Sunday, July 17, 2005

My Big Boy!

Kory is growing up so fast! Last night he slept through for the 3rd night running and 4th in a week, so it's looking good! I got up with Kory today to let James sleep...till 11am!! Then we all got dressed (how grown up does he look today!?) and went to town to get lunch and shop. As usual we bought baby things, more swimming nappies for his hols as we're going through them fast.

Once we got home, armed with some little pots and ice cube trays, I decided to start cooking food for when I decide to start weaning Kory. I'm not planning on doing it yet, but if he decides he wants it any time now, we're ready to go. We have some appetising broccoli mush, some potato and mummy milk mush (eww!) and some apple mush. It all tastes pretty yuck, but I'm sure anything will be nice after 5/6 months of just milk!

Tonight Kory was really funny in his bath, kicking and splashing about. For the past few nights we've not held on to him and he is much happier (very independant baby, remind you of anyone??!!) on his own just lying there.

I finally decided that Kory really is too big for his pram and built the pushchair. He'll think Christmas has come early tomorrow when we go a walk and he can see out!! If I need it to though, the pram bit fits over the top. And I can still use it as a carseat for a long time yet. So it's not out of service just yet.
