Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Tiny Princess 2

Well after I posted that last post today, I got a call from my health visitor who had been reviewing Krystals weight after seeing me and was concerned. In a nutshell she wanted me to go and see a GP for a bit of a check over.

I did this in the afternoon and the short version is that yes she doesn't gain much, but it's nothing really to worry about. But she has been referred to the paedeatritians at the childrens hospital so that she is in the system. If once she's on solids she gains well, we'll just cancel the appointment. He thinks she's just going to be dinky.

And NO he doesn't think I should wean her yet!



Anonymous said...

Hi Julie
As you know some babies just don't put weight on quickly, Nicholas was 9lbs 3oz at birth and at 9 months weighed 16lbs 8oz and look at him now. Your little daughter is beautiful