands and sucking each others noses, but I was too slow with the camera!

And here's one of him on his own laughing!



Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Cheeky Monkey!

Look! Today I learnt to pull the animals off my play gym!! Here I am when mummy left the room, I got 2 off before she returned!! I am so clever, I've worked out if I hold on to their tails and pull hard, they come off! But then I get annoyed they are not there to hit any more!

Today I went ot the baby clinic to get weighed...I'm now 14lbs 4.5oz, so put on 9oz in 2 weeks. Damn that Mummy milk, I was hoping not to have put on much so they would give me food! Oh well, looks like I stuck on that now till after my holiday!

I've not been very happy for the past few days, my gums hurt loads and my cheeks are so hot all the time. I keep going to the toilet too and generally feel a bit strange. Mummy told me today it's my teeth coming through, and gave me some funny tasting powder stuff to help me. Here's a photo of my little red cheeks.

And one last thing that I am so excited about...Mummy told me today that she is not going back to her old job in September, she is staying off a bit longer to play with me. Her old boss can't wait for her till March, so she might have to look for a new job then. But in the meantime, I have her to play with me, yippee!



Tuesday, July 26, 2005

4 Months Old!!

As the title suggests, Kory is 4 months old today. How time flies, he's now such a cheeky wee imp compared to what he was 4 months ago!! I love his eyes in this picture, full of mischief! Which is exactly what he was today, a wee monkey!!

This photo was taken yesterday morning of him in his tracksuit his Nana bought him before he was born, it's still huge on him, but as I'd been lazy and done no ironing, there wasn't much choice, besides, I thought being 3-6 months it'd fit, but nope!! He looks like a right poser/catalogue model in it!

Yesterday was a bit of a lazy day, we went out a walk in the afternoon with Trish and Aaron, just around the Cove area, and both babies slept most of the time. But as usual by the time we were 5 mins away from home, they were both screaming!!

Today I took the wee guy to get "proper" photos taken at a professional photographer who specialises in baby photos. They took 7 different positions and Kory was brilliant, totally playing up to the camera and smiling and shreeking away. It's going to be hard to choose some, as I know they will all be good! Here's a photo of Kory with James before his bath last night, looking like a mini sumo (Kory that is, not James!)

This is a picture that Laura (Kory's Auntie) got made for Kory. We finally got around to hanging it up today, and it looks well smart in his room.



Monday, July 25, 2005

Hooray a new game!!!

At last, I've finally found a game worthy of putting on the blog!!

I've been nosing around for something to pass my time over lunch for sometime but nothing has really caught my attention, until now!!!

I came across this little puzzler last week - Atomica

I've not been taking note of my score but so far I've manage to get a ranking of Professor (I think it's over 20000 points you get it).

As usual, give it a go and let us know how you get on.



Sunday, July 24, 2005

Am I Cute?

I think this is a lovely photo of me showing off my best smiles! So, onto my news...hmm, on Thursday we went to our baby group, and on Friday, me and 3 of the boys and Erin went swimming...we invited the mummies too as we figured we'd sink without them holding us!

In the afternoon, we went into mummies work. There were some nice ladies there who wanted to goo and gaa over me. I got stuck in my pushchair while mummy chatted to her boss.

I had a really boring day yesterday. Mummy and Daddy were doing housework, so I kept getting parked around the house to watch and play with my toys. But the end result is a shiny sparkling house! I need to think about how I can mess it up again! In the afternoon we went to a big shop called Next to the sale. Mummy wanted to get me some new clothes with some vouchers her work gave us. She says she's been saving them for a sale.

She bought me LOADS of clothes for next summer and even some cool jeans for this winter, I'm gonna look like one of the coolest dudes in town!

Today I had a much more fun day, my "Uncle" Neil came to visit with his girlfriend Tara. I liked her, and I think she liked me too...but everyone does, I'm to smiley for anyone to resist. We went out for lunch, and they all had yummy looking food which I had to watch them eat before I got my mummy milk. I can't wait to get all that kind of food.

Speaking of me getting food, Mummy made some peaches and some carrots for me tonight, the peaches smell yummy! They both look the same colour, which I am sure will be fun to spit all over the place!! Here's me sleeping after a hard day!

That's all for now, more updates from me in a few days, but in the meantime I'll try and get my lazy Daddy to do a post!



Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Last Massage & Injections

Today we were out all day, which was fun. We had the last baby massage class this morning, so now we have to keep it up ourselves!! We walked there and back again, which is an hour each way, so I feel all fit. We walked back with Trish and Aaron and then went there for lunch. Kory loved playing in Aaron's toy thingy, as he could stand up in it and he was so excited!

This afternoon I had to take him for his final injections. Poor wee man screamed when they went in, and was looking at me with huge eyes. I gave him a wee feed and then he fell asleep in his pram. He woke up a happy little chappy as you can see, and went down well tonight.

We had an amusing incident tonight - our baby monitor kept making baby noises, but Kory was sound asleep, and it turns out we can hear a neighbour baby, only we don't know who!!



Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Looky Likey

On the left is my uncle Jamie when he was a baby, and on the right is me when I was 7 weeks old. Scary huh? We have the same eyes and although I'm not smiling in my pic, we have the same cheeky smile!



Monday, July 18, 2005

Kory Pics

All we did today was have Trish and Aaron here for lunch and then go a walk with Kory in his pushchair instead of his pram. He really enjoyed being able to see out. As I have nothing to say really, here's some photos instead of boring you with no news!

Ooops, bad mummy, he had a fly on his head and I didn't even notice till I looked at the photos tonight!! Poor Baby!!



Sunday, July 17, 2005

My Big Boy!

Kory is growing up so fast! Last night he slept through for the 3rd night running and 4th in a week, so it's looking good! I got up with Kory today to let James sleep...till 11am!! Then we all got dressed (how grown up does he look today!?) and went to town to get lunch and shop. As usual we bought baby things, more swimming nappies for his hols as we're going through them fast.

Once we got home, armed with some little pots and ice cube trays, I decided to start cooking food for when I decide to start weaning Kory. I'm not planning on doing it yet, but if he decides he wants it any time now, we're ready to go. We have some appetising broccoli mush, some potato and mummy milk mush (eww!) and some apple mush. It all tastes pretty yuck, but I'm sure anything will be nice after 5/6 months of just milk!

Tonight Kory was really funny in his bath, kicking and splashing about. For the past few nights we've not held on to him and he is much happier (very independant baby, remind you of anyone??!!) on his own just lying there.

I finally decided that Kory really is too big for his pram and built the pushchair. He'll think Christmas has come early tomorrow when we go a walk and he can see out!! If I need it to though, the pram bit fits over the top. And I can still use it as a carseat for a long time yet. So it's not out of service just yet.



Saturday, July 16, 2005


Here's me playing today, sitting up against the couch on the floor. I sat here with Mummy for ages. We played with my cube thing which has a crinkly leaf on it and a buzzy bee which makes me laugh. We also sang songs and I tried to join in. I love Twinkle Twinkle as Mummy makes a star with her hand.

Today I also finally managed to get my hands on Daddy's hair. I've been eyeing all the spikey bits up for weeks but just couldn't get close enough. Today I succeeded, and it was very funny to grab on and pull!

I now have my own bank account too, we went this morning to open it, and I got a wee book to go with it and everything, how grown up. I had to show my passport to get it too! I feel like a proper adult now, but Daddy says this means I'll start getting junk mail!



Friday, July 15, 2005

Busy Bees

Not a lot to report today, but wanted to post this photo from last night after bath time as Kory looked very cute! He was being very cuddly!

Just a wee update, as I know our fans like to know what we're up do, especially the grandparents! Yesterday we had a morning in the house then James came home for lunch. Kory and I then went to our baby group in the afternoon and the place was locked so we sat in the sun, must have looked a right sight for sore eyes 8 of us sitting outside with babies!!

Last night Kory slept through the night again till 7:30am this morning. Not getting too excited as I know it could all go pear shaped, but that's twice in a week he's done it. Fingers crossed, and he's been so good today as well having had decent sleeps!!

Today we went swimming with Trish and Aaron to Kincorth pool. It didn't have a baby pool, but we were the only ones in the pool and the kids loved it. So did the female lifeguards for that matter, they were all coming over and cooing about how they were tiny babies and they never get babies in. Kory was screeching and kicking his legs all over the place. I was even dunking him under, to get him used to it, and he was totally unfazed!

This afternoon we went into town to meet Jackie from my work for lunch. She's currently cooking a wee playmate for Kory, due in December.

Tonight at bath time he was again splashing his arms and legs and kept getting the water in his face and sneezing! Silly baby!



Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Fun in the Sun!

Aren't my parents slackers? They've not posted anything since the weekend!! Looks like it's up to me to update you all again!! Daddy was off work until Monday and we went shopping and went a walk and it was very very hot. I got some colour on my cheeks!

Yesterday Mummy and I chilled in the house in the morning then we went to chat to pregnant people in the afternoon about how to feed babies Mummy Milk!! I was as good as gold the whole time and we even went a walk after. But that is where I got fed up being good. It was so hot I was fed up. So I didn't go to bed till 11pm, naughty Kory!!

Today we walked down to baby massage with Trish and Aaron. Again it was too hot so I didn't want massaged!! I slept the whole way there and the whole way back though. In the afternoon we went with my older woman, Holly, to get weighed - what a rubbish place for a date!! I weigh 13lbs 9.5oz now. Mummy and the health visitor were talking about giving me some stuff called food which I am fascinated with... I can't wait.

Here's a photo of me when I was caught watching the TV the other day...ooops!



Saturday, July 09, 2005

Your thoughts

It looks like the company that run our little "Your Thoughts" message board is shutting it down. Boo!!!

I've removed it from the blog for now but I'll hopefully have something new, and better up and running soon ;)



Day Trip to Aboyne

Last night Kory slept through the night for the first time properly! He's gone till 7am without a feed a few times, but been awake about 4am and needing settled again, but last night he slept from 11:20pm after a feed till 6:53am!! Clever Kory!

We got up and organised and went for a drive out Deeside to Aboyne. We popped in past Drum and Crathes Castles on the way, but didn't stay (don't ask!). When we got to Aboyne, we parked and went a walk, and found a nice spot of grass in a park to plonk ourselves on. James and I had an apple and Kory had mummy milk as usual!! He lay on his mat kicking for a while, loving the grass on his toes.

We walked back, found an ice cream van and got a '99' each. I've not had one of those since I was a kid! We drove home via a chippy and got dinner!! It was such a hot day, but was cloudy so was great for taking the wee man out in.



Friday, July 08, 2005

An Amusing Link!

Have a look at this link, very amusing!!



Thursday, July 07, 2005

My Big Adventure!

I'm baaack!! Have all my fans missed me?? Me,Mummy and Daddy have been on a big adventure this week! Last week though, I discovered I had feet, I could see them, and almost touch them, but on Friday I finally managed to eat them, yippee, they taste so yummy!

On Saturday morning we got up early to set off on the first leg of our journey to my gran's house. It took us 3 hours to get there and I slept the whole way, how good am I!?? In the evening, I went in my grans HUGE bath, it's like being in the swimming pool!! This is me looking cute and innocent after my didn't last long; I decided I didn't like sleeping in a strange place in the daylight, and cried for over an hour, naughty me!!

On Sunday, I went out with Mummy to see some of her old friends from school, but she forgot to even take her camera, so we have no photos of that part of my adventure!! At night, I screamed again, I just wanted to be involved in everything, and just knew when I did go to sleep, Mummy and Daddy would go out for an indian meal, how rude!! I played lots with my gran later on which was fun...she spoils me, but that's what gran's are for!

On Monday, my Gran went to work, so I had a day with Auntie Laura (with Mummy and Daddy too!) We went a big walk while our car was getting fixed, and then they took me swimming again. I do enjoy it, but don't smile much when we're in the water, I just bob around in my chair taking it all in!! I had my hat and glasses on which Auntie Laura thought was hilarious for some reason, I thought I looked cool!

Here is a photo of me lying on Auntie Laura's knee in the afternoon, it was so hot I was stripped off and I just chilled out with my bottle of water. I don't much like water, but I know I have to drink it on my holiday's so I might as well get used to it!

On Tuesday, we left for Darlington to visit Mummy and Daddy's friend Jenni. We arrived before she finished work, so got her keys and I went there to get some food so that I was happy before she came home! We had a bit of a play (and I was sick on her!!) before it was my bed time. Once again I wasn't impressed with going to bed in a weird place, so I created a big fuss!

On Wednesday, Jenni had the day off work, so we drove to York. We went round a few shops and went to York Minster which looked the same as any other church if you ask me, but then I was only peeking from my pram so couldn't see properly! We had lunch in a pub and I kind of sat at the table which was fun...I love staring at the grown ups putting things in their mouths, it makes me giggle!

Jenni took a rare photo of me with both Mummy and Daddy when we got home then it was bedtime again, but I was wide awake. Eventually about 9pm they gave in and let me get back up into the living room to play. Jenni's boyfriend Dave was there too, and he says he reads all about me on here (Hi Dave!!) and promised to take me to his farm to see the cows and sheep next time I go down to visit, how exciting!

Today we drove to Glasgow to visit Jill. I was all excited as she has 2 little people too, but they were out!! However, Jill gave me a brilliant chair that Hamish used to use. It means I can sit up without someone holding me! Here's a photo of me in it when we got home tonight.

Now I am very sleepy after my expiditions, am off for a sleep and I WILL be good tonight and let Mummy and Daddy catch up on their sleep!



Friday, July 01, 2005

And we're off...

Hi everyone,

It's holiday time!!!

We're off on a big adventure around the country for a couple days to take in some of the good weather and to say hello to a couple of friends and family.

If we get a chance (and we can get near a computer) we'll trying and give you all an update on what we've been upto. If we can't then we'll be back online next Friday ;)

Take care,