Toygirl & Holidays!
Hello! Long time no posts huh? Well I've been too grumpy to post, my gums hurt me and I've been pretty sick too. Even Mummy hasn't taken many photos of me this week as I cry too much..ooops. I've been told I have to smarten up my ideas for next week when we go on a big aeroplane. Fat chance!! Anyway, what have I been doing this week? On Monday I went to visit one of Mummy's friends in Stonehaven and her new baby Emilie. She is very small, and as you can see I look HUGE next to her. My Mummy says I was once that small, but I just can't imagine that, I've always been a grown up!! Emilie won't take long to catch me up...and then she can be my toygirl! I like this girlfriend business!! We stayed for a while and I even had a wee sleep there.
On Tuesday I was really bored all day. We went to the baby clinic in the morning where I was stripped off and plonked on freezing cold scales. I weighed 15lb 2oz which is exactly twice my birthweight. What a little piggy! Then we went a walk with Hannah and Holly but we both slept, in fact I don't think Holly even knew we'd been on a date again, WOMEN!
Yesterday I went on a big adventure. It started with meeting Aaron and his mummy Trish (he has teeth now, he's so lucky, I still just have sore mouth!) at the bus stop. We then got on a bus to go into town, which I loved. When we got off, we went to shops to get food and then to the cinema. Mummy says it is a special kind where she can take me. We saw a film called "A Lot Like Love" which is a chick flick and I was so bored I went to sleep. Too slushy for me, I preferred Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last time!!
Today was a usual Thursday, except we popped into Holly's house on the way to baby group. She was sleeping again...she's always sleeping, and Mummy says I need to take note, whatever that means! Her Gran was there, and she gave me big cuddles which was nice. Baby group was rubbish today, I couldn't be bothered being there, so decided to scream lots. I did go to sleep when we left though, and Mummy even got a chance to tidy up some things in the house.
So this'll be my last post as I am off on my holidays soon. I'll be sure to post all about it when I get home, but for now, bye bye.
Hi Kory, I hope you enjoy your adventure on the big aeroplane. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. Wish Mummy & Daddy an happy holiday for me
Nic xx
Have a fab holiday, I'm not sure where you're off to, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
Love Emily (and mummy Joooles) xxx
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