All Grown Up
These first 2 photos were taken this morning when the wee guy was being all cute and cuddly on my bed. He was funny with the panda, now he's learnt to stroke things, he was rubbing his fingers up and down it and giggling (that is when he didn't have his hand rammed in his mouth!!)
When I got him dressed today, I put on these combats and t-shirt and suddenly he went form a cute wee baby in his vest to a little boy. It was weird, but he looked so grown up! He even let me put him in his cot for a wee sleep this morning, so we have progression!! The photo on the left, he looks like he is dancing which is cute. In fact he has started bopping his head when you put on music which is funny!! So many new things almost daily.
This afternoon we had our baby group, there were loads of us there today. I can't believe the size of all the babies, even the dinky wee twins are getting big now. Kory was a pain all afternoon, he wouldn't go to sleep, even when fed. It's carried on into the evening and he's only just gone to sleep tonight, after 90 minutes of on/off crying. Grumpy baby, must get that from his Daddy!! Tomorrow we are meeting my friend Sarah in town in the morning and then in the afternoon going to one of the girls house for a coffee in the afternoon.

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