Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I've had a fun week of playing! On Monday we went to Rambo's as we usually do. And guess what? Both sets of twins were there!! Isn't that exciting? Me and Daniel had 4 girls to ourselves! And 2 of them even look the same. After my dinner now, I like to tell Mummy and Daddy when I am tired and ready for my "Big Bed" I even let them know if it is bath night, and which story I want to read before I go to sleep.

When we got up on Tuesday morning, Mummy wasn't feeling well. I was a really good boy and snuggled with her on the couch while she had a wee sleep and watched TV. When she woke up, we read some books for a while before my nap time. Later, a man came over to measure the windows for new blinds, one in our dining room and one in the baby's room. After we picked Daddy up from work, Mummy went to her work.

This morning we went to playgroup. Me and Liam were running up and down the hall, Mummy called us Loonies!! I got lots of toast to eat too. Get and Daniel have worked out if we wait till the end, we get all the leftovers that no-one else wants. Good plan eh? We might be little boys but we're not silly!

This afternoon, I went to Daniel's house to play because mummy had to go to the midwife to make sure my baby sister is doing ok. I had fun playing with Daniel, here we are having a week kiss before I had to go home!


P.S. Mummy asked me to mention that I have not been wearing the same clothes all week, it just so happens that I'm wearing a white top in all the good photos!!


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

When I Grow Up......

...I want to be a Rock Star!


Sunday, January 28, 2007


Finally managed to get Kory counting on video, as you can see, seven is a sticky number, he misses it every single time, but the others he's really very good at!



Bump, Chinese and Park

Just a quick one tonight as it's only been a couple of days. On Friday I had loads of plans to clean the house, only to wake up sick in the morning. So I did nothing, and I mean nothing! By 3pm, we were going stir cazy, so Kory and I went to get James from work and we went to order new blinds for the dining room and baby's room.

We got a chinese takeaway on the way home, and I've not seen anyone as excited about something for a long time as Kory was about prawn "cackers" He gobbled them down while we were waiting for the food (they have a bowl of them out for customers) and then again at home, with his spaghetti bolognaise. What a horrible combination, but he was unfazed!

Saturday was meant to be a productive day, but we ended up spending it doing housey things, cleaning all the bathrooms, putting up some mirrors/pictures and food shopping. Boring really! Here are Kory and I doing "See-Saw Boat" as he keeps asking for!

Today as usual I was working. It was really busy, and boring. It's getting harder to stand for a while now, I'm so glad I have only got 5 weeks left now. I did get a body pillow the other day though, it's about 5ft long and just moulds into the shape of you and is just brilliant for holding the bump up and getting comfy on!

James took Kory to Duthie Park to let off some steam. He loves chutes just now so he played on that for a while, watched some kites, chased dogs wanting to cuddle them and played with his ball. It started to get dark though and the park emptying so they came and got me and we all came home for dinner (and lived happily ever after....)



Thursday, January 25, 2007

Burns Supper

Happy Burns Night! Tonight James and Kory had Haggis Neeps and Tatties for their dinner with oatcakes. I thought Kory might do a double take, or something before eating it, but nope, just shovelled it in like he'd always been eating it.

It's been really nice to get back to normal this week, we went to Rambos on Monday, where Kory had a bit of a funny turn after a big boy knocked him over, he didn't recover and we ended up leaving! Here he is pretending to sleep!

On Tuesday morning we woke up to snow! Although Kory saw it last year and even played in it, he had no idea what it was, and loved how it crunched under his feet!

He just loved his new snowsuit too!

We had a nice relaxing and playful morning as this photo shows, Kory was full of silly faces!

In the afternoon, Reja and Erin came over. We've not seen them for ages, both of us are rubbish at keeping in touch! Here they are sharing the trampoline, Kory took great delight in showing Erin all his toys and how they work!

On Wednesday morning we went to playgroup, Kory was in his element running around like he'd been locked up for a week. In the afternoon, we went up to Makro to get some bits and bobs then over to Katy's house. Kory had fun playing with Joe, and was saying "Joe House" the whole way there and the whole way back, driving me suitably mad!

Today we had another morning in the house drawing and reading, then went to baby group in afternoon. When we came home, James did the Burns Supper and that's been our week!

This photo of the bump was taken last Friday I think. I've been feeling (marginally) better, I'm still very sore with the sciatica, but at least the flu has gone. And my tooth seems to have calmed down. My swelling has increased and I swear this baby doesn't sleep. Nothing else to report on that front, I have midwife next week, so will be more then I would expect. Oh and my last day of work will be 7th March, YAY!



Wednesday, January 24, 2007

They Don't Normally Feed Me... I was starving!!!



Saturday, January 20, 2007


Yesterday to amuse Kory, I got out his paints that he got for Christmas. We did some normal painting with brushes, some potato printing, some pasta shapes and some finger painting. Kory loved it and I had fun too! So here are some photos, can you tell which pictures are Kory's and which are mine!!??

Normal brush painting

Using potatoes to make prints

Ewww, paint and snot!

Our Works of Art!!

And lastly a video of us hard at making our masterpieces



Friday, January 19, 2007

Flu Flu Flu

What a week this has been! On Monday morning Kory woke up with a really bad cough, so I decided we probably shouldn't mix with others and pass it on. By the afternoon he really wasn't himself and his temperature was soaring as it went on. He spent most of the day on the couch in a little bed I made up for him. Sitting still this long and not eating much there had to be something wrong!!

He even asked up for a cuddle and fell asleep. For those of you who know Kory, he has never just nodded off where he is, it's just not something he does so this was weird. He woke up after about half an hour and was sick all over him and me, nice!! When James came in, he was all dozy and fell asleep on him again. We decided just to get him up to bed.

He woke up at this point, so we gave him medicine (including bribery with a jelly baby!) He then totally came alive, so brought him back downstairs for some food which he didn't want but he was dancing and playing fine. He eventually went to bed about 9pm and I thought he'd be shattered and just sleep. WRONG!!

He woke every 20 minutes coughing and crying as it obviously hurt him. By 11pm, I took him into bed with me. He woke all night, asking to hold my hand or for a cuddle. By 6am I'd not slept so James took over before work. Kory slept on and off all day, but seemed ok in between, just didn't eat much. We went to get James from work, who had developed a cough and temperature.

James didn't make it to work on Wednesday (or since) and I'd started to cough by then too. On Wednesday afternoon I had to go out to do a few bits and pieces. And then I went to work at night. James managed to get Kory into bed and himself too! Thursday was a rough day, Kory seemed to have gone downhill again, James was bad and I felt dreadful, half pregnancy related, half flu. We were a right bunch!!

Today has been marginally better, it seems mine hasn't progressed in the same way and I've still only got a cough which is easing off. James was a bit better, at least able to move today and although Kory has developed a cold as well, he at least slept last night and so wasn't quite as whingy as he has been all week!

We haven't been out all week, Kory has been in pyjamas (apart from to go get James) so nothing else to report. Here is a photo I took today of Kory and James wearing the aprons that Kory got his Daddy for Christmas. He loves cooking with James, so got matching aprons with their names on and "Big Cook" and "Little Cook" (a programme they like watching together)



Monday, January 15, 2007

Music Man

Kory a few days ago doing a bit of his favourite pastime - dancing!



Sunday, January 14, 2007

Busy & Birthday

Last week I was a busy boy - all my groups went back so I got to see lots of my friends again. Daniel, Jessica and Sophie were at them all which was good. The one on Wednesday morning (it's the one where I get toast to eat and sit at the table to make sure none is left over!) was good fun, I was running up and down the hall being very silly. That afternoon I went shopping in town with Mummy and we even went to look at some toys which was good.

On Thursday I didn't get dressed until it was time to go to Baby Group. I had lots to eat here. Now that I can count, I think it's polite to ask for "one please" if someone has some food I would like. Then when I need more I just say "two!" Mummy thinks I'm cheeky....but that would be if I asked for "nine" After Baby Group we went to 2 post offices, one to post some parcels and one to collect some parcels for Mummy. The photo is of me counting!

On Friday it was a good day as it was this thing called a birthday for Mummy and it meant that Daddy didn't go to work which was good. We had a nice lazy morning then we went to a nice place for lunch. I got to have fajitas to eat with some nice rice. Daddy's lunch came on a sizzling plate which was funny. I think they told me it was mexican food.

Here is me and Daddy doing Cheers with our drinks, I like to do this lots of times each meal time. Do you like my very short hair? I went with Daddy to get my hair cut before we had lunch. I was a really good boy and sat on the high up chair. I only tried to turn once to see Daddy, but the lady had the noisy cutting things then, and I now have a funny bit at the back of my hair. Ooops!!

On Saturday, lazy Mummy didn't get out of bed all day, but she wasn't feeling very well so that is ok. I was a good boy for my Daddy - we played and I helped him make some food for Mummy. I like helping with potatoes. I did get a bit bored when Daddy was cooking for ages and ages - so I decided raid the kitchen drawers and see what I could find to play with. I found a seive and decided to play at being a spaceman!!

At night time, I had a bath, but it was different - I got to have a shot of the bubble machine Mummy got for her birthday. There were bubbles everywhere which smelt all fruity like raspberries. I had lots of fun playing with them.

Today it was just me and Daddy as usual on Sunday's, we got out another of my Christmas presents to play with. It was my Bubble from Nana and Grandad. It has 2 games, Balamory and the Tweenies. We played it for ages and ages. Then we tried to go for a walk, but it was very cold and Daddy forgot to put gloves on me, so we just came home again!! This is a photo of me with one of my best friends - the doggy that lives in the living room. I like to take Doggy with me all over, and I especially like sharing my food with him. He sits at the table with me when I have my snacks, he watches TV with me and sometimes even comes to the big table to have dinner too.

I have another busy week planned this week, seeing my friends, Mummy's friends, playing with my toys and having fun with Daddy.

Love Kory


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bump Week 25

Please excuse the outfit, it's my work top! Totally unflattering at the best of times, but having to wear a bigger size when pregnant isn't great! This week Teddy has been growing loads, I feel much bigger. However, with this is coming heartburn, and incredible sciatic pain down my right side. Not had any appointments or scans to report on.

I walked possibly a little too far yesterday, which really wasn't far at all (for those who know Aberdeen - Chicago Rock to Debenhams and back again!!) but as I'm the size of a tank already, it's clearly too far. As a result, I've spent the day in bed...I got up for lunch, and dinner kindly supplied by my lovely husband! Other than that, I lay reading all day.

Oh and did I mention I have a wisdom tooth that has decided now would be a good time to make an appearance? Just when I can't take painkillers or anything, I'm in agony with that too.

I know all I seem to do is moan, but what's to be cheery about when pregnant!? The bottom line is, it's crap, but worth it somewhere in the future!!



Friday, January 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Julie

It's Julie's birthday today!

Happy 28th babe.

James & Kory


Thursday, January 11, 2007


I don't quite think Kory understands the difference between a photo and a film!



Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Isn't there something nice about getting back to normal after Christmas and New Year? It's fun, but I'm glad it's all over for another 340 or so days! Thankfully this year I've a good excuse for looking like I ate all the (mince) pies!! On Wednesday, we went to get Kory's shoes checked, but he STILL doesn't need new ones. At B&Q I got a sample border for Teddy's room, which I stuck on the wall to see what it looked like.

I like it, James isn't so sure, but what do men know about girly things! Now that the cot is in baby's room, we just need a border up and bedding and it'll be all ready, yay! Thursday last week brought relief in the form of taking down our Christmas tree and decorations!! The place looks pretty empty now, but at least Kory can get in about his toys. Here's Kory sat on the unit like a wee gnome!

As I've reported in previous posts, the big bed was built on Friday, Kory "helped" with his hammer and screwdriver. Here is a photo of him posing with the bed.

As we were trying to get back to normal, I thought I had better do some food shopping, so that was my Saturday afternoon, exciting huh?! Here Kory shows why it's all worthwhile, enjoying his spaghetti bolognaise!!

On Sunday the boys spent the day at the house while I worked - not that they have a choice as we still have the courtesy car and I'm the only one insured to drive it. The garage are having trouble sourcing a bonnet for our car so haven't even started fixing it yet. To get Kory some fresh air James took him in the garden for a while, where he decided trees were for cuddling, little weirdo!

Kory really loves the bath crayons he got, he keeps asking for them as soon as he gets in the bath and wants you to draw pictures with him. Like with the play-doh, James is somewhat more artistic than I am and draws good pictures! Although I might add Kory did identify a flower, a bee and a butterfly of mine last week! Here's another photo of him enjoying them and drawing on himself!

Yesterday was James' first day back at work - he was glad to go back, I was glad for him to go back! It meant we could get some sort of routine back. Kory and I went to Ellon to visit Jackie and Craig. Kory had fun playing with all Craig's toys. We stayed there for lunch, then headed into town to go to Rambo's. It was like he'd never been away - although by the time we got James from work I was knackered!!

This morning Kory and I made some mushroom soup. He was delighted to be able to help me chop them up, he wasn't bad at it actually! Sarah and Coinneach came over at lunchtime for a while and the boys ate and played, the mummies ate and chatted!

And lastly, Kory has learnt to use the camera, ARGH! He takes it, turns it round and says cheese as he presses the button. Each time we look in the camera, there are about 20 photos like this one!! He thinks he's so funny too!



Sunday, January 07, 2007

Big Time Hissy Fit

This is for the non-believers (that's my grandparents!) who all think I am sweet and innocent and say that I never cry. Mummy took these 2 videos of me before Christmas, after I'd been going for 25 minutes like this! I wasn't geting my own way, and she didn't understand what I was saying to her. Even chocolate didn't help!

So now you can see, I do cry and get upset....



Friday, January 05, 2007

Big Boy Bed

Tonight was Kory's first night in his bed. It took James all day to wrestle with but it looks great! All day I've been telling Kory that he's going to sleep in a big bed tonight and he's been "helping" James with his toy hammer and screwdriver to put it together. So after his bath tonight, he got his story in bed as normal, then I left as normal. I actually fully expected to have to go up a few times, but he chatted for a while like he usually does then just went to sleep! James has just gone in and taken a photo, doesn't he look so tiny in it!? So far so good though, I'm impressed.



Thursday, January 04, 2007

End of an Era

Tonight is the last night Kory will sleep in his cot. His big boy bed arrived today and James is going to build it tomorrow (assuming it only takes one day!) It was a bit sad putting him to bed for the last time in it, my baby is growing up! I explained to him tomorrow he wouldn't be a baby any more and would sleep in a big boy bed, and he nodded at me like what I'd said was ok. I had to nip up tonight and take a wee photo of him! I'm sure there will be an update of the outcome of the new bed!



Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's 2007!!

Happy New Year! We've had a quiet one really. We got a chinese on Hogmany and watched crap TV. We even thought about going to bed about 11pm, but that just seemed wrong and weird. So we did stay up for the bells, but went to bed shortly afterwards.

On New Years day, we just spent time playing in the house. We blew up the bed that Kory got for Christmas to see how it worked. He loves it as you can see. As soon as it was blown up, he knew it was a bed and clambered in and lay watching TV for ages.

This morning when he got up, he got in it to play and read his book, and tuck in his doggy. We've not had the heart to put it down yet!

So he keeps getting in it and saying cheese wanting us to take his photo. He's been very very funny today, making us laugh lots with his running commentary and coming out with things from months ago. He pretends to be on the phone to Tom a lot this week since he saw him last week and has learnt to say "minimum" which is a strange word to hear someone so small say!

On baby news, well there isn't really any. Lots of kicking and punching, no progression really on the names front (not that I'll be putting it here when there is!) The movements have got to be big enough to sit something on my tummy and watch it move now, which James likes. Today I washed the first of the baby things, the bouncy chair so it smells all yummy. I've bought a few more little things for her and pretty much chosen decor for her room.

Kory is obsessed with 2 things just now - apples and Numberjacks. He is always asking for apples to eat and for those of you without small children, Numberjacks is a program on Cbeebies. He shouts "Zero" & "Nine" loads wanting it on. James has shown him the game online for it, so now he wants to play that too. You have to match the numbers to the pictures, he's actually very good at it! And he identifies numbers on James' t-shirts too!! Here are Kory and James playing it today.

And lastly, Kory's strange clean and tidy habits haven't changed! He takes his shoes off, they have to go in cupboard, finishes food, bowl goes away, after dinner he goes to hall cupboard to get the brush. This was him sweeping the floor after dinner tonight. I do feel sorry for him sometimes that he's cleaning not playing, but he gets so upset if you don't let him put things in their place or tidy up or wash his face/brush his teeth...long may it continue!
