Today was a very very hot day, the hottest I think it's been since I got here. We went for a nice walk in the morning to the doctors and then the chemist. Kory got some of those things he calls "Fweeties" and then we walked to Leanne's house. I was allowed to play with the Upsy Daisy that talked to me. I really liked her!
When we came home I was all sweaty and tired so I went for a bit huge sleep. Once I got up, we all had lunch in the garden and had a play. Maria came round with Baby Josh for a little while too.
I LOVE to watch the washing blow in the wind

Kory had something called an Ice Lolly and it was very very messy. He made a big puddle with it and then stepped in it and made footprints all up the path. Mummy said it would be very sticky tomorrow!

While Mummy made dinner, my lovely big brother read me a story from one of his new Thomas books. He laid down beside me so that I could see the pictures too.

All day, both Kory and Mummy kept trying to give me something that wasn't milk and it was in a yucky plastic thing. They said I had to have some of this stuff called water because it was so hot, but it was more fun to suck it then spit it out!! Here is Kory trying to make me drink it again!
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