Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Weigh In and Update

Check out these photos, I'm not sure when it happened, but when I looked at the past 2 days photos tonight, what a little piggy my baby has turned into!! He looks like someone pumped up his cheeks! This photo was taken yesterday, I plonked him on the floor when I saw a HUGE spider runing towards us on the couch. Those who know me will know I am terrified of spiders, so I had to get away!! I even got it in a glass!

We went to baby clinic yesterday morning to get Kory weighed, and he put on 4oz this week and is now 11lb 12oz. He is quite small for his age according to the chart things they use, but I was told not to bother too much about those as they are based on bottle fed babies and Kory is still exclusively breastfed. I love knowing the reason he is growing is because I'm doing it. Sad huh?!

Another porky piggy photo! I hate to say it, but the poor kid is starting to look like me with cheeks like that! Anyway, yesterday afternoon, one of the girls from baby group came round for a coffee with her little boy. It's nice just meeting other folk in the same position as me! She lives right over the road, so nice and handy. Last night I went to the pub with my friend Dave. I'd not really seen him since Kory was born, and it was also nice to be out for the evening!

Today we had no plans, so after Kory slept till nearly 7:30am, we got up, pottered around in our pyjamas and then we went back to bed for an hour together. He likes getting in our bed for a cuddle, and sleeps well. We got up and both got washed and dressed. This photo was Kory asleep while I was getting ready, think he decided I was taking too long drying my hair and he'd have a nap! Typical man!! He had better get used to it though.

We went into town with Hannah & Holly and did a bit of shopping. I got a blackout blind, so we'll see if it works tonight! Back home, James and Kory had a bit of a play and James was getting lots of giggles from him. They don't take long to learn Daddy is for fun and Mummy means business!



Anonymous said...

I like the top photo, he looks like he is dancing in his sleep!