Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Back to Reality

I'm a very sleepy baby since we got home from our holidays. My Mummy and Daddy kept me up so late the other night, I was so upset as I was so sleepy. We didn't get home till 2am UK time but my body thought it was 4am. And now I have a cold and am all snuffly and sad. Mummy says it is probably the change in climate, whatever that means. And she gave me yucky medicine tonight, it makes me gag.

On Monday we didn't do much, we went a walk with Hannah and Holly in the morning and with Trish and Aaron in the afternoon. Yesterday we had Sarah and Coinneach over for a while and we all went to Stonehaven for lunch. Here is a photo of me and Coinneach when we got back. He was funny, he was rocking the carseat (this is the one we borrowed from Katy and Joe for our holidays - cheeky mum used it again!)

Today we had a lazy day again and all we did was a walk with Trish and Aaron and then baby clinic. I now weigh 15lbs 7oz. I think all my rolls are just air as they get bigger but weight doesn't go up that much!

Tomorrow we have baby group, so all in all a nice lazy week to ease us back to reality.



Monday, August 29, 2005

Cyprus Holiday

We're back home now after our week in the sun which was great. We were there staying with Coral and Chad(James' parents), Laura (my sister) and Jasmine (our niece - James' sisters daughter, not Laura's!)

We had a bit of a quiet week actually, as we'd been so many times before we didn't do the "tourist" things and spent most days by the pool in the garden and then eating loads at night and swimming in the pool again!

I love this photo of the wee guy in his sunhat. This was taken on Thursday I think when we went into Limassol to look around the shops. It was really hot so we stopped for a drink, which turned into lunch!

Here's Kory & I having a dip in the pool on our first day, it was so warm, Kory loved it.

This is a pic of Laura one night at the house.

Jasmine by the Swimming Pool.

Kory on his tummy not crying for a change. He's usually screaming when he's left on his front!!

Chad giving Kory some water when out for lunch.

Coral playing "Row Row Row the Boat" with Kory!!

This is one of the cute pictures of Kory with cousin Jasmine.

Kory looked so sweet in his linen pinstripe trousers and wee tiny shirt!

This is us all out for a meal on the last night.

Here's the view from the house as the sun is going down.

We're sure Kory has a split personality - look! These photos were taken only seconds apart.

Laura found a new best friend in Jasmine, they played in the pool for hours, with throwing each other in and Jasmine climbing on Laura's shoulders and jumping in and doing handstands together!

Here's me and James in a photo together which is unusual!

This is me with Laura - yes we're sisters, but twins??!!


Friday, August 19, 2005

Getting ready to head off

Well that's Kory all packed for his holiday...

...literally!!! :D



Thursday, August 18, 2005

Toygirl & Holidays!

Hello! Long time no posts huh? Well I've been too grumpy to post, my gums hurt me and I've been pretty sick too. Even Mummy hasn't taken many photos of me this week as I cry too much..ooops. I've been told I have to smarten up my ideas for next week when we go on a big aeroplane. Fat chance!!

Anyway, what have I been doing this week? On Monday I went to visit one of Mummy's friends in Stonehaven and her new baby Emilie. She is very small, and as you can see I look HUGE next to her. My Mummy says I was once that small, but I just can't imagine that, I've always been a grown up!! Emilie won't take long to catch me up...and then she can be my toygirl! I like this girlfriend business!! We stayed for a while and I even had a wee sleep there.

On Tuesday I was really bored all day. We went to the baby clinic in the morning where I was stripped off and plonked on freezing cold scales. I weighed 15lb 2oz which is exactly twice my birthweight. What a little piggy! Then we went a walk with Hannah and Holly but we both slept, in fact I don't think Holly even knew we'd been on a date again, WOMEN!

Yesterday I went on a big adventure. It started with meeting Aaron and his mummy Trish (he has teeth now, he's so lucky, I still just have sore mouth!) at the bus stop. We then got on a bus to go into town, which I loved. When we got off, we went to shops to get food and then to the cinema. Mummy says it is a special kind where she can take me. We saw a film called "A Lot Like Love" which is a chick flick and I was so bored I went to sleep. Too slushy for me, I preferred Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last time!!

Today was a usual Thursday, except we popped into Holly's house on the way to baby group. She was sleeping again...she's always sleeping, and Mummy says I need to take note, whatever that means! Her Gran was there, and she gave me big cuddles which was nice. Baby group was rubbish today, I couldn't be bothered being there, so decided to scream lots. I did go to sleep when we left though, and Mummy even got a chance to tidy up some things in the house.

So this'll be my last post as I am off on my holidays soon. I'll be sure to post all about it when I get home, but for now, bye bye.



Saturday, August 13, 2005

Long Update!

Ok, so now we've established folk know how to leave comments, let's resume posting our news, haha. I was never going to stop, just commenting that no-one ever comments.

We were busy last week with Laura being here, only somehow we don't have any more photos of her. Oops, sorry Laura! On Wednesday we went swimming in the afternoon with Kory, Trish & Aaron. Kory was much better than the other times he's been, and very funny. He was kicking his legs like he's always been swimming, and doing lengths of the baby pool! Once we were done there, we went a drive and then went to get James.

In the evening, James and I went out for a meal. This was lovely to have some time on our own, much as we love Kory, it was nice. Especially as we don't have family here, it was nice to get out.

On Thursday morning Laura took Kory for me while I packed our suitcase for going on holiday. This was extremely helpful as I get nothing done while he's here! We even got everything (well the clothes) in one case which leaves another one for all Kory's bits and pieces!

Kory sat for a while when they got back in his Bumbo seat, he looks so cute in it, and I don't have to watch in case he falls over! I had him up on top of the chest of drawers so that he could see everything we were doing, and he was absolutely fascinated watching us! In the afternoon I took Laura with us to Baby Group. I'm sure she was bored with all us sitting around talking baby and other things, we must seem so old to her!!

Laura headed off home on Friday morning; then Kory and I had a pretty quiet day really. Hannah and Holly came round after lunch for a while to play, I forgot to take photos of them though, oops. Loads of other pics of Kory though, being a big boy sitting on his mat, one with James and one looking huge on the couch!

At night I had an Anne Summers Party. I had 11 girls/ladies here, although I think ladies is a bit of a nice word for some of the language, haha!! It was good fun, and even Kory got up for a while and was mesmerised by all the action at that time of night!!

Today Kory had a long lie till almost 9am, then an old friend Iain came to visit. He now lives in Spain, and we've not seen him in over 2 years, so that was nice. We sat in the house for a while catching up, then went a walk to the local pub and had lunch. Here is a photo of Iain with Kory when we got back. Iain brought a good animal and their babies book for Kory to learn. He had fun sucking it this afternoon!

Kory has taken to chatting at full volume constantly in the past 2 days, not crying, but he just seems to have a lot to say! He's also discovered himself in the mirror, or should I say, made friends with the other baby in there, and tries to hold it's hand!

I think thats about it for our busy week!



Wednesday, August 10, 2005

No Comments

I know folk read this blog, but no-one ever leaves comments. All other blogs you go on have comments!! I know (coz my techy hubby has web stats!) that folk read it, and I get complaints if I don't do it, but some feedback would be nice! I feel like I'm wasting my time!!

Will post some more pics and tell you what we've been doing tomorrow!



Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Auntie Laura's Here!

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I did a post here, my Daddy has been hogging it! This is a photo of me yesterday just chillin' out in the garden. It was so hot, Mummy put sun lotion on me and rigged up my sun shade and we played outside for ages. Then we went a walk to Trish's house to meet her and Aaron to go for a big huge walk.

Here is me before we went for our walk, don't I look cool in my cap and shorts?! I loved them, and I even got to go barefoot and sat with my feet up in my pushchair nearly all the way! While we were on our walk, we went to the bus stop and met my Auntie Laura who is here for a few days to see me!

Today we went into town in the morning with Daddy to work. Auntie Laura pushed me most of the time, which meant I could see Mummy! I was bored mostly, they were looking at clothes and stuff, snore! Mummy says shopping is a fact of life and I should just get used to it!

At lunchtime we met my friend Coinneach and his Mummy Sarah and his brother Tiernan. He is 3 months older than I am and he's crawling and pulling himself up on things and walking about them. I can't wait till I can do that instead of being stuck in one place and left!

Auntie Laura bought me a new toy though, so it made all the shopping worth while! And we did keep taking breaks to give me some mummy milk! So now after my tiring day, I'm off to my bed and will try so hard to sleep longer tonight and not get Mummy and Daddy up again!



Sunday, August 07, 2005

A weekend of firsts

God where do I start!! It's been a bit of a busy one.

Things started on Friday night with me telling Julie to get out on Saturday and have as much of a non-Kory day as possible. Big mistake for Dad :)

She headed out on Saturday morning for her appointment at the Beauty Therapists. I can't remember if it was mentioned on the blog before but basically she got a free treatment voucher from the Early Learning Center for her to go and pamper herself. So off she went to get her manicure.

Kory had a wee nap and then we decided to head out on a bit of an adventure round Cove. It rained but it didn't stop us spending an hour out and about noseying around the place.

A quick meet up with Julie to top up Kory (he was running out of petrol!!) and then we were off in the car for a drive around Aberdeen. We ended up in some really dodgy areas I've never been in before. Just shows you what you find when you've got a baby to entertain :)

Julie and I decided to have a bit of 'us' time at night so, in preparation, we popped into Asda to buy some goodies. Kory recommended I got a copy of The Incredibles so off we went to the checkout with it and then headed off back home to see a stress-free Mummy.

Kory gave us a bit of break last night and we had a nice Marks and Sparks meal and chilled out to watch our DVD. Good choice BTW son ;)

Well that was Saturday and today wasn't any quieter!!

After the usual military organisation of the morning we headed out around 11 and decided to go down to the Thainstone Sunday market. We've never been before but thought it was worth a nosey. It's pretty much a large car boot sale combined with an indoor market. Nothing jumped out as a bargain but we did get some nice donuts on the way out :)

Kory was starting to doze off so we headed further down the road to check out some nice houses we saw online. There are some really lovely houses in the smaller towns around Aberdeen but you've got to be a really keen traveller to live in them. Half of them are in the middle of nowhere and your only neighbours are sheep.

To have a bit of lunch and give Kory a top up we popped into a small town called Huntly (for those that know it, yes we drove that far!!) and stopped in for a plate of chips and a cup of tea.

And that was really our day :). We popped into a furniture shop on the way home and then headed back to give Kory his playtime, bath and get him into bed.

We did get one little surprise once we did get home though. Kory has started sitting up :)

Ok he's still a bit wobbly but he's been building up to this for a few weeks now. He's going to be asking for Dad's car keys before we know it :)

We also thought we heard a little giggly laugh coming out of him yesterday but that has still to be confirmed. As usual, we'll let you know if anything does happen ;)



A few extra photos

There were quite a few pictures taken this weekend so I thought I'd drop them into a separate entry in case anybody wanted to see them.


Friday, August 05, 2005

Shopping and Swimming

Not much to report about the past 2 days. Yesterday morning we went to Asda with Hannah and Holly just for a nosey around. In the afternoon we had our baby group - Kory was a bit of a grumpy little piglet!

Today we went swimming with Lynne and Kerry, Suzanne and James & Allison and William to Tullos pool. Again, Kory was in a bit of a stinky mood! In the afternoon I went to Next to return a couple of tops that I bought in the sale and then collected James.

That's it! What an exciting life I lead huh?!



Wednesday, August 03, 2005

My First Real Date!

Hi all

Today I went on my first date with Holly to the cinema. She's written all about it and put a photo on her website, so you can read all about it there!

Holly's Website

It was fine until she was scaring me by yanking my bib! I did indeed do the Big Scream!



Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Can't think of a Topic!

Sorry for the title, I'm awfully sleepy and I can't think of a subject for this post!! Today I was a really good boy. I sat in my chair for ages while Mummy did the dishes, and then had my "public face" while Mummy's friend Katy came over with her son Joe. Joe was funny, I like other children, they are so much more interesting than adults, because they don't speak to me in silly voices.

Joe was showing me his Thomas the Tank Engine Book, and his sweeties! I thought he was really funny and lay on the floor laughing at him for ages. Anyway, he's been really nice and he's let me borrow his old car seat for my holidays. I am so grateful, I really can't be bothered listening to Mummy and Daddy moaning about having to take my big one, this is much easier!!

In the afternoon, I went for a nap in my cot and then played for a while with mummy. Then as I was a good boy I got to go out for a walk with Suzanne and James in my pushchair. I found it so interesting, I fell asleep again! I was in a great mood when Daddy came home from work, so we played and I sat on his head!

And look at me, how clever am I?? Taking my own bottle!! Anyway, I better return the laptop before the grown up's notice it's gone and I'm not asleep. I need all the sleep I can get, I'm off to the cinema with Holly tomorrow, Yippee!



New website in portfolio

That's another website just gone live :)

It's for a company called Autosonic and you can see it here



Monday, August 01, 2005

Lazy 2 Days

Yesterday we didn't do very much, Coral was still here. We got up and headed out, nowhere exciting, just Asda as we needed bits and bobs. We then went to go down to Stonehaven to a nice place for lunch, but it was so so busy and had a half hour waiting time that we decided not to bother. We went to Brewsters instead and all had big fat puddings! Then James and I went to look at a showhouse we can't afford that is near us. Basically just to be nosey!!

Today, after a rough rough night last night, Kory and I had a day chilling in the house. He had one sleep in bed with me as I was so knackered, and then another one in his cot!! In the afternoon we headed over to one of the girls from baby group's house for a coffee/chat. Here is Kory and Andrew playing on his gym. Kory was most disappointed he couldn't pull the animals off! The 2 of them were lying for ages holding hands, until Kory decided he'd try to eat Andrew's instead of his own! Andrew was less than impressed!
