Can't think of a Topic!
Sorry for the title, I'm awfully sleepy and I can't think of a subject for this post!! Today I was a really good boy. I sat in my chair for ages while Mummy did the dishes, and then had my "public face" while Mummy's friend Katy came over with her son Joe. Joe was funny, I like other children, they are so much more interesting than adults, because they don't speak to me in silly voices.
Joe was showing me his Thomas the Tank Engine Book, and his sweeties! I thought he was really funny and lay on the floor laughing at him for ages. Anyway, he's been really nice and he's let me borrow his old car seat for my holidays. I am so grateful, I really can't be bothered listening to Mummy and Daddy moaning about having to take my big one, this is much easier!!
In the afternoon, I went for a nap in my cot and then played for a while with mummy. Then as I was a good boy I got to go out for a walk with Suzanne and James in my pushchair. I found it so interesting, I fell asleep again! I was in a great mood when Daddy came home from work, so we played and I sat on his head! And look at me, how clever am I?? Taking my own bottle!! Anyway, I better return the laptop before the grown up's notice it's gone and I'm not asleep. I need all the sleep I can get, I'm off to the cinema with Holly tomorrow, Yippee!
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