It's the weekend!
We've had a rather chilled out day today which was nice. In the morning I got up and went for a massage at Saks. I got vouchers for my birthday back in January for Saks but decided to wait and use them one "Bunny" was born. So off I trotted this morning leaving Daddy in charge!! It was lovely being pampered. All nice calm music and dim lighting was enough to make you go to sleep! Some of the bits really hurt, but overall it was nice.
When I got back, we did some cleaning of the house. Things have slipped a bit in the past few weeks, because at the weekends when James is around, we spend time together the 3 of us, and during the week, I either don't get a chance, or me and the wee man are out galavanting!! After Kory had 2 naps, (yes 2 in his cot!!) we went out a drive around the area. We went nowhere and did nothing , but it was getting Kory out and some fresh air.
This picture is of a clock that Kory was given as a present from one of my mums friends. We hung it this afternoon. When I say we, I mean James with me and Kory supervising!! It is hand made and hand painted and a really lovely present. He also got a Noah's Ark which is also hand made and painted from another of mums friends, which is a night light. We've not got it out yet as we've nowhere to put it, but are working on that!
Kory is now sleeping in his cot all night. Before now he was in it between 7pm and 11pm and then we were taking him into our room. Don't know if he's even noticed!! He's sleeping well this week too. We're only wakened at about 3am, and are back in bed within 20-30 minutes which is nice.
This week we have also decided not to swaddle him. It was turning into a disaster. He wouldn't sleep not wrapped up, and got himself hysterical if his arms got loose. However, he was getting too big for his blanket, it's getting too hot and I'd found him with the blanket over his face twice...not good! So now he's into his sleeping bag. As you can see, he's not overly keen on the idea & his hands flap all over the place. I'm sure after a few nights of taking an hour to go to sleep, he'll be used to it!!
This last picture was taken yesterday when James got in from work and was having "Daddy Time" as we call it!! Kory loves playtimes with James, after staring at my mug all day! This week he's really started to respond to me. Sometimes he just wants his Mummy now where before he only wanted me when he was hungry, but now he seems to want to play with me which is nice too.

Hi Julie, I was just reading your latest post and if it any consolation, my friend is also 5ft and her baby at birth weighed in at 11 pounds and 7 ounces! OUCH! thats gotta hurt...yeah? I love checking in on your baby, he is just lovely, you and James are great parents! :)
Hi Pooh,
Not seen you on here for a while!! Welcome back.
Things aren't always easy with the baby, as I'm sure every parent in the world would agree. Glad to see others think we're doing something right though ;)
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