Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fat Cute Baby!

Just a quick post tonight, had a busy day and am tired. Here is me being cute this morning before going a huge walk with mummy and 3 of my friends to baby massage classes. I do like my body being touched, it makes me relaxed. I even zonked out afterwards on the mat, which mummy thought was funny. We then walked all the way home again, grabbed some lunch before heading out again with Suzanne and baby James.

In the afternoon we went to get me weighed and I was a whopping 13lbs. Mummy says I have fat little leggies and armies!! Then we met Holly and Hannah and went to get me new clothes for next summer in the sale. But mummy saw this hat and had to buy me it!! I like wearing it the wrong way though so you can't see it says "cheeky monkey" on it. I also got a winter jacket! I'm such a lucky boy.



Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Swimming and Boredom!

Look at the little cool dude!! This photo was taken after we'd been swimming on Sunday morning. In fact we'd been swimming and to Asda and home again by 11am and were at a loose end as to what to do for the rest of the day. So we put Kory for a wee sleep then headed into town to start Xmas shopping (yeah yeah I know it's June!!) Then we headed to Duthie Park and had a wander around there. Kory was pretty much oblivious as usual.

For the past 2 days Kory and I have done pretty much nothing. He's been up a lot through the nights and we're both shattered. Yesterday we met Dawn and Erin and went for a walk through the forest bit near where we live and today we did the same but just the 2 of us. The photo above is Kory in his usual pose now "Is this attached to me?" or "Am I making this thing move?" he just sits staring at his hands for ages...strange boy!

I'm sure there'll be more interesting things to write about over the next few days as we have lots on! I've even been asked to go along and talk to pregnant folk about breastfeeding at their ante-natal class in 2 weeks, scary!



Saturday, June 25, 2005

2 Days of Nothingness!

Yesterday Kory and I didn't do a lot, just messed about in the house then went a walk after lunch and had Hannah and Holly here for a wee while. Today we've not done a lot either for a change, just bummed about the house really (and of course the usual Asda trip!). Kory has been very good, having sleeps when he's tired, and we've even managed to get the house cleaned (well kind of!) As he's always wanting to be upright and can hold his head well, we decided that even though he's too young for it, we'd try him in his Tigger bouncer. Have a look at him bouncing around in this wee film...

He absolutely loved it, was in it for about an hour, and sucked it to death! He got it sussed pretty quickly that kicking his legs made him bounce, and was very happy there, and my arms didn't hurt holding him up! I love this photo, as if he's finally worked out how to not have to look at my face!!

Tomorrow we're off swimming, I'm so excited!


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Too Many Girls!!

Well, I might only be 3 months old, but my goodness, I'm surrounded by potential girlfriends!! First there is Holly who I see lots of, but she's an older woman and I just don't know how I feel about having one of those, I think they are bossy. Then at our baby group there is Erin and the twins Kirsty and Morven then Kerry and Amy too! There are lots of other boys there too, but I think I'm the best catch there. I just eye the girlies up and hope they notice me!

Here is a photo of me today with Kirsty, she kept trying to hold my hand, but I was so embarassed as our mums were both there!! Doesn't she know that these things should be done in private! We had a good chat until Morven joined us and I couldn't tell them apart!!

That was my day, I'm exhausted after all that flirting!!



Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Lack of posts due to sore mouth! I got a tooth taken out yesterday and was in bed at 7:30pm. Only just getting round to sorting out photos from past few days. Monday we had baby safety class, about choking and resucutation, so now I know what to do if Kory chokes!! Sure he's pleased about that.

Yesterday I left my toothbrush on the chair to go and sort stuff before leaving the house and came back to find Kory has now learnt to grab things as this photo shows. He was having a ball with my toothbrush!! He then did the same thing with a toy giraffe so it wasn't a coinscidence! He also discovered his feet yesterday and just keeps staring at them and wiggling them in amazement! If only my feet were that interesting!!

Kory went to my friend Sarah's house to play while I went to the dentist. Sarah was very brave, venturing out to the post office with Kory and her 6 month old, one in pushchair and one in sling!! After the dentist had inflicted his pain, I got James and came home to feel sorry for myself!

Today, as if that wasn't enough pain, Kory had his 2nd lot of injections. He screamed when they went in and for a while afterwards until I fed him, then he went all sleepy and just wanted to sleep all the time till bedtime. Poor baby was so knackered he zonked and we've not heard a peep all night which is rare! He was also weighed today, 12lb 9.5oz, so a 4oz gain this week.

And lastly, we also had his baby massage class this morning which he absolutely loved. He was having legs and tummy and chest done and he was giggling away. It sounds a bit modern hippy doing baby massage, but it's really relaxing for me and him and he loves it!!

Off to bed again now, my mouth is so sore :o(



Sunday, June 19, 2005

Fathers Day

Hi Everyone

Today was my Daddy's 1st Fathers Day and I hope I made him feel special. I got him a t-shirt that says "This is what the World's Best Dad looks like" on it, which he wore today, I got him a USB mug warmer so that his coffee doesn't get cold at work and I got him a mug with a photo of me on it to use with it!! I had to get him some sort of gadget, just to show that I understand all the stuff he keeps showing me.

We didn't do much in the morning, I played with Daddy for a while and Mummy broke the washing line! We then went food shopping and yet again I didn't sleep, I watched the lights from my squeaky shopping trolley. Later in the afternoon, we popped round to Holly's house to give her back the moses basket stand she kindly let me borrow. I don't know what I'd have done without it, I'd have had to lie still to fall asleep!! I much prefer being rocked. So thanks Holly!!

After that, we went to Argos to get a new washing line for Mummy and a swim seat for me. We tried it out tonight when I had my bath and I got to have it really really deep so we could check it works. It was brilliant, I bobbed up and down in my seat and kicked off the bottom to push myself along. Now they know I like it, Mummy and Daddy are going to take me swimming. How exciting!! And then I'll be all ready for my holidays!!



Saturday, June 18, 2005

Kory Gnome!

Doesn't he look like a little gnome!? He'll kill me for this photo when he gets older, and I might add that we did not leave the house like this, I just put it on to see how daft he looked and had to take a photo!! Poor kid, the things we do to him.

Kory has been pretty ill for the past 2 days, poor wee munchkin has had a cold and has been looking pretty pathetic! Can't blame him, I know how bad a cold makes me feel and I can blow my nose and sniff. His was dripping like a tap and he didn't understand. Poor Baby, but he seems a bit better now.

This photo was taken on Thursday before baby group, when he crashed out on me. You can't see it too well, but this outfit was lovely on him, has Little Roo (Winnie the Pooh's friend) on it. After Baby Group we went a huge walk with Dawn and Erin, although I am sure Kory and Erin were none the wiser!! Yesterday was rather uneventful, we went out for lunch and to Asda where I met my midwife then played in the house when James came home.

Today we have just been around the house most of the day. Kory had shorts and t-shirt on and we decided to try him in his sunglasses. He was very unsure at first, totally screaming, but once he calmed down and we took him outside, I think he quite liked them!! I guess it was just weird having something stuck onto his face that makes everything all dark!! But he needs to get used to them before his holiday!



Thursday, June 16, 2005

Portfolio Update

I've added a couple of new projects to my Portfolio section.

The Studio and Friends of ANCHOR.

We've just launched a new version of the Stewart Milne website as well.

Check 'em out ;)



Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Auntie Laura's Visit!!

Sorry we've been quiet, we've been busy little bee's! We had my Auntie Laura here to stay. But I'll start from the beginning of the week. On Monday morning me and Mummy went to baby massage class. When we arrived I was starving, and I really needed food. So Mummy fed me and by the time I was full up and happy, the class had finished. But she had watched everyone else so knew what she was doing, so we'll practise at home.

We then went to Trish & Aaron's house for lunch and Gillian & Matthew came too. Us babies got milk (shock horror!!) and the mummies had yummy sandwiches and chocolate! All of us then headed out to our second health and safety class. I was very chilled out and just sat in my chair watching everyone.

Once we were done, we went home and my Auntie Laura was there already. She needed lots of hugs and kisses from me, which was great, I love hugs!! She was very sad, but I hope I helped her. Once I was in bed, I kept smelling pizza...I'm sure they got a Domino's take away, how rude not inviting me to share it! I got the leftovers from my milk the next day!

Yesterday, we got on a bus, which was very exciting. It was like being in the car, except I didn't have to get out of my pram. We went into town to go boring shopping, and we didn't even buy anything for me!! Mum and Laura got clothes and handbags so I just went to sleep. Last night Laura gave me a bottle to fill up my tummy before bed, but it was so dark that the photo had to be taken using night vision on the camera!

Today, we had a lazy morning, then went to baby clinic after lunch to get me weighed. I put on 9oz this week, making me 12lb 5.5oz. Daddy says I'm a wee piggy! But I just like my milk a lot, it's nicer than that cold stuff he drinks (I think it's called beer??)

Auntie Laura is away home tonight, so we're back to reality and I'll have lots less cuddles, 3 people to give cuddles is loads better than 2!!

And just to show those who think I am always smiling and happy, here is a photo of me crying!



Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sleeping & Bubbles!

Just a quick update seeing as there's been nothing all weekend. Yesterday we got up late, James and Kory cut the grass, although Kory was more supervising. Some job he did of that, he fell asleep!! In the afternoon we headed over to see Lee and Kirsty. Their wee girl Jasmine who is 5 was a big hit with Kory and he lay on the floor for ages chattering to her and watching her. I think it's the longest I've seen him just watch something and be amused and smiley!

It was James turn to be on duty last night while I had my first girlie night out since he arrived. 5 of us went to an italian and then to a couple of pubs. We were home by 2am, and had a nice night, but today I've felt rough! Lack of sleep apart from anything else as I was up at 4 and 7. Thankfully James amused Kory most of today, I only had to feed him!

Today we have done a quick bit of shopping, some ironing and playing!! Here's a photo of Kory in his bath tonight, we almost couldn't see him for bubbles!!

Laura is arriving tomorrow for a couple of days, so I'm sure there will be more playing to be done then! We also have Baby Massage and Baby Safety classes tomorrow and lunch at Trish's house in between. What a social life we have these days...what did I do before??!!



Friday, June 10, 2005

It's been a while...

...but I thought it was about time I put another video on the blog.

Julie's had a bit of a rough day with Kory today. He's due another growth spurts between week 11 and 13 so we think that might just be round the corner. He spent most of today crying and wanting comforted, stressing Julie out in the process.

Whatever the problem was though it soon disappeared when Dad got home :p

Playful Kory was back in town and ready for some elephant grabbing (which is his new trick) on his mat and some time on his tummy. So here's some video of how it went :) and a few photos Julie took today in his new shorts dungarees.



Thursday, June 09, 2005

Lazy Day

Not a lot to say today, we had a lazy morning, Kory fell asleep in the garden watching the washing blowing. He slept there a whole hour which was wonderful! In the afternoon we went to baby group and again he slept, so I got to cuddle one of the dinky wee twins, I forgot Kory was that small and light!

Tonight he got his first bath in the big bath, as he kept kicking his feet off the little one and bashing his head off the top, we decided it was about time for a change. He went down tonight in less than 10 minutes which is the first time he's done that in weeks and weeks. We normally have an hour of screaming! Might have something to do with the blackout curtain thing I got yesterday.

Speaking of the blackout thing, I said I'd let you know how the night went. Well he got up once for 10 minutes at 4:30am, and then slept till 8am! It seems he thinks it's still nighttime! So in all I think it worked.

Only really posting tonight to put up pics as I have nothing to say.



Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Weigh In and Update

Check out these photos, I'm not sure when it happened, but when I looked at the past 2 days photos tonight, what a little piggy my baby has turned into!! He looks like someone pumped up his cheeks! This photo was taken yesterday, I plonked him on the floor when I saw a HUGE spider runing towards us on the couch. Those who know me will know I am terrified of spiders, so I had to get away!! I even got it in a glass!

We went to baby clinic yesterday morning to get Kory weighed, and he put on 4oz this week and is now 11lb 12oz. He is quite small for his age according to the chart things they use, but I was told not to bother too much about those as they are based on bottle fed babies and Kory is still exclusively breastfed. I love knowing the reason he is growing is because I'm doing it. Sad huh?!

Another porky piggy photo! I hate to say it, but the poor kid is starting to look like me with cheeks like that! Anyway, yesterday afternoon, one of the girls from baby group came round for a coffee with her little boy. It's nice just meeting other folk in the same position as me! She lives right over the road, so nice and handy. Last night I went to the pub with my friend Dave. I'd not really seen him since Kory was born, and it was also nice to be out for the evening!

Today we had no plans, so after Kory slept till nearly 7:30am, we got up, pottered around in our pyjamas and then we went back to bed for an hour together. He likes getting in our bed for a cuddle, and sleeps well. We got up and both got washed and dressed. This photo was Kory asleep while I was getting ready, think he decided I was taking too long drying my hair and he'd have a nap! Typical man!! He had better get used to it though.

We went into town with Hannah & Holly and did a bit of shopping. I got a blackout blind, so we'll see if it works tonight! Back home, James and Kory had a bit of a play and James was getting lots of giggles from him. They don't take long to learn Daddy is for fun and Mummy means business!



James' Portfolio

What?!?! An entry not about Kory? :)

I've added a new section to the blog called "James' Portfolio". I thought it was about time I put some of my work online for the world to see :)

Thanks to Dave at work for allowing me to add this. Watch this space for a few new entries in the next month or so.



Monday, June 06, 2005

Busy Little Me!

I've been a busy little boy for the past 2 days. Yesterday morning we had a nice long lie, all 3 of us! When we got up, we lazed about in our pyjamas for a while, then went food shopping. I was really tired, but I am just so nosey that I watched Mummy and Daddy the whole way round!! The lights on the ceiling there are amazing, we need some like that in our house too!! I was exhausted when we came home, and I zonked on the couch!

Me and Daddy had a bit of a play in the house while Mummy sorted some things out and wrote more letters for me to say thank you to all the people who gave me more presents. I got lots last weekend when my gran was up to visit. Later on in the afternoon, we all went a walk, and I took a little nap. I'm getting better at this sleeping thing, although I still feel like i'm missing out on all the fun!!

Today Mummy got me up and dressed and then I wanted to sleep, so I went in my cot for about an hour (15 mins to cry and 45 to sleep!) When I got up, we went to my friend Holly's house for lunch. I was a good boy and slept in her garden for ages while Mummy had her lunch, then I got up to have mine. I didn't even get time to have a play with all Holly's cool toys before I was packed back in my pram, how rude!

We went down to the local community centre for a baby health and safety class. It was really boring, all about how to stop me getting near the TV and into cupboards and stuff when I start walking, where's the fun in that?! So I slept the whole way through it!! I think our health visitor Caroline thinks Mummy is lying when she says I don't sleep!

The last photo was taken when we got home, in my jacket from Auntie Laura. Speaking of her, Mummy says she's coming up next week to stay with us for 2 days, I am SO excited, because she'll play with me lots. She's coming on Monday, but I'll maybe be too tired then after my baby massage and more boring safety classes! But I'll keep you posted.



Saturday, June 04, 2005

It's the weekend!

We've had a rather chilled out day today which was nice. In the morning I got up and went for a massage at Saks. I got vouchers for my birthday back in January for Saks but decided to wait and use them one "Bunny" was born. So off I trotted this morning leaving Daddy in charge!! It was lovely being pampered. All nice calm music and dim lighting was enough to make you go to sleep! Some of the bits really hurt, but overall it was nice.

When I got back, we did some cleaning of the house. Things have slipped a bit in the past few weeks, because at the weekends when James is around, we spend time together the 3 of us, and during the week, I either don't get a chance, or me and the wee man are out galavanting!! After Kory had 2 naps, (yes 2 in his cot!!) we went out a drive around the area. We went nowhere and did nothing , but it was getting Kory out and some fresh air.

This picture is of a clock that Kory was given as a present from one of my mums friends. We hung it this afternoon. When I say we, I mean James with me and Kory supervising!! It is hand made and hand painted and a really lovely present. He also got a Noah's Ark which is also hand made and painted from another of mums friends, which is a night light. We've not got it out yet as we've nowhere to put it, but are working on that!

Kory is now sleeping in his cot all night. Before now he was in it between 7pm and 11pm and then we were taking him into our room. Don't know if he's even noticed!! He's sleeping well this week too. We're only wakened at about 3am, and are back in bed within 20-30 minutes which is nice.

This week we have also decided not to swaddle him. It was turning into a disaster. He wouldn't sleep not wrapped up, and got himself hysterical if his arms got loose. However, he was getting too big for his blanket, it's getting too hot and I'd found him with the blanket over his face twice...not good! So now he's into his sleeping bag. As you can see, he's not overly keen on the idea & his hands flap all over the place. I'm sure after a few nights of taking an hour to go to sleep, he'll be used to it!!

This last picture was taken yesterday when James got in from work and was having "Daddy Time" as we call it!! Kory loves playtimes with James, after staring at my mug all day! This week he's really started to respond to me. Sometimes he just wants his Mummy now where before he only wanted me when he was hungry, but now he seems to want to play with me which is nice too.



Thursday, June 02, 2005

All Grown Up

These first 2 photos were taken this morning when the wee guy was being all cute and cuddly on my bed. He was funny with the panda, now he's learnt to stroke things, he was rubbing his fingers up and down it and giggling (that is when he didn't have his hand rammed in his mouth!!)

When I got him dressed today, I put on these combats and t-shirt and suddenly he went form a cute wee baby in his vest to a little boy. It was weird, but he looked so grown up! He even let me put him in his cot for a wee sleep this morning, so we have progression!! The photo on the left, he looks like he is dancing which is cute. In fact he has started bopping his head when you put on music which is funny!! So many new things almost daily.

This afternoon we had our baby group, there were loads of us there today. I can't believe the size of all the babies, even the dinky wee twins are getting big now. Kory was a pain all afternoon, he wouldn't go to sleep, even when fed. It's carried on into the evening and he's only just gone to sleep tonight, after 90 minutes of on/off crying. Grumpy baby, must get that from his Daddy!! Tomorrow we are meeting my friend Sarah in town in the morning and then in the afternoon going to one of the girls house for a coffee in the afternoon.
