Saturday, June 25, 2005

2 Days of Nothingness!

Yesterday Kory and I didn't do a lot, just messed about in the house then went a walk after lunch and had Hannah and Holly here for a wee while. Today we've not done a lot either for a change, just bummed about the house really (and of course the usual Asda trip!). Kory has been very good, having sleeps when he's tired, and we've even managed to get the house cleaned (well kind of!) As he's always wanting to be upright and can hold his head well, we decided that even though he's too young for it, we'd try him in his Tigger bouncer. Have a look at him bouncing around in this wee film...

He absolutely loved it, was in it for about an hour, and sucked it to death! He got it sussed pretty quickly that kicking his legs made him bounce, and was very happy there, and my arms didn't hurt holding him up! I love this photo, as if he's finally worked out how to not have to look at my face!!

Tomorrow we're off swimming, I'm so excited!