A weekend of firsts
God where do I start!! It's been a bit of a busy one.
Things started on Friday night with me telling Julie to get out on Saturday and have as much of a non-Kory day as possible. Big mistake for Dad :)
She headed out on Saturday morning for her appointment at the Beauty Therapists. I can't remember if it was mentioned on the blog before but basically she got a free treatment voucher from the Early Learning Center for her to go and pamper herself. So off she went to get her manicure.
Kory had a wee nap and then we decided to head out on a bit of an adventure round Cove. It rained but it didn't stop us spending an hour out and about noseying around the place.
A quick meet up with Julie to top up Kory (he was running out of petrol!!) and then we were off in the car for a drive around Aberdeen. We ended up in some really dodgy areas I've never been in before. Just shows you what you find when you've got a baby to entertain :)
Julie and I decided to have a bit of 'us' time at night so, in preparation, we popped into Asda to buy some goodies. Kory recommended I got a copy of The Incredibles so off we went to the checkout with it and then headed off back home to see a stress-free Mummy.
Kory gave us a bit of break last night and we had a nice Marks and Sparks meal and chilled out to watch our DVD. Good choice BTW son ;)
Well that was Saturday and today wasn't any quieter!!After the usual military organisation of the morning we headed out around 11 and decided to go down to the Thainstone Sunday market. We've never been before but thought it was worth a nosey. It's pretty much a large car boot sale combined with an indoor market. Nothing jumped out as a bargain but we did get some nice donuts on the way out :)
Kory was starting to doze off so we headed further down the road to check out some nice houses we saw online. There are some really lovely houses in the smaller towns around Aberdeen but you've got to be a really keen traveller to live in them. Half of them are in the middle of nowhere and your only neighbours are sheep.
To have a bit of lunch and give Kory a top up we popped into a small town called Huntly (for those that know it, yes we drove that far!!) and stopped in for a plate of chips and a cup of tea.
And that was really our day :). We popped into a furniture shop on the way home and then headed back to give Kory his playtime, bath and get him into bed.
We did get one little surprise once we did get home though. Kory has started sitting up :)
Ok he's still a bit wobbly but he's been building up to this for a few weeks now. He's going to be asking for Dad's car keys before we know it :)
We also thought we heard a little giggly laugh coming out of him yesterday but that has still to be confirmed. As usual, we'll let you know if anything does happen ;)
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